#6 Project Godjira Genesis

7 min readFeb 27, 2022


Honestly speaking, this is one of the coolest sounding project names.

Today’s topic on hand would be Project Godjira Genesis

This is NFA and kindly DYOR.(P.S. I do not own any Project Godjira Genesis collection)


  1. Collection Size
  2. Team
  3. Utility
  4. Community


Project Godjira Genesis is a collection of 333 items and it is launched on December 18, 2021 with a minting price of 0.05 $eth (Roughly around $140/-), this was considered to be a pretty low minting price as compared to the newer projects that are going for high minting price.

No shade to the 3 $eth(Rougly around $8341/- )collection that just had a bad reveal,it certainly is way too much.

Look at how far Godjira has come from a 0.05 $eth mint price.

The floor price for the Project Godjira Genesis is at a whoopingly 18.4 $eth (Roughly around $51,162/-) with a volume traded of around 1200 $eth (Roughly around $3,336,708.00/- ). It is pretty insane for a small genesis collection to even reach 500 $eth (Roughly around $1,401,120.28/-) but Godjira has proven to be the cream of the crop for genesis collections.

Floor price for Godjira as of 27/2/2021

There are only about 3.3% (11) listed in the 333 Godjira Genesis collection.
(This is after the Great Opensea Delisting)

Honestly, if you are thinking of creating a genesis collection to raise capital, Godjira has got to be the prime example for you. Research on why they succeeded and what makes them different from the other collections.

Don’t worry I know it’s tiring to DYOR so I’ll be listing a few reasons why they made it this far.

1)Why are they successful?

They did an organic slow growth up to where they are now and that is the way of a blue-chip collection. There are many factors as to why they had such a good run-up. Some of the more prominent factors will be pointed out below.

(Unlike those that go up to 10 $eth immediately post mint)
That can’t be healthy right? There will be those that wants to get onto the collection but does not have enough to get in.

Just a reminder: Godjira is only here for 2–3 months and they are considered a OG blue chip project.

1. Collection Size

There is no denying that the size of the collection is one of the main reasons for the high floor price. With a small collection like Godjira, only a small amount of holders will be able to own it.

So a little basic NFT #101 logic lesson for the newer audience out there would be “when the demand for the project is higher than the supply of it, the floor price will rise. When there is an overwhelming demand for the collection, it will bring about a FOMO( Fear of missing out)factor to it and non-holders will want to get into the collection.

Of course, the utility behind the project will have to be strong enough to pull in the audience.

The team did a great job by allocating one mint to each member so it causes the holder of it to think twice before selling it as they might not be able to buy back in after selling it. The best optimal choice for any trader would be to mint three of the collection: 1 for Long Term Hold ,1 to Sell and make a profit to cover the cost, Hold 1 and sell when liquid is low.

However, Godjira did not give the whitelisted members a chance for that, thus it’s basically a hold for the long term or just to go for a quick flip. When the community is a small one, there’s just so much that can be done and the community will definitely be a tighter-knitted one.

Due to the size of the collection, it will therefore in a way filter out the paper hands at a much-accelerated rate as compared to the larger collections, therefore reducing the total amount listed at a faster rate. It will also cause the price walls to be thinner and for the community to break it down easier.

The potential of a small genesis collection is limitless and there are just way too many things that can be done to better the community.

2. Team

The team consist of 7 members, some taking charge of the infrastructure, some taking care of the marketing and the rest running the daily operation in discord. They also have a council consisting of 15 members including the core team to make strategic decisions for the future of the project. The members can then vote on the best proposals that were done up by the council making it a true DAO in its finest form.

Whenever the project Godjira is raised, we have to first mention the widely recognised Shan. Shan is a Household name in the NFT scene, he is basically a social butterfly that flies around from projects to projects advising them and guiding them along. Due to his achievements in the scene, lots of new and highly sought after projects will want to collaborate with Shan and the Godjira team to give away whitelist spots. Some of the popular whitelist giveaways are: Dreamland Genesis, Uninterested Unicorn,Katabolicz, Artificial Intelligence Club and Rare Bears

The Project Godjira Genesis holders will also get whitelisted for projects that the team is collaborating with. With a holders size of 323, the chances of being whitelisted are way higher than those in the 10k collections. There might even be times where projects decide to whitelist the whole of Godjira holders.

Being able to collaborate with Godjira would mean that it passes the Shan stage and it is most probably not gonna be a rug and might bring you some profit. (I myself have used Godjira as a guideline for which project to trust)

Since Shan is an advisor for many projects, he will be able to convince some of the projects to integrate their metaverse or world with the Godjira world. This will definitely be something to look out for and just for this reason alone, Godjira is definitely underpriced.

Would the project have been where it’s at without Shan? The main point here is that Shan has indeed played a huge part in the whole Godjira project and it’s just gonna get better as his connection widens.

If you are in the NFT scene and you do not know who Shan is, are you even paying attention and doing your research??

I’ve minted several projects with Shan as their advisor. Seeing his name there in the discord gives me a form of security and that sounded kinda wrong but it do be like that sometimes.

3. Utility

The main form of utility that Godjira is providing as of now is the sheer amount of whitelists for projects that are given now. The quality of the whitelists are also some of the more sought after ones, many of the whitelists will end up resulting in a huge profit for the holders.

In our scene, whitelist is the most secure form of currency. A single whitelist spot for some projects might be worth more than 1 $eth giveaways. Oftentimes, projects would gladly give Godjira’s holders whitelist as it would be a free form of marketing and a great recognition of their project. Godjira holders are also known to be diamond hands so it will also help the floor of the project too.

The Godjira team will also expand their utility soon by looking to do active trading, acting as a shark tank and will serve as a launchpad for other projects. This is definitely one of the better utilities that holders of the project could look forward to.

Though the project has no actual roadmap yet, the team is actively looking for ways to value add the members and they prefer the ability to adapt and innovate. This might be the recipe for a successful project.

Honestly I would think that Godjira is one of the better blue-chip projects that really puts their community first and would do above and beyond to provide value for the community.

4. Community

Community is definitely the most important factor for every project. What else has to be said about a small community of tight-knitted community? They will just be strong and plan on their moves together. With such a small collection size, the team will be able to cater for the community more and the genesis holders will definitely be “taken care” of.

Project Godjira has a council and they will come up with ideas/proposals that will bring the project to the next level and the holders will then vote on which proposal they would like to see be realised. This is the true definition of a DAO at its finest, this also keeps the holders involved and want to help out the project more.

Another community aspect would be the quality of holders as well, there are some major names in the industry who holds a Godjira and they wouldn’t do short term flips and the major names are a good advertisement by themselves.

The team is also great and whenever a certain country is met with a disaster or when there is some political tension, Godjira will step up and donate over to them. Just recently, Godjira started a whole new movement, they will be donating 100% of the royalties from the secondary sales until the gen 2 drop will be contributed to an NGO in Ukraine. This has then sparked some other projects like Goonies gang,Dysto Apez, Dreamland Genesis and more to do the same and honestly, this is definitely a great move and it has brought kindness into our space.

This is definitely what a blue-chip project like Godjira should be doing and leading the other projects by example. The team really did a great job at that.

This is definitely what more projects should be doing and following.


Project Godjira Genesis is definitely a project we should be looking up to, great community and a greater team behind it with kindness instilled in them. Godjira has been in the NFT scene for long enough to be called a recognised blue-chip with great utility and a strong community with the paperhands filtered out. The future is looking bright for this collection. The floor for Godjira is definitely underappreciated and underpriced.

This is definitely one of my wants when I have sufficient $eths for it.


