40 Contemplations for Lent — Day 24: Your phone after 8PM

Coriander Wolfgang Rainbeaux
3 min readMar 29, 2023


For Lent this year, I’m giving up hiding myself from… well, myself! I’m having dialogues with my inner children about each topic from this link.

Photo by Diego PH on Unsplash

Cori: The only way you’re getting my phone out of my hands is if I’m sleeping.

The Librarian: *yells* Now, wolfie! *jumps in front of Cori* Distraction!

wolfie: *pops out of nowhere, grabs Cori’s phone, and pops back out*

Cori: Hey! That’s my phone! You come back here right now, young man! That little scoundrel. You played a mean trick on me. Is he going to bring it back?

The Librarian: At least you didn’t call him a pilferer!

Cori: Hah!

The Librarian: He’ll bring it back eventually.

Cori: Good. Ok, you’ve got my undivided attention, Librarian Rainbeaux.

The Librarian: Excellent! Let’s have a refreshing glass of Iced Tea and enjoy the scenery. *puts some jazz on the stereo*

Photo by James Wainscoat on Unsplash

Cori: *takes a sip* I don’t get outside enough. *looks around* Hey, it’s Spring!

The Librarian: Mmhm.

Cori: Do you have any snacks?

The Librarian: *passes over a tray of gluten-free cookies* Help yourself.

Cori: *takes a molasses cookie before passing the tray back* Thank you. *takes a bite* Wow, this is delicious! Did you make them?

The Librarian: Of course!

Cori: Homemade, too. Oh, look! *gasps* There’s a male cardinal in the bushes!

The Librarian: *waves to the bird* Hello!

The bird flies over and lands on The Librarian’s hand, where some birdseed is resting.

Cori: Who ARE you? Mary Poppins? Snow White? Cinderella?

The Librarian: *covers a laugh with a cough* Don’t be silly, Cori!

Cori: *side eyes Mary Snow-ella before changing the subject* Do you play any instruments?

The Librarian: The flute! I’m a flautist! How did you guess?

Photo by eberhard 🖐 grossgasteiger on Unsplash

Cori: *looks at the music playing device* Well, the Bolling flute music was one clue.

The Librarian: Right you are!

The cardinal flies away.

Cori: Do all librarians hold the keys to the universe?

The Librarian: *smiles* Maybe! It would be a really heavy key ring!

Cori: *feels a little funny* I feel like I’m shrinking! Is your head getting larger? *peers at The Librarian through squinted eyes*

The Librarian: It only SEEMS like you’re shrinking, dear. Don’t you worry. You’re still the same-sized-Cori.

Cori: Oh no… You’re Mrs. Madrigal!

The Librarian: Don’t worry, dear. You’ll be ok! *pats Cori on the hand*

Cori: You put something in my cookie! *stares at their hands with wonder*

The Librarian: Yes, I did. A distraction!

Cori: The only way you’re getting away with this is if I’m sleeping!

The Librarian: *snaps her fingers* wolfie?

A phone appears out of nowhere hovering midair.

Cori: *reaches out to grab it* Oooh, my phone! I missed you soooooo much! That stinker wolfie stole you! I’m never letting you go. *opens Merge Mansion and starts rearranging their inventory*

The Librarian: *leaves Cori to their computing*

Photo by Neil Soni on Unsplash

