40 Contemplations for Lent — Day 8: Heat styling your hair

Coriander Wolfgang Rainbeaux
2 min readMar 4, 2023


For Lent this year, I’m giving up hiding myself from… well, myself! I’m having dialogues with my inner children about each topic from this link. Yesterday was about dating apps.

Cori: Styling this mop *points to their head* is rather pointless. Half of the time, after I’ve combed and dried it, Mom asks if we need to comb our hair. This is just how it is and I like it!

Heather Feather: *takes out some hair gel and puts it in her hair*

Cori: Show off.

Heather Feather: We have to do this after our 1989 perm or it’s a giant poof ball.

Photo by Kolos Kevei on Unsplash

Cori: *points to their head* Like this?

Heather Feather: Exactly.

Cori: We do need a trim though.

Heather Feather: *nods and gets out her Eucerin Intensive Repair Body Lotion for Very Dry Skin and slathers some on her arms*

Cori: You are on it with taking care of yourself.

Heather Feather: I try. It’s not easy being He-Man’s unknown secret sister.

Cori: *side eyes Heather Feather*

Heather Feather: *coughs* Forget I said anything.

Cori: Ooookay. Like I could forget THAT. Um, do you heat set your hair? What does that mean anyway?

Heather Feather: I’m not sure — blow drying or flat ironing or curling? I usually either dry it on medium warm, or air dry. I’m not too fussy beyond the gel.

Cori: *nods* I usually air dry. And uh, yeah, nothing fancy since I transitioned. Curling my hair previously only lasted like 30 minutes. Then it went back to whatever it was doing beforehand. *laughs*

Heather Feather: *plays with Cori’s hair* You have a lot of curls and waves now!

Photo by Jonathan Cosens Photography on Unsplash

Cori: That is not a picture of me. Cute hair though.

Heather Feather: *giggles and picks a feather out of her own hair, handing it to Cori*

Cori: Aww thank you. Does this give me special powers?

Heather Feather: *smiles* That’s for me to know and for you to find out!

Cori: I can’t wait. *does not sound enthused*

Heather Feather: That’s the spirit! *smirks mysteriously*

Photo by Daiga Ellaby on Unsplash

