Core Pass

Core Pass
6 min readJun 28, 2022


Note: This article will be constantly updated.

See: Collection on OpenSea

Twitter: @CorePassNFT

Before you start reading, we want you to feel free to leave any kind of comment, question, criticism, or any suggestion. Core’s destiny is guided by the community.

Introducing The Great CoreCard

Today, weeks after the main plan began, I come to disclose our glorious Card. The Card that will serve as proof that you are a CoreMember and receive all the benefits and privileged access.

If you prefer to see the Card in high definition, I suggest our demonstration on YouTube.

The card mixes unique identities from different inspirations.

Welcome to the Core

The organic growth and first NFT project completely driven by community and blockchain consensus.

The Core Pass is a card that guarantees its owner to be part of the Core community.

Being part of the Core community grants the cardholder the right of choice to decide the future Floor Price of the entire collection and unlimited access to many other benefits.

This will be analyzed without favoritism or greed. An analysis will be made periodically in order to report the benefits and possible advantages that having the CorePass will eventually bring to its holder.

Mint and Owners

CorePass Cards will not be released all at once. They will be released periodically in order to generate value for CardHolders.

A rule that will be persisted is: Every genesis sale, a Pass is generated. This rule will be followed in small amounts, where initially with the birth of the Guild, they will periodically mint every 10. Later when our popularity increases and new people want to become members, the mint amount can increase according to demand..

This avoids the possibility of a wallet buying/minting hundreds of passes for a cheap price and then dumping them on the market, harming all other Core members and contributors.

One of the great purposes of CorePass is that everyone can have 1, it is not forbidden for a wallet to have more than 1 unit. We want everyone to have the chance to be part of this society.

What will be the maximum number of existing cards?

The maximum quantity that will ever exist is 1369, neither more nor less. The big question is: When will that number be reached?

  • We answer this and we also answer the question you must be asking yourself: But if from the first mint, more CorePasses will be generated up to the number 1369, that means that it is a kind of inflationary mechanism, consequently losing value over time.
  • In fact, this reasoning is correct, but it does not fit into our ecosystem. From the moment we have a value decided by consensus, the possibility of losing value due to an inflationary mechanism is null (00.0%).
  • Because people who purchase CorePass as soon as possible, will consequently pay low prices, because the sooner, the closer to the birth of Core, that is, cheaper. From the moment the new mints start and the Consensus Councils take place, the value will naturally increase. Not to mention CoreVault, which is a benefit that directly adds value to the Card. In short, the sooner, the more value you will accumulate.
  • When the maximum number of members is reached, we will already have conquered a lot of space and a lot of value, there will be a vote. A council where it will be decided if this will be the existing maximum or if we should expand MaxSupply to new CardHoldes. The maximum number of holders can already be filled, but let’s assume that an important figure for the ecosystem wants to be part of the Core. The community will decide the destiny of the project.

How will the council for consensus work?

There will be a completely private Discord channel for just this purpose. Only those wallets that have a CorePass will enter this channel. After members are verified and joined the private channel, a vote will be taken. Values from a strict and fair analysis will be proposed over the entire ecosystem, after the analysis is done and the benefits and added values of the entire project are computed, the floor price will be changed according to the will of the majority of CardHolders. Bearing in mind that this mechanism is directly linked to CoreVault, a utility that generates increasing value to the project and which we will explain in more detail below.

Advantages and Benefits

One of the biggest advantages of Core Pass is the CoreVault utility.

This utility consists of a collective wallet where everything in it is the property of those who carry a Card. That is, when you purchase a Core Pass you are not only purchasing an NFT, you are actually acquiring possession of a high value portfolio with assets purchased by Core Oracle through funds raised from trading the Cards.

And how will this work?

-Money collected from Pass sales will be stored and accumulated in a wallet entirely dedicated to CoreVault. Periodically, an analysis will be made of the most valuable projects and assets of the moment, after this analysis of the projects based on the will of the CardHolders, some assets will be selected and placed in a voting pool, where the CardHolders will vote and decide which of the assets the CoreVault will invest. After the vote is made and the asset purchased, the asset goes to the official Vault wallet. With this, all those who have a CorePass will have the right to choose the future of the asset, which means that if eventually the majority decides to sell it or convert it into another asset, this will be done.

  • But the question is: If the majority decides to sell it, will I receive part of the profit?

-Yes, in fact, the ETH collected in a possible sale will return to the vault, with no changes in value. It is now that the previously mentioned Consensus system comes into operation. The profit obtained will be linked to the value of the NFT Card itself. This means that the value of the sale of the asset will be imposed on the price of the Card(Floor Price). But this does not mean that it will always be a profit, there may be cases where the majority vote to sell an asset at a loss, causing the Card(Floor Price) to fall.

-Here’s an example:

CorePass Floor Price is 1 ETH and the CardHolders vote for Vault to acquire a Bored Ape Yacht Club.

Now ask yourself how much is a BAYC worth. Remember that you paid 1 ETH for a Card and now a ~90 ETH asset has entered the Vault portfolio.

Ask yourself now if the Floor Price should remain the same for those who want to buy a CorePass for the first time. The answer is obviously NO.

A vote with all CardHolders will be taken to decide what the ideal Floor Price should now be.

3 ETH? 10 ETH? 50 ETH?? Let’s see what the community decides…

In this way, the value of the portfolio will be transferred to the value of the Floor Price through all the life of the CorePass.

-Another benefit is being able to take part in great and frequent giveaways.

A good part of the Vault’s assets will be raffled off to CardHolders. One more reason that adds value to the Pass. There will be raffles of valuable pieces chosen by the community. Imagine a person who bought a Pass worth 0.05 ETH and wins a 10 ETH NFT in a giveaway simply for being a CardHolder… there will be several cases like this.

And of course giveaways on pure Ethereum. On special dates for CoreMembers, amounts of ETH will be drawn.


We are planning to deploy a sort of launchpad platform within the Core ecosystem. It will be a wallet with funds voted on by the council of holders. Funds which will be destined to help small developers, small projects and any other kind of idea that doesn’t have enough money to start and is interesting and useful to the community. And obviously, a portion of these funds will be donated to charity.

And last but not least.

The unique opportunity to make contact with the other cardholders. Make contact, create bonds, obtain new opportunities, exclusive invitations, knowledge, new people, and much more.

The choice is yours

