CoqVsHunter, the first happy ending“Ponzi”.

7 min readFeb 2, 2024


The inevitable death of CoqVsHunter

We know for a fact that 100% of projects relying upon the arrival of newcomers to bring liquidity end badly. CoqVsHunter is no exception: with 40,000 NFTs printing $GEGGS, and without new liquidity coming to support it’s price, $GEGGS was meant to go to 0 in the next few days. Basically, by investing in CoqVsHunter, you were betting on the fact that our team succeeds in onboarding new users into the game. The main issue with those types of P2E is that jeeters keep printing. They can simply claim daily their rewards, dump them, make profits, and repeat until the game dies. Without a radical change, CoqVsHunter was meant to die.

CoqVsHunter is initially a WolfGame fork, so I studied every aspect of WolfGame, as well as other notable forks (Police and Thief, YieldHunt, etc). All of them ended badly because they decided to maintain their ponzi tokenomics until there was no more new liquidity. Our initial plan was to build a V2 with more sustainable tokenomics, to let us time to find new liquidity. However, I hated the fact that in the end, the last wave of new users would be left with promises that other new users would come. I took advice from the community and increased the vault but still, I couldn’t think of something that would end this endless ponzi cycle.

I spent several days thinking of how CoqVsHunter could end differently than all of those forks. I almost gave up, but seeing that our community was strong, united, and supportive, I realized our strongest strength was our community. Despite the jeeters fudding, claiming their rewards, and dumping on us, most of you were supportive and never stopped believing in me. I decided to keep looking for new solutions.

I was about to announce the initial V2 we planned but then I thought of THE idea I was looking for. This required the team to drastically change our plans, so I had to make sure all of this was possible. That’s why some of you felt that I was absent for several days.

2. I love to build

The idea is to use our strong community to transition from CoqVsHunter into a long-term project that wouldn’t rely on ponzi tokenomics anymore.

You guys know how much I love to build. I’ve learned a lot this past month by building around the $COQ ecosystem and started with a poor launch due to a horrible dApp, not functioning well, but still managed to build a lovely community and a successful project. CoqVsHunter launch was slightly better but there were still many errors to fix (reveal issues, mobile problems, etc). I discussed with many developers, built a team, and hired new designers for the next phase. I’m learning from the small mistakes I made. I thank everyone for trusting their guts and believing in me. I’m not leaving with the treasury. I could have left with more than $500k but decided to stay and invest this money into CvH and the next phase.

I also discovered that building projects was the most profitable way of making money in crypto. We all know it, good developers will make generational wealth during the upcoming bullrun. As an ambitious person, I know for a fact that I will spend 16 hours of my day building projects during this BR until I become a multi-millionaire. However, I don’t want to be the type of builder who builds projects, makes money, and moves on to the next project. I don’t want to abandon my current community and want to build with them. This is the train of thought that led me to the BoardRoom.

To make everyone’s current investment profitable, I had to find a way to bring around $300–500k worth of investment in $GEGGS and CoqVsHunter NFTs. It was however becoming harder and harder to find new players entering the ponzi, with already 40,000 NFTs printing $GEGGS daily and maybe half of the players dumping on newcomers instantly once they bought.

So … 🧠 🧠 🧠 what if I find another way to bring this amount of money, and distribute that money to current CoqVsHunter players?


  • I need to find 300–500k in liquidity, but it’s almost impossible because of current jeeters
  • I can build projects that generate 10x this amount of revenues in the long run.

CoqFighters — The transition

A migration event will happen during the CoqFights to migrate from CoqVsHunter NFTs and $GEGGS to $BROOM.

It will happen through the CoqArena. It will be a 1-week PvP event!

By playing the CoqFighters game, your goal will be to accumulate as many POINTS as possible. At the end of the week, you will be able to trade your POINTS for $BROOM.

CoqFighters mechanics:

There will be lobbies created to play. Each player can either sign up a Hunter or Coqs to participate. It will be a 1v9 Fight based on luck. The game will begin once the lobby is full. Each team (Hunter or Coqs) will have a 50% chance of winning. The winning team will obtain POINTS, which will be later converted to $BROOM. The NFTs from the losing team will be burnt. Your goal will be to accumulate as many points as possible before all of your NFTs are burnt forever.

2 Bullets Hunters will have 1 bonus life. 3 Bullets Hunters will have 2 bonus lives. 4 Bullets Hunters will have 3 bonus lives.

In addition to $BROOM rewards, there will be a pool price awarding the best fighters:

1. $10,000
2. $5000
3. $2500
4. $1000
5. $1000
6. $500
7. $500
8. $500
9. $500
10. $500
11. $500
12. $500
13. $500
14. $500
15. $500

In parallel, you will be able to burn your $GEGGS to obtain $BROOM at launch.

IMPORTANT NOTE: We will move the liquidity from $GEGGS and add it to $BROOM once it launches. As $GEGGS won’t have any utility anymore, we’re removing the liquidity, and we will add it back to $BROOM once it launches. “But, weren’t the liquidity burnt?” $GEGGS initial liquidity was supposed to be burnt from the start, but we never did it because of the Pangolin issue. We wanted to have control over it to move it to TraderJoe and then burn it. (Meaning we could have rugged 400k at $GEGGS peak, so you can trust us, we’re gonna add it back). $BROOM liquidity will be on TraderJoe and burnt within the first minutes after launch. (Yeah, f* Pangolin UI/UX).


  • Feb/03/2024: PvP — Start
  • Feb/10/2024: PvP — End
  • Feb/11/2024: $BROOM — Launch

The CoqVsHunter era will end with this beautiful final fight. On the 11th of February, we will enter a new era. New Twitter, new Discord, new branding.

The BoardRoom

Welcome to the BoardRoom — The First Decentralised Avax Project-Building HUB. By holding $BROOM, you will become a key actor of the BoardRoom. You will be able to vote for the next projects we will build, and help us with our marketing decisions. You will help us with branding, designing, deciding on tokenomics, and more. You will be able to suggest projects to our team so we can build them.

$BROOM is also a hold to earn token. You will be eligible to the revshare of all the projects the BoardRoom will build in the next days, weeks, months. Instead of holding CoqVsHunter NFTs, and receiving $GEGGS, a token meant to go to 0, you will now hold $BROOM and receive $AVAX for every project we build together.

Basically, you’ll get exposure before the bullrun starts into an ambitious hub that will use the most profitable way to make money during the BR, and distribute that money to $BROOM holders.

You don’t like the idea? Well, you will be able to dump your $BROOM tokens once we go live. $BROOM liquidity will be 4x higher than current $GEGGS liquidity as the starting liquidity will be worth $200k.

For the believers, you will become part of a project that has the potential, in my opinion, to be one of the biggest projects of Avalanche during the bullrun. People love holding tokens that bring them revshare, even though most of these revshares come from a little 5% buy/sell tax. Our revshare will be much higher than that as we’re using the most profitable way to make money. Wondering what kind of projects we’ll build? We’ll share the roadmap and gitbook of the BoardRoom before the launch.

Moreover, we’ll also organize daily, weekly, and monthly events for our holders and will support people who want to build. Whether you’re a community manager, marketer, speaker, front-end developer, back-end developer, project manager, etc, you will be able to connect with people with various skills to build projects in the crypto ecosystem. Are you ambitious? Then the BoardRoom is the place to be.


  • Without a radical change, it’s impossible to make late CoqVsHunter investors profitable
  • We need to find around $300k-500k to make everyone profitable
  • CoqVsHunter made +$100k in fees and raised $400k from the mint. We decided to invest 90% of the funds in CoqVsHunter and the BoardRoom.
  • I know we can build together multiple projects generating way more than $500k.
  • A bull-run is coming.
  • All current CoqVsHunter/$GEGGS holders will receive revshares from our future projects, thanks to the $BROOM transition.

Enter the Arena on Saturday 3rd of February.

  • AriolETH
Ariol PFP

