What is Flutter, and What are its uses?

6 min readSep 26, 2023


Google created Flutter, a mobile app development platform that enables developers to create web, desktop, and cross-platform apps that operate on Android and iOS devices. Flutter uses Dart, a reactive programming language that speeds up and simplifies development compared to conventional approaches.

Read on to discover everything you need to know about Flutter if you’re curious to learn more or are considering utilizing it to create your next project.

Introduction to Flutter

Flutter is a mobile app SDK (Software Development Kit) used to develop high-fidelity and high-performance Android and iOS apps. Due to its powerful graphics and animation libraries, the Flutter framework allows developers to easily build user interfaces that react smoothly in response to touch. Flutter is built on the Dart programming language, allowing for an efficient development workflow with hot reloading.

You will work with a “widget” while creating a Flutter app. These are the fundamental building blocks of a Flutter app, which are used to generate visual elements (like text and buttons) and functional elements (like stateless widgets).

How does Flutter Support App Development?

Flutter makes it easier to design engaging, consistent user interfaces for applications across the six platforms it supports.

We’ll start by contrasting Flutter with native development because it is a cross-platform development framework. Then, we can draw attention to features that are specific to Flutter.

Native vs. Cross-platform App Development

Native app development is the process of coding an application specifically for a given platform, like iOS. In contrast, cross-platform app development entails creating an application with a single codebase that runs on multiple platforms.

Native App Development

In native app development, developers have complete access to native device functionalities because they code for a specific platform. Compared to developing cross-platform apps, this typically results in faster performance.

On the other hand, native app development requires more code and developers to launch an application on multiple platforms. In addition to these expenses, native app development may make it harder to simultaneously launch on multiple platforms while retaining a consistent user experience. Cross-platform app development frameworks like Flutter can be helpful in this situation.

Cross-platform App Development

With cross-platform app development, programmers may create applications for several platforms using just one programming language and one codebase. Cross-platform app development is faster and less expensive than native app development if you’re releasing an application for multiple platforms.

Also, this process allows developers to provide users with a more consistent experience across platforms.

Compared to developing native apps, this approach may have disadvantages, such as restricted access to native device functionalities. Flutter, on the other hand, has features that facilitate faster and more effective cross-platform app development.

Some top Features of Flutter

Data programming language: Flutter employs the Dart programming language, which is simple to learn and enables you to create high-quality apps.

Hot reload: Flutter’s hot reload option enables quick and simple app modifications without requiring a restart.

Flexible and expressive: Flutter’s UI elements are built using the same principles as Google’s Material Design guidelines, providing a versatile and expressive approach to designing a beautiful app.

Native performance: Flutter apps are compiled into native code to provide the most incredible possible performance on both iOS and Android.

Open source: Flutter is an open-source project. You can use it for free and help shape the development of the platform.

Advantages of Flutter

Flutter is fast: Flutter uses the Dart programming language, which has been turned into native code as it doesn’t require a JavaScript bridge. Apps made as a result are fast and responsive.

Flutter creates cross-platform applications: Instead of switching platforms, developers can use the same code to create apps for both iOS and Android devices. This can help developers save a lot of time and effort when developing mobile apps. Moreover, Flutter can be used to make websites and build web applications.

Flutter includes an extensive widget library: Widgets are the foundation of Flutter apps, and there is a huge selection of them. This makes it simple to design stunning and personalized user interfaces.

Flutter is open source: It is used by a growing community of developers, and anyone can contribute to its development. In addition, the Flutter community has produced a plethora of useful documents and tutorials that can be found online on sites like Github.

Flutter is free: There are no charges or licensing fees for Flutter app development, making it an attractive option for developers and businesses to create high-quality apps without spending much money.

Supported by Google: It receives a lot of support from Google as a Google product, and the tech giant is continuously working to improve it. Therefore, developers may be confident that Flutter will keep improving and supporting it.

Easy debugging: The Dart programming language includes great debugging tools, such as the DevTools suite and Dart Analyzer. This makes finding and fixing bugs in Flutter apps simple.

Automated testing: Automated testing is well supported by the Dart programming language, and the Flutter framework has its own testing tools. As a result, it is simple to create unit, widget, and integration tests for Flutter apps, enabling developers to continuously enhance and improve the quality of their apps.

Software and Hardware utilization: Flutter apps can access all available hardware and software capabilities. This implies that they are able to utilize functions like camera, GPS, and fingerprint scanner. Additionally, they can access platform-specific features such as Face ID on Apple iOS or push alerts on Android apps.

Various screen adaptability: Flutter apps may be made to function on different screen sizes and aspect ratios. This makes it simple to design programs that look beautiful on both mobile and tablet devices.

Disadvantages of Flutter

Despite its many benefits, Flutter has a few drawbacks that should be considered before adopting it to create mobile applications.

Less third-party libraries: Flutter has a large selection of widgets, but there aren’t as many third-party libraries, so this must be considered while using Flutter.

Bigger app size: Flutter apps typically have more built-in widgets than apps created using other frameworks. If you are developing a platform with limited storage space, this can be a problem.

Tooling is not as good as on other platforms: As compared to other platforms, such as Swift on Xcode, the tooling for Flutter is not yet as advanced or reliable.

Drat is not so popular: Dart is a very new programming language when compared to other well-liked languages like Java. Hence, it is not very popular. This suggests there may be a small pool of developers who are familiar with it and able to use it.

Businesses that Need to use Flutter

These are a few instances of companies that could profit from utilizing Flutter:

Startup or Business with limited resources: Flutter is a good option for startups or businesses with limited time and money because it is easy to use and free. It also includes good tooling and frameworks, allowing you to build an excellent app without spending much money.

Businesses that need to create an MVP: MVP (Minimum viable product) is a product that requires minimal features to be successful. Flutter is an excellent option because it is quick and simple to use while creating an MVP.


Finding experienced developers in this framework can be challenging, but our team of professionals can provide valuable expertise in the development field. If you’re in need of assistance with web, desktop, or mobile development, consider hiring a Flutter developer. We can help you create high-quality apps that meet your requirements and exceed expectations. Don’t hesitate to contact us to learn more about how we can assist you with your projects.




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