Digital Media to help Influencers get more sponsors!

Corcus Inc
3 min readJul 23, 2019


Sponsored Posts on Instagram

Brand sponsorships are the biggest source of income for many creators and influencers on platforms like Youtube, Instagram or Twitch. However, it can be hard for up and coming creators to find sponsors. As a result, they need to spend a lot of time reaching out to brands directly and convincing them to pay the amount the creator deserves. This process can be time-consuming and difficult and often results in the sale not happening. This post details how creators can use tools like a Digital Media Kit to help them get more sponsors and save time doing so.

Digital Media Kit

When pitching yourself to a brand, you must make them want to work with you. The key to doing this is to present yourself in a way that reflects your worth. There are many ways to do this, but one of the most successful and well-tested ways to do this is with a Digital Media Kit.

A Digital Media Kit is like a resume or portfolio. It is a way to show the brands/companies that you can capture your audience’s attention, your visions are aligned and that you are a professional.

Digital Media Kit Sample from Corcus

Digitals Media Kits often includes the following sections:

  1. About Me: THe first impression is important. You should explain to the brands who you are as a person, what you do and who your audiences are and links to your social media channels.
  2. Featured Content: This section is to show off one or two key posts/videos/blogs that show how your brand is relevant to your client’s brand and business. For instance, it doesn’t make sense to show posts of you playing video games if you are talking with a make-up brand.
  3. Audience Analytics: This is the most important part of your media kit. It should include data on your audience such as their age, gender, and location. For some brands, they would like to include engagement data such as average views per video, average watch time per video, average comments/likes per video. Providing brands with clear analytics data demonstrates your ability to capture your audience’s attention and help the brand achieve their goals.
  4. Affiliate Analytics (optional): For creators who have done affiliates links and sales, they should show it on their media kit. This is critical because there is no better at convincing a brand that you can sell something than actually showing sales numbers.
  5. Past Clients (optional): Previous engagements with brands demonstrate to your new clients that they can trust you and this isn’t your first rodeo. You can even include testimonials from brands that you have previously worked with. e.g

    “It was great working with __________! The process was seamless and we increased our sales by _____”.

Digital Media Kit is the first step.

To be successful at getting brand deals you need to a little more.

  1. Create multiple version of your digital media-kit for different groups of brands. You should target and customize your media’s content for each specific brand depending on what you want to show off. For example, if you want to work with a fashion accessories brand, then show off posts/videos that have more fashion accessories.
  2. Keep the information up-to-date. There is nothing worse than to have an out-dated media kit with old data and info. It makes you look unprofessional

At Corcus, we want to help creators be successful in making money doing the thing they love. If you have suggestions on what we can do to help you, please leave a comment below or contact us at



Corcus Inc

Corcus builds software tools to help content creators run and manage their businesses.