DEAL is on CoinZest now!


DEAL tokens on CoinZest!

By Dec. 5th, the DEAL token that can be used inside the ContentsDeal platform has been listed on CoinZest — the future finance digital asset exchange in Korea.

As the ContentsDeal is an innovative platform for content business — users can have quick access to the limited content and increase the “preferred purchase rate” of the content released on the ContentsDeal platform according to the amount of DEAL tokens they hold.

By listing the DEAL token on CoinZest, those ContentsDeal platform users can have better access to DEAL tokens and get as much as they want — so that they can find and get the works of their favorite artists.

In addition, a certain percentage of the exchange fees will be distributed to those who contribute to the encryption system and the ContentsDeal platform as legitimate rewards — creators, ContentsDeal, and contributors on DATA security.

What you can do with DEAL tokens

As the DEAL tokens are listed on CoinZest since Dec. 5th, any users who use CoinZest can create the wallet for DEAL tokens. The ContentsDeal team will continue to do its best to make additional listing on domestic and global exchanges.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to visit the ContentsDeal team through telegram. We will continue to provide updates and progress in the community. Thank you for your interest and support.

Under the token economy ContentsDeal aims for, participants play multiple roles as investors, distributors and users after they receive rewards from the exchange of blocks.

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