The Resonant Frequencies of the Human Soul

Resonant Frequencies

Corey Austin Crellin
6 min readSep 13, 2017

Every molecule has a natural frequency, or frequencies at which it resonates. At particular wave frequencies, for example, a water molecule will raise it’s hand, say “this is me” and start vibrating. Millions of meals are heated daily this way. We place our food in small metal boxes called microwaves that bathe our food in 2.45Ghz waves, water molecules in food rub against one another and heat up, and we turned food from cold to warm.

Just as every molecule has natural resonant frequencies, they also remain largely unaltered by most other frequencies. Place an empty glass in a microwave and nothing will happen to it, add water and the water will boil. Resonant and non-resonant frequencies apply to all types of waves: electromagnetic (including the visible light spectrum) and mechanical (ocean waves, sound waves, etc.). And it’s not just molecules that have these frequencies, even large structures like bridges and buildings have resonant frequencies. One of the highest buildings in the world, the Taipei 101, has a 728 ton steel pendulum to help steady it in case wind or earthquake cause it to vibrate at it’s natural frequency — .15Hz(2).

The Four Basic Components of Resonance

There are 4 basic components to the event-chain of resonance.

The Emitter: The thing emitting energy in the form of waves. In my example above this is the microwave itself.

The Wave: An oscillation accompanied by a transfer of energy(3). This would be the actual electromagnetic waves emitted by the microwave that impact, literally, the glass and water.

The Receiver: The object impacted by the wave. This would be the water molecules being caused to vibrate at their natural frequency, or the glass which was left unaffected in the example.

The Effect: The effect of the wave on the receiver. In our example this would be heat — the net effect of the entire transmission of energy. The receiver is not always effected by the wave, that would be the glass.

Thus we have our basic narrative: The emitter (microwave) releases energy in the forms of waves (electromagnetic waves) which cause the receiver (water) to vibrate, and a net effect is observed (heat). Remember this.

The Animus World

Our scientific understanding of waves and matter exist almost entirely in tangible world around us, but even in this world we are still discovering more. We only observed gravitational waves for the first time in last February(4). What if there is, in objective reality, a matter I would call Animus Matter, and a new wave type I would call Animus Waves. Animus is a Latin word for Spirit/Mind.

What we call the human soul would be an example of Animus Matter. We label the human soul a subjective reality, something that exists only as an idea in our mind, a myth we create. But I propose that the human soul has objective reality, that it acts as both Emitter and Receiver. I believe that many things we refer to as subjective (governments, companies, marriage, morals, ideas) could have an objective reality as Animus Matter.

Animus Waves are therefore spiritual oscillations accompanied by a transfer of energy, emitted and received by Animus Matter.

Observing Animus Reality

I started by talking about resonant frequencies for a reason. The existence of the microwave can be observed by working backward or forward through the event chain, but only if an effect occurred: The microwave emitted electromagnetic waves at 2.45Ghz, which caused the water to vibrate at a resonant frequency, and a final effect of heat was observed. The glass, however, was unaffected. It can’t be used in an event chain to observe the reality of the microwave because the energy emitted by the microwave had no effect on it, it quite literally passed right through it.

The effect of resonant frequency is the key to proving Animus Matter and Animus Waves.

Just as the idea of Animus Matter is abstract, I propose that the effect of Animus Waves is equally so. I propose that the Animus Matter of the human soul resonates naturally to certain Animus Wave frequencies. Just as water vibration yields the abstract effect of heat, the vibrations of our Animus Matter yield abstract effects such as crying, revolution, and sadness.

We are often attracted to people without any real logic to it, romantically and otherwise. Let’s propose that this is the result of someone else emitting energy, animus waves, which we resonate with. The effect of this resonance is both animus and physical, we feel certain feelings towards these people (love, care, illogical devotion) while also being physically with them, talking with them, touching them. The result is a symphony of energy transfer through multiple medium — animus and physical matter criss-crossing over one another in patterns we’re already quite in tune with.

The Physics of Animus Matter

The physics of matter and waves are transferable to the Animus world. They should be, because I propose that Animus Matter is simply another type of Matter and Animus Waves are simply another class of waves. This shouldn’t be surprising, we’re still discovering new waves — like the gravitational waves I mentioned above.

In the world of physical matter, an earthquake can cause the Taipei 101 to vibrate at .15Hz, and if the amplitude of vibration is large enough the building will permanently deform, possibly changing its resonant frequencies. Low amplitude vibration would move it, but it would remain unchanged in physical form.

Animus Waves effect our Animus Matter the same way. Sometimes the idea of human life resonates so deeply with us, but the crushing amplitude from the Animus Waves caused by the death of a family member permanently changes our Animus Matter and we never resonate the same way with the idea of life again. Think of the Animus Matter of our souls like like a soft clay tuning fork, molded by the effect of the Animus Waves it receives and changing the resonant frequencies that it both receives and emits from then on. Animus Waves can even be emitted and received by non-animus matter, and vice versa, the way that feelings of love and physical intimacy are deeply intertwined.

Our Unrecognized Understanding of the Animus World

Ancient people did not have an understanding of the physics of UV waves, the frequency bands they reside in or the fusion/fission forces that emitted them, but they knew that standing under the sun causes a sunburn, and so they started to interact with this unclassified wave type.

We already interact with the Animus world in a deeply complex way. We have entire vocabularies that describe our feelings. We cry listening to a song we love, we read the biography of William Finnigen because it just feels right — even building emotional bonds with these things.We often even say that viewpoints or people resonate with us. We easily measure pleasure in the brain but struggle tremendously in doing the same with happiness. We manipulate others with ideas, and even the most scientific of us, despite their dedication to objective reality, still live the majority of their lives based on deeply emotional decisions (for example, who they love, fields of study that just feel right). We’re careful to work around our moods, which are closely connected with our physical bodies. Truly our entire existence, from the inside out, is viewed though the thick lens of our emotional well being.

Icarus Rising

I don’t think that humans are where we are due to intelligence alone. I think that our souls (call it whatever you want, but define it as the most “you” part of you — that piece of self-awareness inside of you that is more than flesh) are possibly also the most receptive to Animus energy. Put simply: in addition to our intelligence, we feel the most.

Could it be that the shared myths we create, credited by Yuval Noah Harari as being one of the defining catalysts of the human potential, are not myths. Maybe our very thinking of them forms them, and they, as true objective entities, start forming us. Just as we’ve harnessed energy in many forms, could it be that we also have been honing our ability to perceive, manipulate, and grasp the emotional, animus matter around us which we ourselves are a part. Could it be that just as not many centuries ago we could not fathom electricity or x-rays, we today have not breached the glass ceiling to see ourselves as, yet again, participants in energy and matter we had failed to notice.

A snapshot of Icarus and Daedalus as they began raising into the sky would show a miraculous event, and so does a snapshot of us today. Are we Icarus, unaware of the mutual dependence between our emotions and our intellect? Are we Daedalus? Or, as so many wonder, are we just flesh and bone?

