Image Credit: CONTX Media.

Oklahoma City Bombing: How The Mystery Of Timothy McVeigh Still Haunts America, 27 Years On

6 min readApr 29, 2022


Killing 168 people, 19 children, and injuring over 680 others, the Oklahoma City bombing marked a new chapter in American History that had been written in blood, fear and dismay. Terrorism had struck home and nothing would ever be the same again.

Timothy James McVeigh, the U.S. Army veteran who drove the ammonium nitrate bomb disguised as a Ryder rental truck to Oklahoma City, parked outside the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, lit the fuse and walked two blocks until he heard the blast at 9:02 am.

To the public’s dismay, the Oklahoma City bombing presents us with layers that reach far beyond the prism of a tightly knit lone bomber story. But McVeigh also left traces of his mystery within the inner sanctums of anti-government propaganda.

But what was initially broadcast as a simple evil act perpetrated by an enraged individual, conflicted by the American government’s mishandling of the Waco siege, transformed into one of the most definitive examples of an American story tangled in deception, fabrication and misinformation.


A 26-year-old McVeigh awoke in the early hours on April the 19th 1995 from his Dreamland hotel room located near Fort Riley, Kansas City…




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