Satoshi Prize Announcement

Core DAO
2 min readFeb 3, 2023


Following the CORE airdrop, ecosystem development will become the top priority. Thus, we’re excited to announce the CORE S-Prize! Short for Satoshi Prize, in honor of Satoshi Nakamoto and our novel Satoshi Plus consensus mechanism.

The goal of the S-Prize is twofold: (1) incentivize the development of real applications that deliver value to Core users and (2) reward builders for the value that they create on the Core network. As one of the world’s largest and most decentralized communities, delivering useful products on Core is the ultimate achievement.

In alignment with our mission, Core DAO will shy away from using grants that don’t benefit users in the early days of network development. Grants all too often manifest as paying mercenaries to develop on the network without clear direction or long-term ecosystem alignment. Instead, the S-Prize is structured to reward builders who develop real applications that tangibly deliver value to Core’s user base.

Core DAO will soon begin introducing S-Prize challenges paired with quantifiable CORE token rewards. Core DAO will vote on and announce the S-Prize challenges, prizes (in $CORE), and timelines for payouts. The challenges will be time gated and builders will earn rewards based on reaching milestones and accomplishing objectives during the given time.

S-Prize aligns incentives between builders, users, and the broader Core community. With long-term programs rewarding builders for creating tangibly useful applications for users, the Core community is well-positioned to build the top Web3 ecosystem in the blockchain world.



Core DAO

A Bitcoin hash-powered and EVM-compatible blockchain onboarding the next billion users.