Java Development in 2023: A Comprehensive Guide to Becoming a Skilled Java Developer

4 min readMar 28, 2023


Java is a programming language that is currently most in demand around the globe because of its general nature.

It was developed by James Gosling at sun microsystems in 1991. Initially, it was called OAK but in 1995 the name was changed to Java.

In this blog, you will learn various steps that you should follow to become a Java developer. I hope by the end of it you will understand what java is and how it works. The below list will clear you what java is used for:

1. Build and scale cloud applications

2. You can run and build mobile applications

3. Powering enterprise-level web applications

4. Develop chatbots and other marketing tools

5. Supporting artificial intelligence (AI) and internet of things (IoT) devices

There are so many steps you can follow to know more about java development, some of which are.

Learn java DevOps tooling, Understand the basics, Study the JVM and the java platform, and Build out your core java skills. These are some steps that will help you to explore more about java development.

Understand the basics of Java

At the start, All the programming languages are the same.

A computer program can do:

1. Perform conditional logic with if-else statements

2. Manage data through the declaration of variables

4. Do all of this repeatedly and fast with iterative loops

Learn Java Fast

The most important thing to learning Java is to be clear with your basics. Nowadays, there are so many free resources available on the internet like Youtube, there are plenty of videos from which you can enhance your skills.

Other than youtube there are courses based on Java, some are free and some are paid. Known websites that offer courses on java are — Coursera and Udemy.

Once you’re done with the basics, try to create some basic applications that help you to learn loops, conditional logic, and variable declarations. Your projects must include:

1. A to-do list

2. Rock paper scissors

3. A simple calculator

4. The number guesser

After you are done with the fundamentals, you are ready to go to the next one.

Build out your core Java Skills

After completing the first step, you should focus on some core Java constructs including:

1. RegEx

2. Modules

3. Exception handling

4. Generics

Java Generics

Moreover, if you have a strong knowledge of generics in java then you’ll understand how Java works, and more importantly, how Java is different from Python and JavaScript.

Java Modules

Java’s module system is often skipped as developers learn the language because it’s new. At the start, modules seem to be an unnecessary distraction. On the Java platform, it’s an incredibly powerful feature.

Java Exception Handling

At the start, new learners won’t learn exception handling. The developer needs to learn the basics of the try…catch…finally block in Java, along with helpful syntactic sugar such as:

1. Checked vs Unchecked exceptions

2. Closeable interfaces

3. Errors and Runtime exceptions

4. Suppressed exceptions

5. Try with resources initializations

Regular Expressions

To search and analyze text, nothing beats RegEx. Moreover, regular expressions do need a day or two of practice to get the syntax right.

Learn RegEx

At least, one person should know how to find all the email addresses and phone numbers in a gigabyte of unstructured text in a software development team.

Learn java DevOps Tooling

DevOps motivates Those who share an Agile mindset to use the best tools to create new processes that help in the continuous delivery of software.

If you want to become a Java developer all you have to know is the tools that drive DevOps on the Java platform.

Some of the most important and in-demand Java DevOps tools nowadays are.

1. Cloud computing with GCP, AWS, and Azure

2. Git and GitHub for source code management

3. SonarQube for static code analysis

4. Maven and Gradle build tools

5. Jenkins for Continuous integration

6. JUnit and Mockito for testing

7. Artifactory for repository management

8. Java Mission Control for runtime monitoring

9. Docker for containerization

Study the JVM and the Java Platform

There is a very thin line between a Good and a Great developer, if you want to be a great java developer you should understand the Java platform.

To become a great Java developer, you should understand below points:

How garbage collection works, how object serialization works, how to decompile Java code, how Java allocates memory, how the JVM schedules threads, and how to convert Java to WebAssembly.

If you understand these topics then it will give you a greater appreciation of how the platform works, which will help you to troubleshoot low-level JVM issues when they arise.


As we told you Java is the most popular and in-demand language nowadays, you can explore it and make a career in it. I hope this blog has helped and enriched you with knowledge. Additionally, to know more I’ll highly suggest going to our website to read and explore.




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