
Did Google Really Fake Its Hands-on Gemini AI Video

Google’s Gemini AI: Hype vs. Reality?

2 min readDec 9, 2023


photo credit: Youtube

In a recent move that has sparked controversy, Google has admitted to editing its hands-on demo video for its new AI platform, Gemini. The video, which showcased the platform’s impressive capabilities, was initially presented as a real-time demonstration. However, it has since been revealed that the video was edited to “reduce latency and shorten outputs for brevity.”

This revelation has led to accusations that Google misled the public and overhyped the capabilities of its new AI platform. Critics argue that the edited video did not accurately represent what Gemini can actually do in real-world scenarios.

What was shown in the video?

Source: YouTube video “The Gemini Lie”,

The video featured a series of impressive demonstrations, including:

  • A user asking Gemini to generate different kinds of creative text formats, like poems, code, scripts,musical pieces, email, letters, etc.
  • A user asking Gemini to answer questions in an informative way, even if they are open ended,challenging, or strange.
  • A user asking Gemini to follow instructions and complete requests thoughtfully.

However, it is now known that these interactions were not spontaneous responses to user prompts. Instead, they were the result of a series of carefully crafted prompts and edits.

What is Google’s response?

Google has defended its decision to edit the video, claiming that it was done to “inspire” developers rather than deceive. The company also maintains that all of the user prompts and outputs shown in the video are real, albeit shortened for brevity.

What are the implications?

This controversy raises important questions about the ethics of AI marketing. It highlights the potential for hype and exaggeration to overshadow the reality of new technologies. It also underscores the importance of transparency and clear communication when promoting complex technologies.

What does this mean for the future of Gemini?

Despite the controversy, Gemini still has the potential to be a powerful AI tool. Its unique capabilities in the area of multimodal interaction could be used to develop a wide range of innovative applications. However, it is important to manage expectations and be realistic about its current capabilities.


The controversy surrounding Google’s Gemini AI hands-on demo video serves as a reminder of the need for transparency and responsible marketing in the tech industry. It also highlights the importance of critical thinking and skepticism when evaluating new technologies.




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