Exploring the Various Meaning of “Sayang” or How Love and Regret are Connected in Bahasa Indonesia.

6 min readOct 3, 2023


Love and regret are inextricably linked, like two sides of the same coin. The path of love is often strewn with regrets, as we try to navigate our way through the unpredictable landscape of our emotions. It is a journey fraught with joy and pain, with laughter and tears, and with moments of sublime beauty and crushing disappointment.

Love is a force that can inspire us to reach the heights of ecstasy and joy, but it can also plunge us into the depths of despair and sorrow. It is a force that can bring us together, but it can also tear us apart. And at the heart of all of this is the ever-present specter of regret.

Regret is the shadow that follows us on our journey of love, a constant reminder of the paths not taken, the words left unsaid, the opportunities missed. It is the nagging voice that whispers to us in the still of the night, reminding us of our mistakes, our failures, our shortcomings. It is the weight that we carry with us, the burden of what might have been.

Regret is the cruel mistress of love, the constant companion of those who dare to venture down the path of the heart. It is the bitter pill that we must swallow, the price that we must pay for the sweet nectar of love. It is the price that we must pay for the moments of bliss and joy that love can bring, for the memories that we will carry with us forever.

And yet, despite the pain and heartache that regret can bring, we continue to walk down the path of love. We continue to open ourselves up to the possibility of joy and the risk of heartbreak. We continue to take the chance that we might find someone who will love us, who will accept us for who we are.

The connection between love and regret is perhaps best illustrated in the Indonesian word “sayang.” This word has two distinct meanings: love and unfortunate.

When we say “sayang” to someone, we are expressing our love for them. We might say “sayang” to our partners, our children, or our friends. For example, a mother might say “sayangku” to her child, which means “my love.” Similarly, a partner might say “sayang” to their significant other to express their love and affection. Sayang conveys a sense of warmth and affection, and it’s often used to express the deep emotional connection we have with someone.

However, sayang can also be used to express a sense of regret or disappointment. For example, if someone misses an opportunity to do something, they might say “sayang sekali,” which means “unfortunately.” In this context, sayang is used to express a sense of disappointment or regret, often in relation to something that has been lost or missed out on.

The fact that sayang can be used to express both love and regret is a testament to the complexity of human emotion. Love and regret are often intertwined, and it’s not uncommon for us to feel both of these emotions at the same time.

This duality is what makes “sayang” such an interesting and complex word.

When we love someone or something deeply, we are often afraid of losing it or missing out on it. This fear can lead to a sense of regret or disappointment if things don’t work out the way we hoped.

When we experience love, we open ourselves up to the possibility of loss and disappointment. This is because love is often associated with a desire for something or someone that we can’t fully control. We might love someone who doesn’t feel the same way about us, or we might love a project or a goal that we can’t quite achieve. In these situations, the word “sayang” can be used to express our complex feelings of love and regret.

For example, imagine that you’re in love with someone who doesn’t feel the same way about you. You might feel a sense of regret or disappointment that things didn’t work out the way you wanted them to. In this context, sayang could be used to express both your feelings of love and your sense of regret.

But “sayang” is not just about romantic love. It can also be used to express affection and care for family members, friends, and even pets. In these contexts, the word takes on a slightly different meaning, but the connection between love and regret remains. When we care deeply about someone or something, we become invested in their well-being and happiness. This can lead to feelings of regret or disappointment if things don’t work out the way we wanted.

The word “sayang” is used to express complex and nuanced emotions. It is a word that recognizes the interconnectedness of our emotional experiences and the way in which our feelings of love, regret, gratitude, and sympathy are often intertwined.

Similarly, if you miss out on an opportunity that you really wanted, you might feel a sense of regret or disappointment. In this context, sayang could be used to express both your feelings of disappointment and the fact that you really wanted the thing that you missed out on.

In both of these examples, “sayang” is used to express a complex and nuanced set of emotions. It’s a word that captures the multifaceted nature of human experience, and the way in which our emotions are often intertwined with one another.

The Bahasa Indonesia word “sayang” is a fascinating and complex word that can express a wide range of emotions, including love, regret, disappointment, and pity. The connection between these different meanings lies in the fact that they are all related to the complex nature of human emotions, and the way in which our feelings are often intertwined with one another.

Since, love endures all. It endures through the pain and the heartache, through the tears and the sorrow. It endures because it is a force that is greater than regret, a force that can transcend even the deepest of wounds.

Love is the light that shines in the darkness, the hope that springs eternal in the human heart. It is the force that can bring us together, that can heal our wounds and mend our broken hearts. It is the force that can transform us, that can help us to become better versions of ourselves.

And so, even in the face of regret, we continue to love. We continue to walk down the path of the heart, knowing that we might stumble and fall, that we might be hurt and betrayed. But we also know that we might find joy and happiness, that we might find someone who will love us for who we are, flaws and all.

“Sayang” is a word that captures the essence of the human experience, the highs and the lows, the joys and the sorrows. It is a word that speaks to the complexity of our emotions, the ways in which our love and our regret are intertwined.

It speaks to the moments of tenderness and vulnerability, the moments of connection and intimacy. It speaks to the moments of longing and desire, the moments of hope and possibility.

It speaks to the moments of heartache and sorrow, the moments of loss and of grief. It speaks to the moments when we feel the weight of regret, the moments when we wish we had done things differently, when we wish we could turn back time and make things right.

But even in those moments, when the weight of regret threatens to crush us, “sayang” endures. It endures because it is a force that is greater than our mistakes, greater than our regrets, greater than our fears.

So then, let us express our love and our affection knowing that it is a gift that can bring joy and healing to the world. Let us embrace our regret, too, knowing that it is a reminder of our humanity, of our imperfection, of our need for grace and forgiveness.

Let us walk the path of “sayang”, with all its joy and all its sorrow, with all its hope and all its regret; As this is what it takes to be human, to love and be loved.




From balancing equations to telling stories, this engineer is branching out into the world of writing. Buckle up and join me on this unexpected journey!