UAE Family Visa

Elena Ovchinnikova
3 min readJan 11, 2024


Moving your family to the UAE becomes more justified during uncertain times. When faced with instability and an uncertain future, many consider the option of relocating to a different country. Choosing a new place to live involves considering various factors such as safety, employment opportunities, financial stability, housing availability, legal status, and, crucially, the ability to move the entire family. The apprehension of being separated from loved ones for an extended period can be a significant deterrent to relocation. However, if the UAE is on your radar, there’s no need to fret. Securing family residency visas is a viable option, granting your family the freedom to live, work, and study in the country. Achieving this dream requires fulfilling specific requirements and assembling a comprehensive set of documents.

Advantages of the UAE family visas

A family visa in the UAE offers several advantages. Your relatives, once granted the visa, gain the ability to work, open a bank account, and fully embrace residency in the country. Children enjoy the rights to attend kindergarten, schools, and universities. As a resident, your family members also gain access to healthcare and various local services and facilities.

To initiate the process of moving your family, first, secure UAE residency for yourself, and then apply for family visas for the rest of your relatives.

The eligibility for a family visa extends to:

· spouses (both husband and wife);
· children (including stepchildren);
· parents (both your own and your spouse’s parents);
· under-age brothers and sisters;
· grandchildren.

This flexibility enables a comprehensive inclusion of family members in the relocation process.

Navigating family sponsorship in the UAE involves considering specific details. For instance, daughters remain eligible for sponsorship until marriage, while a Muslim husband can sponsor two wives simultaneously. Sons, if engaged in higher education, can be sponsored until 25, but only until 18 if not pursuing further studies. Residency arrangements for parents typically require documentation for both of them, with exceptions for cases involving divorce or the death of one parent.

Throughout years of consulting on relocation to the Arab Emirates, I’ve encountered diverse family scenarios. I’d be happy to share insights into the various types of families moving to the UAE and outline the specific documentation packages required for each case.

Moving families with children

This is a common scenario, usually with the husband as the sponsor. Besides the standard documents like the husband’s resident visa, passport, Emirates ID, marriage certificate, and children’s birth certificates, including photos, providing a real estate contract and a job contract or a salary certificate is crucial.

Occasionally, the wife becomes the sponsor, requiring a No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the children’s father in addition to the standard set of documents.

In cases where the children relocate with one parent, a man can apply for family visas without the wife’s consent, but a woman needs either a NOC or proof of sole guardianship. Both sponsors, male and female, must meet specific minimum salary requirements: 5000 AED for men and 10,000 AED for women. Each situation demands careful attention to details and adherence to documentation procedures.

Legalizing documents is essential, preferably in the country of issue. While it can be done at the UAE Consulate General, it’s time-consuming and nerve wracking. So, try to complete the legalization procedure before moving to the UAE.

Moving families with parents

Sponsoring the move to the UAE for aging parents involves some differences in document requirements. Besides the standard documents, insurance is necessary, with costs increasing based on the parent’s age. Unlike with children, you can’t apply for a family visa for just one parent, requiring proof of relationship for both. The sponsor’s accommodation in the UAE should have a separate room for the parents, and the sponsor’s salary must be at least 20,000 AED. Additionally, a deposit of at least 3000 AED per parent is required in a bank account.

Moving a family to the Emirates is feasible, and the country’s laws offer flexibility for various life situations. If you seek step-by-step guidance on applying for family visas, understanding document preparation and legalization, estimating visa application costs, and considering essential aspects of relocating with your family, consider a free consultation with Emirabiz. Our experts can provide detailed answers to your questions.



Elena Ovchinnikova

Business Development Director and Co-Founder at Emirabiz consulting company and Everhomes real estate agency