The Long awaited ICO kicks off in a grand style

Democratizing The World Through The Contractium Network

Contractium Network
4 min readJul 8, 2018

In today’s world, technology is at every corner and it is trying to make life easier and better. However one of the plaguing issues of man’s existence is that of trust. How can we do without having a middle man in our enterprises or social interactions? This issue brought about a business model (e-commerce industry) which eliminated the middle men by the development of software acting as intermediaries on their own.

However successful these intermediaries have been, they have equally brought about another interesting twist to the fore,which is nothing other than Centralization. From time immemorial, society has been reeking with the impact of centralized operations in our transaction and social interactions that bear little value on the everyday users of such “necessary societal services” (social media/networks). With the view of giving back powers to the hands of anyone and everyone thereby truly democratizing society, the Blockchain Technology came alive through the Bitcoin Network (Cryptocurrency).

This technology holds the ability to change how business is conducted and how man interacts with one another with specific emphases on censorship, privacy, security and downtime. Over the years this technology has grown to include self-executing agreements known as Smart Contracts which was enabled firstly through the Ethereum Blockchain, undoubtedly the first and largest network as seen in blockchain networks allowing the deployment of decentralized applications (dApps) and smart contracts. By definition, a smart contract allows the digital creation, verification and enforcement of contractual agreements between two or more persons on a trustless and secure environment.

With this innovative development in the technology, there have been major impediments to its mass adoption and unhindered integration by the mainstream businesses. Among the underlying problems, there is a common denominator. Based on the current technological development in the space, only those who are technologically inclined with the requisite technical capacity of this nascent technology can actually utilize this varied industry disruptive smart contract functionality of the Blockchain.

This therefore brought about the singular reason behind the creation of the Contractium Network a decentralized application built on the Ethereum Blockchain and pushing forth its’ Proof-of-Contract Protocol aimed at changing how individual and enterprise grade transactions are conducted in our everyday dealings.

As Hung V. Nguyen the young and vibrant Co-founder and CEO of Contractium Network puts it in his open letter to relevant stakeholders inviting them to one of the most anticipated ICOs in the blockchain sphere already smashing through by releasing its MVPs ahead in its roadmap,

I personally, believe that the “privatization of money” with blockchain and cryptocurrency, will re-establish, reset and reform the world economy in the next 10 years.

Contractium Network Laying the Digital Coordinates to True and Easy Democratization through its’ Dapps

Alpha version of the Smart Contract Application release

The Smart-Contract-App enables end users to create commercial smart contracts to work together. What this does is quite an intuitive simplification of the complicated process of creating smart contracts and deployment of same on the Blockchain by anyone just with clicks, drags-and-drop through its unique User Interface. Smart Contract as defined above changes how man interacts with each other and how best to conduct business relations. In a changing world where privacy, trust, transparency etc are very much paramount to contractual parties, utilizing a technology which provides such amazing features as the Blockchain through smart contracts is imperative to sustainable success and Contractium Network makes it just possible.

Another fascinating developmental feature of the Contractium Network in its bid to truly democratize society is the inclusion of a Token Issuance service on its Network, the Tokenize-App.

Enabling Enterprise grade organizations tokenize their businesses easily

The Tokenize-App empowers business users to create and issue tokens on the Ethereum Blockchain and on other chains with or without any technical knowledge or skills. With businesses striving to grasp the complexity of issuing tokens to use in their businesses as native currencies to power their platforms, ample time is lost in the process of undergoing various training to understanding the technicalities involved. The norm which stands as the alternative is to contract the services of professionals either as competent staff member or otherwise sub-contracting it to tech agencies capable of integrating the required infrastructure for this technology. This equally comes as an additional cost or increased expenditures for the enterprise thus reducing profitability.

Therefore based on these challenges Contractium Network provides the Tokenize App empowering businesses to create, issue and use cryptocurrencies to level the playing grounds for both big and small enterprises by bringing equal opportunities to everyone in this era of blockchain and cryptocurrency industry with its mission and vision of “privatization of money” which it believes will re-establish, reset and restore the world economy in the next decade.

This is made possible through the conducting of its’ ongoing ICO issuing out CTU tokens(the contract fuel for the Contractium Network) to investors which officially kicked off on the 7th of July 2018 with a whopping 65% bonus to its Private Sale Investors.

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Contractium Network

The one-stop solution for creating smart contracts and revolutionized business reward system powered by the CTU tokens (The contract fuel for Smart Contracts)