Philosophers, Sexual starvation and Burgers: Why Wealthy men are looking for escorts and avoiding marriage?

Logical Mozart
3 min readJul 22, 2024


Philosophy students are the epitome of Nikesen which is the art of doing nothing. This is not to say that philosophy students are idiots. Never.

They have a good idea of the society in which we live. They understand that the modern capitalistic working class is being exploited, working long hours in places like Bangalore IT companies. What are we to do about it now? Philosophy students are the saviors of our society.

If they want to sell sausages, burgers, or onions, it is up to them because they have free will. The government should respect the free will of philosophy students. But let us take it a notch higher.

Why should there be such class differentiation? Why should there be such wealth inequality? When I say inequality, I suggest that some men are getting very good women and having sex with very good women. I do not envy them. They are within their rights to partner and procreate with whomever they want.

Philosophy students should be given a chance to sell sausages at motels, allowing wealthy men with their escorts to buy those sausages and integrate them into their biological pool, for example. In this way, philosophy students can have a societal connection. This aligns with the teachings of Friedrich Nietzsche, who said that whenever a biological organ is not big enough, a sausage can do the trick.

Societal connection should be impressed upon every person. Philosophy students are the greatest thing that has ever happened. I demand that nobody in this world should work.

Every citizen should be given universal basic income so they can live a life of leisure, doing nothing. Why are philosophy students selling sausages? Because they want money to entertain themselves with escorts. We live in strange times.

We live in an era of modern technological upheaval. We are talking about transhumanistic attitudes taking over comedy bars. Just as Dave Chappelle said, the fall of the courageous man is a sign of marvelous entertainment to converts. Similarly, philosophy students should take up stand-up comedy and put sausages back where they belong.

It is not to say they are transfixed with something that cannot be explained to the masses. Many people think philosophers have low cognition. Take Aristotle and Plato, for example.

Aristotle himself drank poison rather than repudiate his teachings. That is the hallmark of today’s philosophers. I am a highly cognitively intelligent fellow.

Do not take my word for it. I will ensure my talents are given topmost entertainment, achieving the synthesis of feelings, emotions, and neural feedback. Consider JD Vance, who became a bestseller despite his challenges.

Capitalist philosophy says that if you make the right choices, get up early, and sustain productivity throughout the day, then do it. Even if your health fails, you have a chance to do something greater than mere societal connection. How do you define societal connections? How do you maintain thought flow when everything is falling apart? We are on the verge of a nuclear holocaust, like in the movie Crimson Tide where Gene Hackman and Denzel Washington debated about nuclear weapons release.

He said war is politics by other means. Philosophy students should understand we live in strange times. They should connect with virgins and fulfill their sexual fantasies before the inevitable happens. Philosophers should eat sausages so the remaining people can live in their misery and deprivations.

