The Strongest Material on Earth

Henri Coorevits
2 min readFeb 26, 2023

There are many materials that are known for their strength and durability, but which one is the strongest on Earth? The answer to this question depends on how we define strength, as there are different types of strength that materials can exhibit.

One type of strength is tensile strength, which is the ability of a material to resist being pulled apart. In this case, the strongest material on Earth is probably graphene, a form of carbon that is only one atom thick. Graphene has an incredible tensile strength of 130 gigapascals (GPa), making it more than 100 times stronger than steel. However, graphene is not very practical for use in everyday applications due to its fragility and difficulty to produce in large quantities.

Another type of strength is compressive strength, which is the ability of a material to withstand being squeezed or crushed. In this case, the strongest material on Earth is probably diamond, which has a compressive strength of around 600 GPa. Diamond is the hardest naturally occurring substance known to man, and is used in a variety of applications including cutting tools, abrasives, and jewelry.

Other materials that are known for their strength include metals such as steel and titanium, which have high tensile and compressive strengths and are used in a variety of structural and mechanical applications. Ceramics such as silicon carbide and alumina also have high compressive strengths and are used in a variety of industrial applications.

In conclusion, the strongest material on Earth depends on the type of strength we are considering. Graphene has the highest tensile strength, while diamond has the highest compressive strength. Other materials such as steel, titanium, and ceramics also have high strengths and are used in a variety of applications.



Henri Coorevits

I'm a 23 yo Data Science student from Belgium🇧🇪, passionate about AI🤖, Space🚀, Energy⚡️, Science🧪 and Finance🏦. Excited about the future!