ARCHIVE: The Peter Rowley Debate

Corey Fuimaono
3 min readNov 13, 2016


In all honesty, his argumental comebacks were less than the worth of actually debating against something. I’d rather have an intellectual discussion with a singular piece of shit.

The discussion, put in context, surrounds the argument around Video Piracy. Rowley was openly asking for opinions and I decided to chip in my two cents in the way that I had learned how to — by proper debate + referencing.

However what it really turned into, thanks to Rowley, was a battle of murmuring (or modern internet debating)

Yes. He finally deleted it — and removed me as a friend.
What a sad sack.

Perfect soundtrack to this would be the classic Funkadelic track I referenced before:

Cheers to Mr Baikie for being the “colleague”. Don’t shoplift, kids.


Thanks to set public settings of Facebook, Peter Rowley was able to comment on the images that I had posted and further the ‘debate’ on further. Thankfully however, I had the assistant of good friend David Lewis + master of the trolling artform, Tyler Baikie.

Thankfully, Mike Symes brought a valid discussion point which concerned the issue of Copyright. However, I did have to address Rowley first in the respectable mature manner — whilst also having a headache.

Trust me, this thing bugged me for the entire afternoon.

After that, it was time to formulate my response to Mike. And yes, not only is this a beast — but David + Tyler chip in their two cents too.

The end. I hope.



Corey Fuimaono

part-time volly journo, full-time humanist. also dabs in film, photography and music.