The Requirement of Plagiarism Checker for SEO Agencies

3 min readApr 13, 2019


The quantity of written content present on the internet is enormous. From research papers to blog posts, the originality of these texts, which are being produced is of vital importance. If it is not unique, then it suffers from the issue of duplicate content. You always have to be cautious so that such copied matter is not present in your written work as it degrades the quality of the composed work.

Combating the problematic issue of plagiarism

Content is created and posted at a massive rate. However, in many cases, it has been observed that written matter which is singularly composed unwittingly contains parts from unacknowledged sources. Having a plagiarism checker unquestionably eases the task of checking a particular document before it is published. If a document is not checked to find the uniqueness before online posting then the following problems might crop up:

· The written upload might not be visible to internet users because search engines find it difficult to rank pages that have similar written texts. Therefore the presence of copied matter affects the visibility of the material that’s there.

· The number of inbound links which could have been received by the website through the pasted text will be affected as the links will be spread across multiple web pages having similar matter.

In order to eliminate these problems, our free online plagiarism checker can be easily accessed and used for verifying the authenticity of the content. Such tools offer structured and stratified analysis of the document and can detect multiple forms of plagiarized texts.

Enabling optimizing actions through content checking

The Internet is brimming with content, and we know that at any particular instance it is posted through innumerable sources on the internet. With the passage of time, the online field has also become a vibrant arena for conducting business and product marketing. The presence of plagiarism checker for marketing agencies helps in eliminating the issue of having copied texts on the business website and/or e-commerce platform.

Optimization is vital for online websites as without optimization the site won’t be search engine friendly which implies that the website is almost nonexistent on the internet. If you want to boost the online marketing strategies, it is best to begin that task with duplicate content checker for SEO. This will ensure that the written matter including the URL of the website is checked for duplication at every level. The advantage of having a plagiarism detector for SEO is delineated through the following points:

· The issues of variations in the URL, printer-friendly text version, assigned session IDs for users are identified, and the problem(s) causing multiple versions can be rectified.

· The e-commerce site owners can identify similar product descriptions in different sites selling that product.

· Reposting of a blog without consent by scrapers also leads to duplicate texts; this can be pinpointed through such detection tools.

Hence we can safely conclude that seeking out an online plagiarism checker tool for ensuring the originality of the written materials is the right step towards making quality and nipping issues related to breach of copyright in the bud.




Detect plagiarism and paraphrased content using sophisticated algorithms powered by Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and cloud computing technology.