40 Contemplations for Lent— Day 1: Music

Coriander Wolfgang Rainbeaux
3 min readFeb 23, 2023


I found this link “38 Meaningful Things to Give Up for Lent in 2023.”

I like to do things differently, so here’s what I’m going to do. For Lent, I’m going to use their topics and have a dialog with my inner children about each one. Today’s topic is music!

Photo by Jason Rosewell on Unsplash

Cori: Where’s your favorite place to listen to music right now?

wolfie: In the car! It sounds so nice and we can play it really loud. Mom doesn’t like us to stay in the car and listen to music though.

Cori: You’re right, it makes her nervous. *laughs* You recently introduced me to the idea of “musical color ideas.” Can you elaborate on these?

wolfie: It’s a vibe, Cori. Don’t overthink it. *rolls eyes*

Cori: Well ok then. What do you like most about music?

wolfie: Rhythm. Melody. Harmony. Dancing. *does a demonstrative sort of wiggle dance*

Cori: Why do you like to make music?

wolfie: To express my emotions, and soothe the savage beast. Rawr! *flexes muscles*

Cori: Oh my! What kind of performing is your favorite?

wolfie: Something spontaneous. Improv. Rock. Folk.

Cori: Do you remember our worst performance? What was it?

wolfie: Anything forced. *shrugs*

Cori: Fair enough. What’s the best musical advice you’ve been given?

wolfie: Play what’s in your heart.

Photo by Philip Myrtorp on Unsplash

Cori: That’s great advice. Have you had a music mentor?

wolfie: Besides Mozart? *giggles* Hmm, Daddy! And Mommy and Auntie!

Cori: You’re cute. *ruffles hair* How do you deal with performance anxiety?

wolfie: *crosses arms* I am there to have fun. Period. If it’s not fun? ZZZZBPT. *makes a cut motion*

Cori: Well then. Do you like to collaborate?

wolfie: Sometimes. I like to do my own thing mostly. I miss playing with Daddy.

Cori: What’s your dream venue?

wolfie: Busking on the street! *jumps up in a giant X with hands in fists*

Cori: We can arrange that! Who has influenced you?

wolfie: SO MANY PEOPLE. I’d be writing for weeks if I said them all. My hand might fall off from all the writing. *sticks his tongue out*

Cori: Give me a few examples.

Wolfie: *sighs dramatically* Augustin Hadelich’s Tiny Desk Concert. Kishi Bashi’s Tiny Desk Concert. All Tiny Desk Concerts. Two Set Violin conducting in VR. Bacewicz violin music. Papa John Creach. John Blake, Jr.

Cori: Just a couple more questions. What’s your favorite song?

wolfie: Human by The Killers. I’m dancer. *spins*

Cori: What is your least favorite song?

wolfie: Tax Man by the Beatles

Cori: What music makes you dance?

wolfie: LMFAO’s Sexy and I know it. Music by Madonna. Toccata and Fugue played by Vanessa-Mae. Ashley MacIsaac fiddling. Cori, did you know you and Ashley are the same age?!?!

Cori: I totally did not know that, wolfie. What music makes you cry?

wolfie: The first movement of the Beethoven Violin Concerto. The Children of Sanchez by Chuck Mangione. Nicki Minaj’s Grand Piano.

Cori: Besides a musician, what do you want to be when you grow up?

wolfie: Tall.

