I Got Lost on a Hike. This is How I Survived for Two Weeks without ANY Supplies.

Since then my respect for the Native Americans has never been higher.

Corbbin Goldsmith
9 min readMay 6, 2024


It was a normal Sunday. I was out on a hike into the Humboldt Redwoods down into a valley with a river with my dog, Harris. I’d always take him with me, even though my family would stay home.

I started down from the top of the valley down into the basin through a little meadow. I had marked my location on my phone, like I usually did like my other hikes, but as I came out of the meadow into the trees, I felt something hot in my pocket.

It was my phone.

The battery had been running down as I had accidentally left my camera on after taking a picture. And my battery was now at 13%.

I turned it off to conserve the battery and kept walking down through the valley towards the creek.

That’s when the worst happened. Harris decided to go after a squirrel and the leash broke from him pulling. Off he went, tearing through the woods.

Squirrels like to play hide and seek with dogs. They seem to even like it when dogs chase them and will tease them because they know that the dogs won’t make it up the tree.



Corbbin Goldsmith

I drink water and eat food, and I can tie my shoes on my own.