How I Manage Stress & Anxiety

Madison Brown
8 min readAug 8, 2020

It’s another week living in the sunshine state and it is getting hotter as we speak. I remember as a child I always wanted to see what living on the east coast was like, and at times I forget that I am not in Utah anymore. That soon goes away and I am reminded that we are in Florida where it is like 99% humidity. It is very different from the desert, and the humidity is something we have mixed feelings about but have gotten used to.

We are so blessed to have the amenities we have at our apartment complex, but our absolute favorite one is the little dog park provided for residents to bring their dogs to play and run around in. Koda Bearloves coming here a few times a day to get his energy out and ultimately play and socialize with other dogs! It is the cutest thing and we love meeting other dogs and new friends in the area. As much as we love kicking it at the apartment, every weekend we plan fun things to do to give our husbands a nice break and have a chance to explore the area. We have so many things we want to do and love the community we are able to enjoy it with!

Last weekend we were able to plan a little date night out, and it was the first one we have had in months! It is definitely something that we all take for granted, and is one of Max and I’s favorite thing to do together on the weekends. We decided to go to Red Robin’s and they never disappoint, so of…



Madison Brown

I write about sustainability, marriage, healthy habits of a successful person and my interests. Follow along for daily inspiration!