40 Contemplations for Lent — Day 33: Bottled Water

Coriander Wolfgang Rainbeaux
2 min readApr 7, 2023


For Lent this year, I’m giving up hiding myself from… well, myself! I’m having dialogues with my inner children about each topic from this link.

Photo by Jonathan Chng on Unsplash

Cori: Water is so important.

wolfie: what’s the big deal about water? you can get it anywhere, can’t you?

Cori: Actually, there are a lot of places in the world where water is not readily available, or is contaminated. We are very lucky to have fresh running water available.

wolfie: wow. *looks very concerned and shocked* i didn’t know that.

Cori: Would you like to hear a story about one man’s journey to get water to South Sudan?

wolfie: ok.

Cori: This man is named Salva Dut, and he has facilitated getting wells built in South Sudan. If you click on his name, you can watch a video. If you click this link, you can find the Water for South Sudan website.

wolfie: i didn’t know. how can we help?

Cori: They need donations. You and I are spreading the word right now!

wolfie: cool! i want everyone in the world to have access to clean and drinkable water.

Cori: Me too, wolfie. Also, there is a big issue with too many plastics. We can help this by recycling, and by using reusable containers for our own water. We have a Berkey water filtration system that we use. (No affiliate link. We just like it!)

wolfie: i have a canning jar with a fancy lid that i like to use for my water.

Cori: Your canning jar is right sized for you! Mine is a quart, I think.

wolfie: cori sized!

Photo by Noppadon Manadee on Unsplash

