california San Diego Fake ID Lawyer


At first, making or purchasing a fake ID in California may seem like a good idea. You can use it to meet up with friends at the club you weren’t quite old enough to get into, and you can even use it to avoid being deported from the country. Or, maybe you went through the process of getting an ID and didn’t even realize it was fake.

Unfortunately, anyone who’s been arrested for having a fake ID in California knows how quickly that good idea turns into a bad one.

California Fake ID Laws

If you are convicted of possessing or using a fake ID in San Diego, California, the punishment can be severe. Based on California’s fake ID laws, you could face up to three years in prison and pay a $10,000 fine.

However, there is no need to feel discouraged. Bradley R. Corbett and our team of San Diego criminal defense lawyers know some of the best ways to fight your case. We’ll create a defense tailored from the details of your case to help reduce or dismiss your charges.

Defenses Against California Fake ID Laws

Some of the various legal defenses against California’s fake ID laws are:

  • You did not know that the license or ID card was fake
  • You didn’t intend to commit fraud (meaning you didn’t intend to use it to deceive another person)
  • Or, you never possessed the fake ID (meaning that while it may have been in your house, for example, it actually belongs to someone else)

Hire a Fake ID Lawyer in California

We understand that being charged with any crime comes with stress and anxiety. If you’ve been arrested for having a fake ID in San Diego, California, let our team help relieve those feelings and cover your defense. We’re ready to help you get your life back on track. Call or visit our San Diego criminal defense law offices today for your free consultation.

