40 Contemplations for Lent — Day 36: Instagram Filters

Coriander Wolfgang Rainbeaux
3 min readApr 13, 2023


For Lent this year, I’m giving up hiding myself from… well, myself! I’m having dialogues with my inner children about each topic from this link.

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Cori: What do you think of Instagram filters, or any social media filters for that matter?

Anna: They can be fun sometimes, but I’m not really a fan. wolfie likes them occasionally, the brat.

Cori: I did enjoy the one that made my current self look like a teenager. Seeing myself as a teen and more masculine was pretty cool. So many people got really emotional about seeing their younger selves. It was cathartic.

Anna: I might secretly enjoy turning into a bunny rabbit and a cat. But, that’s it!

Cori: What ones does wolfie like?

Anna: The wolf ones, of course. And, anything ridiculously silly.

Cori: I don’t really pay attention much, so I’ll have to ask him later to show me some pictures. Let me change this up a little and ask a different question. Do you ever try to look through a different “filter” to understand someone else’s point of view?

Anna: You mean, like the phrase “Walk a mile in someone else’s shoes?”

Cori: *nods* Yes, something like that.

Anna: I do, sometimes. I can’t think of a good example right now, but … Oh, wait! I guess when Violet and I are arguing about whether we like music or clothes or books, sometimes I have to listen close to really hear what she is trying to convey. I don’t always agree, but trying to understand what her motivation is feels important. Maybe she wants me to agree so we could go to a concert together. That is usually agreeable.

Cori: That makes sense. Do you and Violet disagree often?

Anna: Not really. Sometimes one of us just wants to argue a point for practice. *smirks* We have a lot of things in common actually.

Cori: I thought so!

Anna: Have you ever used a camera lens filter to change the mood?

Cori: I’ve always wanted to, but I don’t think I have.

Anna: We should look into trying it!

Photo by Chris Lynch on Unsplash

Cori: First I have to find my camera memory card. I took a whole pile of pictures and didn’t have the card in it! I was so mad.

Anna: It’s funny that even though we don’t use film now, we can still make that same mistake. Remember when you went to NYC in high school and forgot to load the camera with film?

Cori: *groans* Yes! That was the worst.

Anna: I really enjoy taking pictures of nature. Flowers, buds, trees, bushes, clouds, blue skies… I know, it’s sort of against my gothy nature. Please remember that I shoot a bunch dead trees, ok?

Cori: *giggles*. I wasn’t going to say anything. We should go to the cemetery and take some spring pictures. Maybe the street with all of the magnolia trees.

Anna: That sounds fun.

Cori: We could get some bubble tea and ramen soup. Now I’m hungry!

Anna: I’m kind of hungry, too. I’m thinking ice cream. Maybe a Blizzard from Dairy Queen?

Cori: What kind of Blizzard is your favorite?

Anna: Anything with chocolate and fruit, like strawberry or cherry. You?

Cori: Peanut butter cups and Heath bars. Yum.

Anna: I like their chicken strips, too.

Cori: What dipping sauce?

Anna: Ranch!

Cori: Me too!

Anna: *smiles* If you were a prism and we shown light through you, we’d find a rainbow, Cori!

Photo by Alex Jackman on Unsplash

