5 Steps to Perfect Pashmak, A Delectable Recipe

Cookery Magazine
6 min readNov 5, 2023


Pashmak is a sweet and delicious junk food with many fans and is one of the ancient Iranian sweets used in some religious ceremonies and happy rituals.

Pashmak is obtained using simple materials, and its texture is in the form of thin strings and fibers in pink, white, yellow, brown, etc., colors that melt in the mouth quickly.

We are adding the essential oils of fruits, coffee, cocoa, and saffron to the sugar used in the production of pashmak,By adding colored materials to white cotton candies, colored or colorful pashmak is produced.

Cotton candy, often associated with funfairs and amusement parks, is a beloved sugary confection cherished by many. But did you know that cotton candies are sometimes produced using only sugar? In this article, we’ll delve into the delightful world of cotton candy, focusing on a particular variant known as Pashmak.

In the past, most of these threads were wrapped around a piece of wood, but today, wool is wrapped in various ways. This delicious sweet also benefits the body, and in this article in the Cookery Magazine, we will introduce you to the properties of cotton candy.

Pashmak recipe

Ingredients for making proper Pashmak for yalda night

Flour, 2.5 cup

Sugar, 2.5 cup

Water, 1 cup

Lemon juice, A teaspoon

Cardamom powder, ½ a teaspoon

Butter, 1 tablespoon

⭐️ You can use vanilla instead of cardamom.

⭐️ Instead of butter, you can use liquid oil or do not add anything at all.

⭐️ If you want your pashmak to be saffron or colored, add a few drops of jelly food coloring or thick brewed saffron to the nectar.

⭐️ If you want your pashmak to have cocoa flavor, reduce two spoons of flour and add two spoons of cocoa powder after the flour is roasted.

3 colors of Pashmak

Recipe for making Pashmak

The first step

To make homemade pashmak, first pour two cups of sifted pastry flour into a pan and fry on low heat for 10 minutes until the rawness of the flour is drawn out and its good smell rises.

Add half a teaspoon of cardamom powder and stir, then add a
tablespoon of butter and stir frequently until the butter melts.

⭐️Butter makes the flour a little lumpy, which is fine.

Then we remove the roasted flour from the heat, keep it aside until it cools down, and then sift it into a large round tray.

The second step

To make nectar, pour half a glass of water and a glass of sugar into the pot and stir until the sugar dissolves in the water, then please put it on low heat until the water boils and the nectar thickens.

It takes about 30 minutes on low heat to boil and become thick.
After this time, add a tablespoon of lemon juice to test whether the nectar has reached the required consistency.

We take a tablespoon of nectar and pour it into a bowl of water and collect the nectar with our fingers.

If the nectar hardens in the water and we can remove it with our hands, it is ready; If not, it should be boiled a little longer to be ready.

⭐️If the nectar boils too much, it will harden like a rock when you pour it into the pan. So make sure to remove it on time.

The third step

At this time, we put some pieces of ice in a freezer bag and tied the lid; we greased the bottom of a large pan with butter and then put the greased pan on the ice.

⭐️The pan gets greasy because the nectar does not stick to the pan, and the reason we put ice under it is because the nectar cools down very quickly.

The fourth step

After the nectar is prepared, we pour it into a greased pan, which we put on ice, and with a wooden spoon or spatula, we direct the nectar from around to the center of the pan until it collects in a cool place.

When the nectar is collected in the center of the pan, we take the cooled condensed nectar with our hands and make it into a circle.

The fifth step

We put the rounded nectar in the middle of the flour tray, take a little flour from around the tray, and sprinkle it.

We have to open the rounded nectar with our hands, swing it like an English 8, then fold it on top of each other until it becomes a circle, open again as an 8, and close it until the pashmak is formed.

We have to do this about 20 to 30 times.
The more slowly and patiently you spread the nectar into the flour, the thinner the wool fibers.

Be careful not to use scissors to cut the wool until the wool is completely ready because this will cause the wool fibers to stick together and ruin the work.

Our homemade wool is ready so easily. You need to act carefully and patiently. You can serve it the same way or mix it in small molds or in the bottom of a cup to make it a bite.

Types of fairy floss

These additions have given rise to unique variations of cotton candy, such as Saffron Fairy Floss, Vanilla Fairy Floss, Pistachio Saffron Fairy Floss, Orange Fairy Floss, and Strawberry Fairy Floss. These flavors add an exciting twist to the traditional cotton candy experience.

It’s worth noting that Iranian Pashmak is distinct from the cotton candy sold in modern amusement parks. Not only is the taste different, but the cooking method varies as well. Pashmak is created by passing hot, humid air over sugar.

As the hot air hits the sugar, it transforms into a semi-solid state. Continuous exposure to hot air, combined with air humidity, causes the sugar crystals to stretch into long, slender strands.

For immediate consumption, these delicate threads are often wound around a wet piece of wood. On the other hand, for other purposes, Pashmak is packaged in various ways, allowing for a range of serving options.

Intriguingly, Pashmak’s appeal extends beyond its classic form. Additional ingredients, such as fruit essences, coffee, cocoa, and saffron, are sometimes introduced to enhance the flavor profile. The result is a treat that not only melts in your mouth but also surprises your taste buds with delightful twists.

scoped pashmak

Pashmak typically maintains a pristine white appearance. However, food colors are occasionally added to produce vibrant, colorful variations. These eye-catching versions of Pashmak not only taste exquisite but also look like a carnival for your senses.

The term “Pashmak” has transcended its culinary origins and is sometimes used ironically in everyday language. It embodies the idea of something sweet, delicate, and delightful, much like the confection itself.

In conclusion, Pashmak is a fascinating evolution of cotton candy, offering a blend of tradition and innovation. Whether you savor the classic white strands or explore the colorful, flavored varieties, Pashmak is a sweet delight that resonates with young and old alike.



Cookery Magazine

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