January 2019 Cryptocurrencies Transactions and Activity

COR Index
2 min readJan 29, 2019


Jan 22, 2019 (UTC 18:00),

Chain Open Research - COR Index Inc. (NY, US)

This report shows data about transactions and activities that lead to changes in blockchain wallets. Indicators are formed and calculated when analyzing the network of blockchain cryptoassets. This report shows data on the top 10 cryptoassets with the largest changes in the analyzed period of time.

The full swath of analyzed data is available in the Ratings section on CORindex.com

This document contains the following sections:

Chapter 1. Currency Transaction Volume in USD
Chapter 2. Amount of Currency Transactions
Chapter 3. Average Currency Transaction in USD
Chapter 4. Average Cost of Currency to USD
Chapter 5. Cost Component for Currency Operations
Chapter 6. Currency Transactions to Emission Quotient
Chapter 7. Direct Currency Transaction/Capitalization Quotient
Chapter 8. Share of Direct Currency/USD Transactions
Chapter 9. Share of All Direct Currency Transactions

Full Report on Website — https://corindex.com/reportRating/2019/January/22

Full Pdf Report File — https://corindex.com/uploads/Jan_2019_Crypto_Transactions_Activity.pdf

Facebook page — https://www.facebook.com/cor.index/
Telegram channel — https://t.me/corindex

Full Report on Website — https://corindex.com/reportRating/2019/January/22

Full Pdf Report File — https://corindex.com/uploads/Jan_2019_Crypto_Transactions_Activity.pdf

Facebook page — https://www.facebook.com/cor.index/
Telegram channel — https://t.me/corindex



COR Index

Chain Open Research, a Deep Analytics Platform for Cryptoassets (corindex.com)