Sylius Week in Lille: summary
2 min readOct 10, 2018


Last week, we welcomed Łukasz Chruściel, core team member of Sylius, in Lille’s office. During this week, we chained lots of events dedicated to this e-commerce framework. Let’s go over them!

Sylius training @

Six of our co-workers attended an introduction to Sylius with Łukasz. This training made them discover the fundamental principles of this framework based on Symfony. Through this session, they had an overview of its various modules and they learnt to overload some of its features by diving into its architecture and code.

This extraordinary and rewarding experience gave them the materials they needed to use and improve the framework as much as possible!

AFUP Hauts de France Meetup

More than 80 people attended the AFUP Hauts de France’s PHP meetup. Between two refreshing breaks, and following Luc Vieillescazes’s excellent talk, Łukasz presented the ShopApiPlugin plugin and the command pattern in front of a full house.

You didn’t had the chance to be there? You can watch it on AFUP Hauts de France’s Youtube channel!

R&D with API Platform’s core team

Thursday 4th October was focused on implementing the API Platform framework with Sylius.

On this special day, Théo Fidry, Antoine Bluchet, Alan Poulain went to Lille to meet Kévin Dunglas and Teoh Han Hui to talk and do as much as possible with Łukasz. Without spoiling too much, this day was more than beneficial! We can’t wait to tell you more about it :)

Open Workshop @Euratechnologies

Do you think it’s possible to discover and extend the Sylius framework in a day? With this open workshop, it was a child’s play! About fifteen web developers from various Lille’s companies had the opportunity to discover this solution leaded by Łukasz who mastered his subject.

On the agenda this day: learning to add a resource, dive into the admin and the state machine. The participants feedbacks are more than unanimous, it was a productive day!

Hacktoberfest Sylius x Symfony x API Platform

This week ended with a hackathon in our office on Saturday, October 6th. More than a dozen of courageous devs (rewarded by homemade cookies and pastries) brainstormed for a whole day accompanied by maintainers of Sylius, API Platform and Symfony frameworks.

We can not wait to see if they will receive soon their branded Hacktoberfest t-shirt!

We are so proud to have been the first ones to organize such a week in France and we are thrilled to imagine what we can do with this great team in 2019!

Sylius is a community-based open source project with a real potential to meet the challenges of today’s e-commerce. It is without much hesitation that we recently became partners to make this solution shine even more. A big thanks to everyone who helped to make this week a great success ❤!



French self-managed worker cooperative. Creators of @ApiPlatform and Symfony contributors. PHP, Javascript & eCommerce consultants and web developers.