GROWLr Members Embrace Live Video During the Pandemic

David Cook
3 min readApr 30, 2020


GROWLr’s newest feature, Live, which offers livesteaming video to the GROWLr community, launched this week and was quickly embraced with a warm welcome by many of its members. Live gives GROWLr members the chance to broadcast themselves throughout the app, which can help them better connect with and meet new people. In these uncertain times, meeting people is harder than ever, but through features like Live video, and 1:1 video chat, a free feature coming soon to GROWLr, millions will be able to make new, lasting connections despite social distancing and stay-at-home orders across the country.

Recently, GROWLr sent out a survey to its members and found that, since the launch of Live, half of respondents already used the feature — 30% had livestreamed, and 60% of viewers said they were excited to start livestreaming in the future. It’s no wonder why Live is being received so positively, as 87% said they felt they were able to connect with more people on Live, and 75% of members saw someone new on Live they wanted to start a chat with. Members also had these nice things to say about their experience with Live, that helped it feel special for them:

  • “The streamers are awesome, it was nice getting to know them a bit and then chatting in private later”
  • “Makes me feel more connected to the community”
  • “The guy that was streaming was responding to messages verbally and that was cool”
  • “Just more of a personal connection verses just looking at photos and sending them a message hoping they write back”
  • “I take terrible photos, being live, I feel I can show more of my personality and the response has been great, and I have been inundated with hot guys to talk to!”
  • “We get to put a voice with the face and have a real conversation other than sex, there’s no discrimination whether you’re too feminine or too masculine growlr is a great LGBT app”

Having this sense of community and outlet for socialization is great for the GROWLr community who seem to be taking the pandemic more seriously than the general population. 75% of GROWLr members wear masks when out in public, and 97% of members are practicing social distancing. Strictly following nationwide stay-at-home orders, the vast majority say they have no plans to go on physical dates in the next 30 days, and 90% agreed that live video is a good way to continue to meet people and socialize during the pandemic.

We’re so happy the GROWLr community is enjoying the new Live feature and that they appreciate it as another tool to continue socializing in these times of isolation. We also can’t wait to launch our 1:1 on video chat feature on GROWLr, which will allow them to begin going on virtual dates within the app and help them safely connect with people even more.

