Seattle Ant Exterminator by Parker Eco Pest Control

Parker ECO Pest Control
2 min readOct 28, 2022


If you’re currently experiencing a ant problem in your home or business, make sure you call an Seattle ant exterminator right away. There are tons of ant species out there, and you don’t want to take any chances If these pests find their way into your home, they are definitely going to start to make your life miserable.

Get Rid of All But Necessary Ant-Infested Items -

If you want to get rid of the ants in your home for good, you need to pull every ant-infested item out of your home. You don’t have to get rid of the things that bugs like to call “your comfort items” (like couches and chairs), but you should get rid of everything else. If you leave any “un-infested items” in your home, the ants will quickly discover that item as a desirable home and will easily jump from item to item.

Fill All the Signs of Ant Entry Sites -

Next, you should fill every single crack, hole, or crack in your house with caulk. Some of the most common needs are rot using the wood of your house and water pipes. If you’re trying to get rid of ants, you need to do everything you can to seal up every possible entry point.

Seal All Crawl Space Accesses -

Crawl spaces can be major entry points for ants because they go in the cracks in the foundation and walls. If you have an ant problem, the best thing you can do is seal these entry points. Seal any plumbing areas where the ant can go in. Purchase epoxy sheets to put over the anything that is going through the walls. And anything else in cracks in your walls.

Don’t delay in getting in touch with Parker Eco Pest Control. Often times, the sooner you call, the easier it will be to get rid of those pesky ants. Even if they don’t go away quickly, following up your calls with Parker Eco Pest Control can help to effectively get rid of the nests and nests for good.

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