Copper to integrate Ethereum scaling solution Polygon

Fjord Foundry
2 min readNov 11, 2021


The Copper team is pleased to announce it will be integrating and going live with Ethereum scaling solution Polygon on the 22nd of November. As part of the integration, we are also excited to share that Copper has been awarded a $60,000USDC grant from Polygon.

The grant will be paid out incrementally pending milestone completions that have been set. As a result of the grant, the Alchemist team integrating Polygon will instead be paid in USDC rather than the Alchemist token from the bi-weekly inflation.

Polygon has established itself as a market leader in Ethereum scaling solutions. This announcement enables more opportunities for projects and community members to participate in LBPs without the constraints of Ethereum gas costs.

Copper is excited to be the first platform on Polygon that provides a seamless experience for projects and participants who want to use the capital-efficient, fair pricing mechanisms available to bootstrap liquidity and build their communities the right way.

Polygon DAO lead Grendel stated that “New projects is exactly what it takes to grow an ecosystem. The growth of the Polygon ecosystem is the aim of our DAO. Therefore, supporting Copper has been an easy choice for us, as we believe that it will bring new and innovative projects to our chain”.

In addition to this exciting news, the Copper team is also pleased to share details regarding its first Polygon LBP hosted on our platform from THX Network.

“Our team loves Copper; its beautiful and user-friendly interface gives people the chance to participate early in projects”.

“Our team has been building on Polygon since mid-2020, we’re super excited to be the first protocol to create an LBP through Copper directly on the Polygon Network. We expect Copper’s interface, Balancer’s liquidity pools and Polygon’s low gas fees to lead to even more fair price discovery.” — Mieszko Czyzyk, CEO @

Copper’s steadfast mission to provide fair and equitable access to LBP opportunities for everyone is made even more possible by today’s announcement, and we are excited to take this important step for the crypto community.



Fjord Foundry

A community platform that connects inspired project teams with passionate supporters, via Liquidity Bootstrapping Pools (LBP’s).