The Psychology of Puzzle Solving: Why Do We Love Brain Teasers?

Cook Benjamin
4 min readDec 13, 2023


Puzzles have been a part of human culture for centuries. From ancient riddles and enigmas to modern-day crossword puzzles and Sudoku, humans have always been drawn to the challenge and satisfaction of puzzle solving. But have you ever wondered why we love brain teasers so much? What is it about these mental challenges that captivate our attention and keep us coming back for more?

In this article, we will delve into the psychology behind puzzle solving and explore some of the reasons why people are so enamored with brain teasers. We will also discuss how puzzle solving can have positive effects on the brain and why it is a popular hobby for many individuals.

The Challenge and Reward

One of the most fundamental reasons why we love brain teasers is the challenge they present. Solving a puzzle requires critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and often a bit of creativity. The more difficult the puzzle, the greater the sense of accomplishment when it is finally solved.

This sense of accomplishment is closely tied to the reward system in our brains. When we solve a puzzle, our brain releases dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward. This rush of dopamine reinforces the behavior and makes us more likely to seek out similar challenges in the future. In other words, the satisfaction we feel when we solve a puzzle becomes addictive.

Mental Stimulation and Exercise

Puzzle solving is like a workout for the brain. Just as physical exercise is necessary for maintaining a healthy body, mental exercise is crucial for keeping our minds sharp and agile. Engaging in activities that require problem-solving and critical thinking, such as solving puzzles, can improve cognitive functions like memory, attention, and reasoning.

Research has shown that regularly engaging in mentally stimulating activities like puzzles can reduce the risk of cognitive decline and certain neurological disorders, such as Alzheimer’s disease. Puzzle solving keeps our brains active and challenges us to think in new and inventive ways, which promotes brain health and longevity.

Sense of Control and Mastery

Puzzles provide a sense of control and mastery over a specific task or challenge. In a world filled with unpredictable events and uncontrollable circumstances, solving a puzzle gives us a sense of empowerment. We have control over the pieces, the rules, and the solution.

This feeling of control can be particularly comforting in times of stress or uncertainty. By engaging in puzzle solving, we can escape from the chaos of the outside world and focus on something within our grasp. The process of solving a puzzle becomes a form of meditation, allowing us to relax and regain a sense of balance.

The Joy of Discovery

Another reason why we love brain teasers is the joy of discovery. As humans, we have an innate curiosity and thirst for knowledge. Solving a puzzle often involves uncovering hidden patterns, making connections, and discovering new solutions.

The “aha” moment, when everything clicks into place and the solution becomes clear, is incredibly satisfying. It taps into our natural desire for exploration and learning. Each puzzle solved becomes a small victory in the ongoing quest for knowledge and understanding.

Puzzle Solving as a Hobby

Given the many benefits and pleasures of puzzle solving, it’s no wonder that it has become a popular hobby for many individuals. Whether it’s solving crosswords, playing Sudoku, or tackling complex riddles, puzzle solving offers a fun and engaging way to pass the time.

Furthermore, puzzle solving can also overlap with other hobbies and interests. For example, model building combines the creativity and precision of puzzle solving with the craftsmanship and attention to detail of model making.

Similarly, collectible card games, like Magic: The Gathering, provide a unique puzzle-like experience that combines strategy, critical thinking, and an element of chance. These games have been growing in popularity, and enthusiasts are constantly exploring new card game trends.

STEM toys, another popular category of puzzle-like activities, engage children in science, technology, engineering, and math while fostering creativity and problem-solving skills. These toys are designed to be both educational and entertaining, providing a hands-on approach to learning.


The psychology behind puzzle solving reveals that our love for brain teasers is deeply rooted in our desire for challenge, reward, mental stimulation, and control. Solving puzzles not only provides a sense of accomplishment and mastery but also keeps our brains sharp and agile.

Moreover, puzzle solving taps into our natural curiosity and thirst for discovery, offering joy and satisfaction with each solved puzzle. Whether as a dedicated hobby or a casual pastime, puzzles are a source of entertainment, relaxation, and mental exercise.

So, the next time you find yourself engrossed in a crossword or Sudoku, remember that it’s not just a game. Puzzle solving is an activity that engages your mind and provides a multitude of benefits beyond the simple joy of finding the solution.


  1. The Joy of Model Building: A Hobby That Combines Creativity and Precision
  2. The Thrill of Model Trains: A Hobby That Keeps on Chugging
  3. The Rise of STEM Toys: Engaging Kids in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math
  4. The Rise of Collectible Card Games: A Look into Magic: The Gathering
  5. The Art of Model Making: Building Realistic Scale Models

