Of abysses and dreams

Corina Morera
1 min readJul 4, 2024

Prose poetry

Translation of my piece “De abismos y sueños”. Link to the original in Spanish HERE.

Ship silhouette crossing a cloudy tunnel in the sky. Dream-like image.
Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash

The dreams have disappeared from my nights, and I spend the day among their threads. Lately, they rise with the Sun determined not to let the vigil proceed with its story.

The nocturnal journey is now light, and the palace of Morpheus, where he still awaits me in disgust, is just a distant point in the landscape of my eyelids.

My wings are not what they were, and in that strange lightness… they weigh me down.

Everything passes without passing, and nothing shows up, or The Nothingness appears. How long have I been staring into the abyss? How much of me has the abyss seen? Am I already the abyss itself?

I continue dreaming, awake, while disdainful seconds run without looking back; while my head turns to contemplate the future, which falls hopelessly on my restless present, where my body continues dreaming… without knowing how to dream.



Corina Morera

My "bio" is a bit complicated, so let's say... I am myself. #ActuallyAutistic