Published inStartup GrindWhen are you going to get a real job?Back in college, I decided to start my own web design business. Frankly, I had absolutely no idea what I was doing. The only thing I knew…Apr 10, 201714Apr 10, 201714
Why scalability is red herringUnless you’ve been living under a rock for the past decade or so, I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase “is it scalable?”.Apr 6, 2017Apr 6, 2017
What’s Wrong With Medium?Countless Medium users have written thought-piece after thought-piece on the disconnect between Medium’s goals as a company, what Medium…Dec 2, 201557Dec 2, 201557
The Irony Of Social MediaI’m often asked by people who’ve fantasized about shutting down their own Facebook accounts, what it’s really like to just stop completely…Nov 17, 20152Nov 17, 20152
Your Writing Needs An MVPMedium has taught me some valuable lessons about writing. One thing I love about Medium is its ability to provide a safe environment for…Jul 26, 20158Jul 26, 20158