The Poster Project

2 min readFeb 3, 2017


So it was around the time of the second march my wife went to in the space of a week that we realized that she was going to run out of ideas for signs pretty quickly.

So I offered to make some for her.

Two rows of tagboard one of basic printer’s paper.

Normally when I carve something, ink it, and press it, I’m printing scenes of medieval alien abductions or peasants being tormented by Lovecraftian nightmare creatures. I also usually bind my work to wood — the heft and the grain of the wood gives a ‘real’ quality to the very unreal scenes I tend towards.

Still, this would be a chance to try something new and make something that could be taken out into the world rather than hung on a wall.

So I did!

I posted some pictures on my Facebook and was almost immediately beset with friends, family, and people I have not seen since High School asking to buy one. It did not feel right to me to sell these, so I offered to send them a few for free. If people really wanted to pay for them they could by paying it forward and donating to a charity or organization that needs it.

Each paper poster packet includes three posters — one for the recipient to keep, one for them to give, and one for them to post where they think it is needed. The response was amazing and I’ve sent out a dozen packets.

As demand continued, I started to calculate the cost of shipping all these posters that I realized I might not be able to keep up with this in the long term. I’m happy to donate my time to printing and the cost of supplies, the manila tagboard and ink, is not that much. Shipping, though… Even at 5-ish bucks a mailing, that adds up.

So here’s my solution: a wooden version of the poster, hand pressed by me.

The edges are scorched by the light of truth! (also a torch)

All proceeds of the wooden poster will go into funding mailing out packets of the paper posters. If you’d like to help out by buying a wooden poster, simply visit my Etsy shop here.

If you’d like to sign up to receive a packet of paper posters, just fill out this Google form here. I’ll do my best to get it to you as time and funds allow.

Feel free to bookmark this page. I hope to add pictures of these posters in the wild as they light up the darkness.





I carve stuff and print it to dead trees.