King Ravana

Buddhika kasun
8 min readMay 26, 2018


Ravana History

Ravan as known as Ravana ruled Lankapura Alias Malendura was the Capital City of the country during the period. It was believed that this place was covered by three mountains. According to the inscriptions, the extent of this Kingdom was larger than the present Sri Lanka’s land area. However, in terms of some legends, it was stated that part of a present Sri Lanka land was ruled by this kingdom.

Reign — 2554 B. C.

Predecessor King — King Kuwera

Successor King — King Vibeeshana

Consort to — Madoravana

Ravan Father name — Vaishrava

Ravan Mother name — Pushpothkata

Child — Indrajith

Who was the king ruled the Ceylon during the period from 2554 B. C. to 2517 B. C.? What is the gap that left for King Ravana (Ravan) in the history? Was he lived with 10 heads? What do you mean by Air Craft or Dandomonaraya which was treated as his vehicle? There are such large number of issues still unsolved in the history. Sometimes, Ravana (Ravan) may be the only concept that has left for us to think about the ancient human character.

Introduction to ravan alias Ravana

List of Kings in Sinhale (The old ancient period) — The end of the dynasty that comes in the list of kings in Sinhale, the history describes about three more dynasties. They are respectively: Tharaka, Mahabaali and Ravana. Out of these three, the information about Ravana is important because Indian Literature indicates about his technical knowledge and his talented martial power. The literature indicates that Ravana had ten number of heads and number of hands. It does not mean that he had ten heads and number of hands. It was the sign that he had talented abilities to do various activities. Even though the King Ravana was a so powerful king, he had been defeated by Rama. Even today, Hindu devotees in India celebrate the “Deepavali” festival to commemorate the incident that Ravana was taken under the custody of Rama. The Ramayanaya written by Valmiki was the best edition among other legends about Rama and Ravana.


  • Mother’s Father — King Sumali
  • Mother — Queen Pushpothkata
  • Father’s Father — Sage Pulasthi
  • Father — Sage Vaishrava
  • Wife — Queen Mandodari
  • Son — Meghanada alias Indrajith
  • Ravan Brothers — Veshana, Kumbakarna, Vibeeshana, Karan and Dushanan( the twins )
  • Sister — Suparnaka
  • Father-in-Law — Sage Kaalanemi

Ruling Hierarchy of the King Ravana begins from Kuwera. Kuwera was the grandson of Great Sage Pulathisi who lived in Polonnaruwa and the son of Vesamuni alias vaishramana. Vesamuni alias vaishramana was the son of Sage Pulathisi. Kuwera was also the son of queen Illavila who was the first marriage wife of Vesamuni. Later, Vesamuni had a second marriage and Keshini became as his wife. Keshini had given five child births begotten to Vesamuni. They were Ravana, Vibeeshana, Kumbakarna, Hema and Pushpika.

After some time, Vesamuni died and and his son Kuwera became the king and he ruled the country peacefully. In the meantime, Ravana who was the elder brother of Kuwera became a powerful person and he had an idea to rule the country. So he informed the king that he requires to rule the country of Ceylon, the Alakamandava (The City of the Gods) and the air craft called “ Pushpikaya” used by Kuwera. Kuwera got annoyed and refused his proposal and sent him away. However, Ravana did not want to accept the defeat simply. He was able to become the Ruler of the Lanka Land with the help of his relations of Devilish Clansmen. He was also able to capture the wealth of Kuwera, his palace and the air craft ( Dandumonaraya) called “Pushpikaya”.

Concept of Dasa Ravana (Ten concepts of Ravana)

The statue of God Ravana that made out of marble in the Ravana Devale (Temple) which was situated at underground of the Maragala Mountain. All the solders of the Uwa Wellassa Rebellion paid their respect and precept to this statue.)

According to the Varga Purnikawa it was believed that Ravana ruled 10 areas of the land and therefore he was called Dasa Ravana. Another saying was that Rawana had talented abilities for medical treatments and arts. As such he was called as the “man of ten heads and twenty hands”.

  1. Rajadhiravana — As he had ruled number of countries
  2. Viruravana — As he was a hero
  3. Thira Ravana –
  4. Rana Ravana
  5. Siri Ravana — ( As he was beautiful)
  6. Tharu Ravana — As he had an exceptional knowledge on Astrology
  7. Puthra Ravana — As he had sons
  8. Manu Ravana — Leader of the people
  9. Dick Ravana — The man can win the wars
  10. Rajawaravana — Brilliant man of skill

Four lands or Sinhalaya

According to the reliable ancient records, the birth of the Sinhala Nation had been done on the basis of four genecology. There are — Yakka, Naaga, Deva and Raksha. Accordingly, Four lands or Sivhelaya (Country of Sinahalese) means the only country that worshiped the God of Sun and ruled under one flag. Further, it was said that the oldest flag in Ceylon is the Ravana Flag with sun and moon. The concept of flag with the lion came to this country about 25 centuries back with the migration of Prince Vijaya.

At the time that Ravana became the Ruler of this country, he had built a temple (devale) in memory of his parents. This can be treated as a sign that ancient Devilish Clansmen had done the worship of death people. It was stated that this temple had been nominated as a Buddhist religious place during the period of King Pandukabhaya. According to the history, King Pandukabhaya had done a very special treatment on the Devilish Clansmen. It was stated that this place has been treated as “Isurumuniya” at present.

Alakamandava ( The city of the Gods)

Alakamandava, Chithrakuta or Sigiriya at present.

Dr. Lal Sirinivas and Mirando Obesekara described that Sigiriya is a post historical archeology turning point of Ravana according to the historical and geographical information collected by them. According to them, Sigiriya may be the Alakamandava (the City of the Gods) that was built up before 50 centuries ago by King Kuwera who was the father of Ravana (Ravan) as described in the Ramayanaya.

According to the Palm Leaf Book ( Puskola potha) of Ravana Watha (About Ravana) the architecture of the Sigiriya was a person called Maya Dannanawa. He built up Sigiriya on the instructions given by King Visthavasa (Vesamuni) the father of Ravana. During that period the Sigiriya was called Alakamandava and during the period of King Kuwera it was called Cithranakuta. After the death of Ravana, Vibeeshana became the king and he shifted the kingdom to Kelaniya. As per this book, Chiththaraja had used Alakamandava as his residence. Chiththaraja was a relation of Vibeeshana and a Patrician of Yakka. It was also stated that Chiththaraja was one of a persons who helped Prince Pandukabhaya to get the kingship. Parents of Pandukabhaya were descended from the tribe of Chiththaraja.

In addition, Ravana Watha was also described that Prince Kassapa who was the son of King Daathusena has selected the the Chithrakuta as his residence due to the fact that her mother was a follower of Yakka belief and also she descended from them. King Kassapa was the only king who did reconstruction and maintained the Chiththakuta as done by the king Ravana. The famous wall paintings in the Chiththakuta ( Later Sigiriya ) can be treated as displaying about the Sinhala Land i.e. Sri Lanka. The Ravana Watha explains that the picture of blue coloured lady represents the Yakka Tribe and other ladies represent the Tribes of Naga (Cobra) , Deva (Divine) and Gandabhbha (Odors) and the beautiful flowers show the unity of the country.

Air Craft or Dandumonaraya

Dandumonaraya is in an angle of a present artist.

The Pushpikaya or Dandumonaraya which is highly interested by the modern world was the official vehicle of Ravana (Ravan) . This was made out of wooden and fuel was a kind of mercury. The starting of the Dandumonaraya was done by heating of mercury with the help of a diamond. Another special feature of the Chiththakuta or Sigiriya was that a lift made out of wooden operated from up to down and this was the only Fort in Sri Lanka with this nature. It was stated that a lift shaft was drilled at the edge of the lion mouth towards the up and the wooden lift had installed. This had been operated daily. The assumption of the archeologists and historians that this Dandumonaraya would have made from the light timber got down from Himalaya. Also it was stated that there were over five hundred pictures drawn round the Sigiriya but those had been outworn due to natural reasons and time factor. The Sigiriya which is known as Chiththakuta or Alakamandawa may have built by either Ravana or Kassapa is a great construction and it should be the oldest fort palace in the world. No one can deny it.

As a Doctor

Raulan alias Ravana (Ravan) had written various classical Aurvedic in Sanskrit Language.

  • Kumara Thanthraya ( Kumara Therapy) — Over thousand Powerful medical prescriptions for leprosy and other deceases.
  • Udissa Thanthraya (Uddeeya Thahtharaya) — About hypnotism treatments and occult sciences.
  • Treatments through pulses — Diagnoses of diseases through pluses.
  • Explanation of meaning. — This book ends with the following sentence: This is the end of this book prepared for the purpose of cure hundred diseases written by Ravana the king of Sri Lanka.
  • Vatika Prakaranaya — Decoction dissertation
  • Kumara Thanthraya

It was stated in these books that an Ayurveda Seminar had been held in Himalaya under the leadership of The King. Accordingly Ravana can be treated as a bright doctor, psychologist and also the Chairman of the Medical Council.

Angam Shastraya: This is a martial art or a fighting method.

During the period of King Ravana (Ravan), this particular fighting system had seven divisions. It was a fighting system practiced by the Tribe of Yakka. Ravana had been able to add another one division to this fighting method. Even today, this fighting method that had been developed by the King Ravana (Ravan) is practiced by some people. Adding another division to this angampora game can be seen when the King Rajasinghe the First alias Prince Tikiri added “Ilangakkara” division to this martial art. It was the last adding to this fighting method.

Ravana historical evidence

The Cage of Ravana (Ravan) that was used to land the Dandumonaraya.

· The inscription written in Sinhala in the snake-cave of the Sigiriya ( Parumuka Naguliya Lena). Number of evidences can be seen in the Thalkota Village and surrounding areas.

· Rama’s Bridge or Rama Setu — Mannar ( fixed with floating stones).

· Inscriptions such as Gonagala inscription at Yala ( Block 5 )

· Inscription at Ravana Goda ( Nuwara Eliya)

· Village names such as Seetha Eliya, Ravana Ella etc.

· A palace of Queen Mandodari is at Mahiyangana.

