B.B. King: Artisan of the Blues

Cool Continuum
3 min readJun 16, 2023
B.B. King, photo by Heinrich Klaffs

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B.B. King’s place within the Cool Continuum isn’t just comfortable — it’s a perfect fit. And where does this titan of the blues reside? On the Artisan level, a niche that resonates with his life-long commitment to honing his craft and perfecting his guitar-playing skills.

Born in a sharecropper’s cabin in Mississippi, B.B. King — Riley B. King to his parents — had a humble start in life. His musical journey began in church, where he found solace in gospel songs. From there, it was only a matter of time before the blues, with its rich textures and expressive melodies, captivated him. The challenges he faced, from poverty to discrimination, became part of his blues vocabulary. His guitar, affectionately named Lucille, was his trusted confidante and interpreter, translating his experiences into soul-stirring music.

B.B. King was an Artisan not merely because he had the talent, but because he understood his gift’s essence. He recognized early on that it was not about flash or complexity, but about honesty, emotion, and authenticity. He was a master at expressing raw emotion through his strings, every note bursting with feeling.

