Let’s get rewarded !

2 min readFeb 6, 2020


To all RISE Delegates and RISE token holders,

Yesterday we stated our plan to roll back from RISE v2.0 to v1.3 (stable) in order to restore all important functions of our blockchain, including explorer, ledger wallet transfers, delegate voting and exchange compatibility.

If you missed yesterday’s announcement, please read it here:


RISE delegates who run server nodes to secure and maintain the Rise blockchain are of great importance for a stable network. Rolling back from v2.0 to v1.3 means that delegates will lose out on any forging rewards earned while we were on v2.0. To compensate our Delegates and to ensure sufficient Delegate participation as well as attract new Delegates for the future we are adjusting the Block reward schedule to the following:

1st Year: 30 RISE per block

2nd Year: 20 RISE per block

3rd Year: 15 RISE per block in perpetuity

We’re already working on ways to get RISE 2.0 fixed while we head back to version 1.3(.1) so we have a transacting network in the meantime.

We have also created a community development team that is currently in co-operation and being led by Jan our lead dev at present in order to get certain tasks completed in a more timely manner (time will tell if that’s the case ;).

It was always the aim to have Rise community driven once we had the application side operational. Now we are calling on the communities help for other reasons.

If you are a developer and interested in jumping in please don’t hesitate to reach out to us especially if you know Typescript. We are going to be setting up RISE bounties as rewards to those who contribute.

More updates following soon !


