ICO finished unsuccessfully — BUT we plan to come back!

3 min readOct 17, 2018


Dear community of Coolomat Market. Our ICO unfortunately did not raise enough funds. To be honest, we received ZERO, yes zero, support. This means there will be no airdrop and no CMK token issued.


We approved more than thousand KYC applications. Even more applications on the other side where rejected due to KYC and AML rules. As it seems our whole community was waiting solely for the airdrop.

Our Telegram channel reached almost 40 thousand members. Majority of this were not active accounts. Up to a maximum of 2 thousand are possibly interested people in our project. We have about 22 thousand email addresses on our mailing list, from which around 2 to 3 thousand people open our mailings. So we know we have somewhere around 2 thousand members in our community. Everything else seem to be fake accounts produced solely for the reason of our airdrop offer.

More than 90% of our community came from Asia, while on other parts of the world awareness about our project was very low, although we did spend quite substantial amounts of our own funds for marketing and networking purposes. We know our message was delivered to hundreds of thousand google and facebook members, but the ICO offers are just not of any interest anymore to any supporters since about June this year.

We did receive interest but this interest is from the classical investors and VC world and more targeted towards Coolomats as a technology.

We are sure that the utility token ICO crowdfunding era as we know it is over.

Majority of the crowdfunding support for ICOs was based in the past solely on the financial speculative return for the supporters. Not all, but majority. ICOs which are successful now are privately financed by wealthy people or institutions, organisations, mostly marketed afterwards or in parallel to the crypto community for exchanges entrances. This has now become clear also to us, although not in the way we wanted to.

We still believe our business idea with Coolomat Market is a good one and we know it can be realized, although we do not have the financial backup needed to realize the project at this time and at the scale we want to.

We wanted to build up an ecosystem for the people, to be able to receive better and more healthy food online, for a cheaper price, while being more rewarding to the producers of food, farmers or other on the other side of this value chain.


We did realize also in the past our idea of www.coolomat.com although many where doubtful.

We will continue and strive to realize also the Coolomat Market idea as well and we still count and hope for your support.

What we plan to work on in the coming months together with professional partners and regulators is a possible STO offering (security token offer). Once we are ready for this step we will inform you about this. If the EU regulations supports such a step we are sure we will all have a bright future before us, while having healthy and cheap food available online.

On another side we will search for other means of possible financing from the classical financial world OR with strategical partnerships.


If you are a lawyer, blockchain DEV, student, marketing professional,… and you think you can help us please feel free to contact/email us and we will get back to you as soon as possible — our doors are always open for hardworking and smart people who understand and share our vision.

Thank you.

Andrej Vidmar, CEO




Disrupting global groceries marketplace by connecting buyers&suppliers on a platform utilizing blockchain technology and unique Coolomats www.coolomat-market.io