“clear iceberg on blue ocean water” by Ezra Comeau-Jeffrey on Unsplash

Got to give it up

Cormac Booth


Ok, it’s that time of year. I’m sure notifications have been popping up each month since last December 4th. That’s right, the big day is coming. Cormac Booth (that’s me) is turning 38. Thirty. Eight. Years. Old. So why am I writing this? I’m getting older. I have almost everything I want and need really, which is pretty good. But the thing I am missing is a little peace of mind.

So, for my birthday, that’s what I’d like from you. No, not at piece of your mind (though it’s a sweet offer). Some peace of mind for me. Well, what’s on your mind, Cormac, I hear you ask? It’s a fine question and thanks for asking.

The last few years, I’ve donated my birthday to some charities. That means no material gifts, but the gift of never shutting up about it. It feels goooooood. In 2016 you lovely people donated to Charity: Water to help install a well in Niger — which brought water, for life, for 22 people. It might not sound like much — but…well, if you put your phone down, close your eyes and imagine 22 people without water. And then imagine that going on for their entire life, and then that life being forever changed then it’s a pretty sweet feeling (In summary — aren’t I great?! Yes you too but mostly me, amirite?). Last year, my amazing friends and family donated enough money to buy 131 solar lights to be installed (by The Honnold Foundation) in the homes of families in rural Africa. This kind of kindness (I need an editor) has a huge, cascading change. Because those 131 solar lights, improve the lives of 570 people, saving them about £19,000 and averting the emissions of about 139 tonnes of CO2. That’s a good day.

This year, the scary truth about climate change and almost unavoidable (and yet avoidable!!!) future of our planet has been getting me down. I’ve tried to make some changes to do my bit to make me feel better. We use renewable energy in our flat in Helsinki, I’ve managed to reduce my meat and dairy consumption by about 90% and I’m trying to minimise my air travel and when I need to fly, offseting the carbon emissions of my travel, usually with KLM’s CO2Zero program.

And whilst it’s my problem, this climate change thing feels like it’s maybe….OUR problem.

Which brings me to my request. I searched around to find a charity that I thought would grab people’s attention and inspire folks…But it was nearly impossible to select one. So instead, for my birthday — I’m not asking for donations. I’m asking for you to make a change:

(N.B. you might need a mirror for this to be effective)

What kinds of change can you make?

I’d love it if you could make a pledge to make a change to make a difference to make a sentence. Do I need a verb? I think I need a verb.

Let’s start over — maybe you can head over to make a Climate Pledge: https://climatepledge.global/

Maybe you ride a bike or walk to get around when a car isn’t essential. You might even like it!!! You might not, but then again — this is about ME. I digress…

Maybe you could change your diet and reduce your meat and dairy intake a little bit. It takes a village I believe? This website is full of deliciousness: www.minimalistbaker.com. Have an oat milk latte instead of regular latte. Pay the extra 40 pence or cents. Almond milk and soy milk are good choices too but come with their own issues. But oat milk is a great sustainable choice. Or just drink black coffee. Or water. Water is good. And free — especially if you don’t buy bottled water.

Even easier, don’t change your diet (but do) but buy local. Accept that strawberries are just to be enjoyed in the summer and that you can wait 4 months for a butternut squash. Instead of selecting those fist-sized blueberries shipped in from Peru, how about some frozen berries from the farm down the road? Maybe milk from your local dairy? Maybe support your local farmer? (if you’re local farmer is a dick, by all means find another farmer who is slightly farther away).

Even easier still, don’t change your diet (but still do) but just reduce your consumption and reduce your waste. That’ll save you money and the bother of taking your rubbish outside. Put that rubbish in your belly! (I might need to work on my messaging…).

If making a change feels like hard work (it is, but getting to lord it over other people means it is totally worth it), maybe you could make a donation to offset some of yours (or someone else’s — MERRY CHRISTMAS MUM!!!) carbon emissions. For example, you could do this with Hiiliporssi in Finland or somewhere like myclimate.org. If you have to fly, then maybe fly with an airline that tries to minimise the damage caused by their industry.

Whilst you’re here — check out some info here: https://www.tripsavvy.com/klm-airline-sustainability-efforts-4153988

If you don’t like any of these ideas, by all means head to Charity Water, The Honnold Foundation (links above) or anywhere else you like — and please donate to change someone’s life and the planet for the better.

If you need to read someone who, y’know…can write — then head over to these interesting (AND WELL WRITTEN) articles to guide you.

This one is good. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/climate-change-global-warming-chad-frischmann-project-drawdown-carbon-dioxide-a8574461.html

This one is also good: https://davidsuzuki.org/what-you-can-do/top-10-ways-can-stop-climate-change/

Find your own. Use google. It’s quite handy. Go on.

Make. A. Change. It’s my fucking birthday.


