Let’s Have It Then

Christopher Norton
3 min readDec 11, 2018


Two years into the most disastrous Presidency since Andrew Johnson, I have in my regular writings been accused by dear friends (and family) of hating Christians, persecuting them, and weaponizing scripture.

Strong words.

Now — generally speaking, I do disagree with much of what the modern Christian conservative culture stands for. From my perspective, it has become one of intolerance as they attempt to legislate their version of morality — with a willingness to look the other way when it suits them. The ends, it seems, justifies any means.

I grew up in this culture, I know it intimately. Because of this I feel the need (dare I say a calling) to point out the hypocrisy of what they have become. I do not do this out of joy, frankly it breaks my heart to see something that I once held in such high esteem reduced to such misguided self-righteousness.

Some say I’m too hard on people. That I need to just take a deep breath and step back. And yet — I watch as we fire tear gas on families seeking asylum (which is not illegal by the way). People coming to our borders with children, not weapons. And we treat their hope as an act of war.

Where is the Christian community in this? Where is the outrage and the quoting of scripture. You showed up when the White House joyfully celebrated pride. But when kids are getting gassed at our hands? When the President lies over 5000 times?

Your silence is defining.

We abandon our humanity, let alone our faith, when we put party over country, personal values over sacred beliefs, and worship some twisted version of America over God.

Well, I say no. I refuse.

I have made more mistakes in my own life than I can even tally. But I will not accept that this is the best version of us, nor will I let my son grow up in any community, any church, any country where we say THIS is okay. And I will not be silent. I will not stop challenging. I will not stop working until we fix this — and if it falls to me to be the one on the front lines demanding better, then so fucking be it.

This isn’t persecution, this is calling it what it is — but you should take note of something. Because no matter how much we disagree, how much hurt there is, how baffled I am at your behavior or how angry I am that we are letting down our children — know this:

I love you.

Each and every one of you. All the people from whom I couldn’t be further apart on a political, relational, or spiritual level — I love you all. I don’t just want better for me, or my kid, or a particular group. I want better for all of us.

If we only yell at each other across the great divide nothing will be accomplished. This will take work. Sacrifice. A willingness to listen — as much from me, as from you.

I will always endeavor to do better. To understand. To see past my own damaged self. I challenge you to do the same.

It’s nearly Christmas — in the midst of the craziness lies the greatest story of hope in all of history. It shouldn’t be hidden behind nationalistic elitism.

