Why I Think BRAIN CHIPS Are Secured In The Future

Corey M Forsyth
6 min readJul 9, 2018

‘Neuroscience today is like chemistry before the periodic table: People knew about elements and compounds but lacked a systematic theory to classify their knowledge.’ –Paul Allen and Francis Collins, Wall Street Journal, 2013

Since the 1950s the use of electrical devices to measure brain activity has been rise steadily and much has been achieved since the introduction of the electrodes.

Due to the complexity of the human brain that contains a mere estimate of 85 billion neurons, 100 trillion synapses, and 100 chemical neurotransmitters understanding what is firing and activating what part of the body is responding is no easy task.

This need to understand one of the most complex structures in nature has prompted the government to start The Human Connectome Project in 2010, based in the United States of America. This will be a 10-year project that seeks to understand these process and what turns on what, along with these results, the scientist also hope this data will assist in the understanding of some neural diseases.

Since then, everyday science leaps forwards, advancements in the fields are rising at an incredible rate, the imagination of science fiction movies are finally starting to come within reach. Within this imagination is 3D bio-printing in which bio-organic molecules are…



Corey M Forsyth

1st year Biomedical Science Mentor. Just a regular man looking to make the world a better place using science . Contact: corey_forsyth@outlook.com