Complete Core Java Topics List | From Basic to Advanced Level [2021]

Core Java Topics
7 min readMay 4, 2021


Complete Core Java Topics List | From Basic to Advanced Level [2021]

Attention Dear Reader, In this article, I will provide you a Complete Core Java Topics List & All concepts of java with step by step. How to learn java, when you need to start, what is the requirement to learn java, from where to start learning java,and Tools to Understand Java code.

every basic thing I will include in this List of java.

Core java topics complete list, Tools to Understand Java code

core java topics list

Every beginner is a little bit confused, at the starting point before learning any programming language. But you no need to worry about it. Our aim to teach you to become a good programmer.

In below you can start with lesson 1 or find out the topics manually. it’s your choice.

Complete Core Java Topics List.

Chapter. 1Full Basic Introduction of java.1.1What is java?1.2Features if java?1.3What is Software?1.4What are Programs?1.5Need to know about Platforms.1.6Object Orientation.1.7What are objects in java?1.8Class in java.1.9Keywords or Reserved words of java.1.10Identifiers in java.1.11Naming convention / coding Standard.1.12Association (Has-A Relationship).1.13Aggregation and Composition in java.1.14Java Compilation process.1.15WORA Architecture of java.1.16What is JVM, JRE and JDK in java?Chapter. 2Classes and Objects in Detail2.1How to create Class?2.2How to Create Objects?2.3Different ways to create objects in class.2.4object Reference / object Address.2.5Object States and Behavior.2.6Object Creation & Direct Initialization.2.7Object initialization using Reference.Chapter. 3Data Types in Java.3.1Java Primitive Data Types.3.2Java Non-Primitive Data Types.Chapter. 4Instance Method.4.1Types of methods in java.4.2Rules of Methods.4.3How to use methods in a class.Chapter. 5Class Loading in Java?5.1What is Class Loading.5.2Class Loading Steps.5.3Program Flow explanation.5.4"this” Keyword in java?Chapter. 6Variables in java.6.1Types of Variables.6.2Scope of variables.6.3Variable initialization.Chapter. 7Variable Shadowing in Java?Chapter. 8 Constructors in java.8.1Rules for creating java Constructors.8.2Types of Construstors.8.3Difference between Constructor and method in java.Chapter. 9Categories of methods in java.9.1Abstract Method in java.9.2Concrete Method in java.Chapter. 10Overloading in java.10.1Types if Overloading.10.2Advantages and Disadvantages of overloading.10.3Can we overload main( ) method in java?10.4Constructor Overloading in java.Chapter. 11Inheritance in java?11.1Types of Inheritance.11.2Terms used in inheritance.11.3The syntax of java inheritance.11.4How to use Inheritance in java/Chapter. 12Overriding in java.12.1Usage of java method Overriding.12.2Rules of method Overriding.12.3Importance of access modifiers in overriding.12.4Real example of method Overriding.12.5Difference between method overriding and overloading java.12.6"Super” keyword in java.Chapter. 13Constructor chaining in java.13.1Generalization in java with Example.Chapter. 14Type-Casting in java.14.1Primitive and Non-Primitive Casting in java.14.2Data Widening and Data Narrowing in java.14.3Up-Casting in java.14.4Down-Casting in java.14.5Characteristics of Up-Casting.Chapter. 15Garbage Collection.15.1Advantages of Garbage Collection.15.2How can an object be unreferanced in java?15.3Some examples of Garbage Collection in java.Chapter. 16Wrapper Class in java.16.1Uses of wrapper class in java.16.2How to Convert Primitive form to object form.16.3How to Convert String form to Primitive form.16.4Learn public static xxx parsexxx(Strings srop).16.5Autoboxing in java.16.6Unboxing in java.Chapter. 17Polymorphism in java?17.1Compile time polymorphism.17.2Runtime Polymorphism.Chapter. 18Packages in java?18.1Advantages of Packages in java.18.2Standard Package structure if java Program.18.3How to access package from another package?18.4Inbuilt package in java?18.5What are Access Modifiers In java.18.6Types of Access Modifires.Chapter. 19Encapsulation in java.19.1Advantages of Encapsulation in java?19.2Java Bean Specification or Guidelines.Chapter. 20Abstraction in java.20.1What are abstract methods in java?20.2Abstract Class in java?20.3Difference between Abstract class and Concrete class.20.4Similarities between Abstract and Concrete class?20.5Interface in java?20.6Why use java interface?20.7How to declare an interface in java?20.8Types of Interface in java?20.9What are the uses of Abstraction?20.10Purpose or Advantages of Abstraction.Chapter. 21Collection Framework in java?21.1What is collection in java?21.2What is framework in java?21.3Advantages of collection over an array in java.21.4Collection Framework Hierarchy in java.21.5Generics in java?21.6List Interface in java.21.7Methods of List Interfae in java.21.8ArrayList in java?21.9Vector in java.21.10Difference between ArrayList and Vector.21.11LinkedList in Java.21.12Difference between ArrayList and LinkedList.21.13Iterating Data from List.21.14foreach Loop in java.21.15Difference between for loop and foreach loop.21.16Set Interface in java.21.17Has-based Collection in java.21.18What are HashSet in java?21.19What are LinkedHashSet in java?21.20What are TreeSet in Java?21.21Iterator interface in java.21.22Iterator Methods in java.21.23ListIterator interface in java.Chapter. 22What are Map in java?22.1Map interface method in java.22.2What are HashMap in java?22.3What are LinkedHashMap in java?22.4What are TreeMap in java?22.5HashTable in java?22.6ShortedMap in java?22.7Difference between HashMap and Hashtable in java?22.8Comparable and Comparator in java?22.9Where Comparable and Comparator is used in java?22.10What is Comparable and Comparator interface in java?Chapter. 23Exception Handling in Java.23.1Exception Hierarchy in java.23.2Checked and Unchecked Exception in java?23.3Java Try Block?23.4java catch Block?23.5Multi-catch block in java?23.6Sequence of catch Block in java?23.7Finally Block in java?23.8"throws” keyword in java?23.9"throw” keyword in java?23.10Difference between throw and throws in java.23.11Custom and user defined exception in java?23.12Difference between final, finally and finalize in java?Chapter. 24Other Advanced Topics24.1Advanced Programming Java Concepts”👆This is the Complete Core Java Topics List

How to Learn Java Step by Step?

We know that java is the most popular programming language on the internet. and also know this is the most important language for Android Development. with the help of java, we can develop an Android application.

All over the topics will helps you to understated the basic concepts to learn java step by step. which helps you to understand the structure of any application backend code for app development.

we recommended you to do more practice of all concepts and topics list. which is given over to becoming a good java developer.

Must Read: What is Java, Full Introduction of Java for Beginners with Examples?

What is a Programming Language?

In short, Any software language. which is used in order to build a program is called a programming language. Java is also an object-oriented programming language. using that we can develop any type of software or web application.

Is it easy to learn Java?

Is it easy to learn Java?

My answer is “yes”. Java is a beginner-friendly programming language. Because Every beginner easily learns java programming language. that means you don’t need to give much effort to learn. you can start from a lower level to a higher level.

Also, it provides you a user-friendly environment to develop software for clients. it has a garbage collector, which helps a lot to manage the memory space of your system for better performance.

Tools to Understand Java Code.

The market has lots of tools for programming. as a beginner, I will be recommending some Cool tools for Java Programming, which helps you to write and execute codes easily.

1. Eclipse: This is one of my favorite tools for practicing java codes. it will provide an integrated development environment for Java.

Eclipse proved us so many interesting & modern features, modeling tools, testing tools. and frameworks development environment.

Features of Eclipse, Tools to Understand Java code

this Tools helps you to Understand Java Code.

Here is Some Features of Eclipse:

- User-Friendly Interface.

- Provides a Model-Driven Development environment.

- Easy integration with JUnit.

- you can code faster with the Short-cuts.

- Provide Complete reports in detail.

- easy customization. with the Ctrlflow Automated Error Reporting Server.

- Eclipse Provides the best tooling system for J2EE projects.

- You can Download free.

2. JUnit: it is an open source unit for testing tool for Java programs. It is test-driven development and software deployment.

some Features of JUnit, Tools to Understand Java code

this Tools helps you to Understand Java Code.

Here is Some Features of JUnit:

- Prepare for input data and setup.

- Some creation of fake objects.

- Automatic Loading databases with a specific set of data

- offers annotations, that test classes fixture, that’s run before or after every test

- support for write and execute tests on the platform.

- Have some annotations to identify test methods

- we can write codes faster, which increases the quality of codes and practices.

- You can Download free

Also Read: How to Download and Install Java JDK 15 in Windows 10 ?

How longs to learn java?

Every beginner student had pinged this question. How longs to learn java? now I will tell you according to the research.
the speed of learning technologies and related subjects depends on the regularity of studies and the initial capacity of every student.

I know you can do anything with your initial capacity level. but the regular study is a big responsibility of every student.

I will recommend practicing daily to improve your programming skills and java concepts knowledge. and get stay motivated with your goals. definitely it will help you to get your first job.

Note:- if any person has a little bit of programming knowledge, honestly it would take around 1 month to learn the basic concepts of java.

if you are from a non-programming background but have a good knowledge of basic mathematics. definitely, you can also learn and understand fast all the concepts of java. it will all depend on your problem-solving skills and understanding concepts.


At the starting of the article, I will provide you a complete core java topics list. it will help you to understand, where you need start, this is the basic step for a beginner.

and also provides some tools for your practicing. I hope now you can start lean java with you motivation.

Admin Word:- In this article, I provided A Complete Core Java Topics List. and also give your all pinged questions answers such as How to Learn Java Step by Step?, What is a Programming Language, Is it easy to learn Java, How longs to learn java.

Also provides some free Tools to Understand Java Code which helps to Learn Java Step by Step. if you have any questions regarding this article please feel free to ask in the comment below of this article.

