Five Daily Habits for 2017

Corey Haines
3 min readJan 2, 2017

1. Sleep

Sleep is always inconsistent for me. I’m tired of waking up and feeling discouraged by the way my body feels.

Lack of motivation, lazy attitude, dread, remorse. These are not the feelings I want to start my day with.

Instead of going to sleep at a different time every night, I want to be in bed by a certain time to guarantee that beauty sleep I desire. Instead of waking up by the time I absolutely need to, I want to wake up the same time every morning.

I want to sleep, and sleep good. I want to wake up refreshed, excited, and motivated.

2. Meditate

My devotions will be incorporated into every single morning. I have been pretty good about establishing the habit in the morning.

I don’t want to struggle with consistency. I want to really invest in some time to dwell on my thoughts.

With my devotional and Bible, I want to take the time to pray, be mindful, and soak in what I just read. How much time is still up in the air, but I will work to make this a part of my day.

I also want to read over my personal goals briefly every day.

3. Journal

The last time I kept a journal was in 7th grade. Mostly about school drama and friendships and feelings, it quickly died off when I established some strong friendships. I no longer needed to vent into a piece of paper.

What I want is to keep a record of myself. Short, concise, and honest, I want to have something to look back on, and maybe even pass on to my kids or grand kids.

I’m not sure if I want to do it during the morning or night, but I do want to regularly jot down my thoughts. Some possible prompts are what did I do that day, what did I learn, what did I question, and am I grateful for?

4. Read

I have spurts where I’ll read a book in two weeks. Or I’ll read the first half in a couple weeks and then the next half six months later.

I want to read every single day. I need to find a specific time in my day to devote to reading a book. I’ve already incorporated listening to podcasts into my day and the results have been amazing.

Now I want to take it to the next level and expand the channels I learn through. I have a whole lot of books I want to read and I need to establish a habit of reading every day to get through them.

5. Exercise

Again, I have spurts where I’ll exercise every day for three months straight and then I’ll go on vacation and won’t get back into consistently for another three months.

I want exercise to be a part of my day so that if I don’t, I will feel unfinished and unsatisfied with my day. I want it to be a part of my life and who I am.

All this will hopefully (as I can will it) be recorded in my new journals. What do you want to change about your day?

