How to Rescue the UK from Traitors, Propagandists and Fifth Columnists.

Cormack Lawson
15 min readJul 17, 2022


Britain is broken. We have been conquered from within by a hostile power. The economy has been deliberately trashed; our healthcare system is on its knees and being privatised in plain sight; the armed forces have been gutted; our media are functioning as the Ministry for Propaganda; we have effectively sanctioned ourselves with the Frost/European Research Group (ERG) ultrahard Brexit and now the pièce de resistance, the impending privatisation of our cities and regions under the guise of the “freeports” policy. Furthermore, our political system is awash with dirty money right, left and centre, a slew of anti-democratic legislation has been passed and we are still enduring the tyrannical whims of the bloviating bot-fly, Boris Johnson.

This can no longer be disregarded as “Remoaner” doom-and-gloom, the fate of not just the UK but each of the 4 countries within it, now hangs in the balance. If we continue down this path much further, the damage to our economy and health and security will be so severe that it will take decades to undo. If we do not act now, we may never recover. It is the greatest crisis we have faced alone as a nation, and these next few weeks and months will be crucial if we are to halt the process and begin to reverse it. Ultimately, we want to be looking to a better future within our lifetime, but that can only be achieved once the full extent of this government and their backers’ treasonous crimes have been investigated and fully prosecuted. The criminal investigation and prosecution of all those responsible for intentionally creating this crisis will be fundamental in re-establishing the rule of law and in creating the foundations of a modern democracy, protected from outside influence.

Our alleged collective-belief in the “good-chap” principle has had a large role in enabling the rise of fascism in our country. However, there have been other factors at play here too, the brainwashing and financing of the corrupt individuals now sitting in the cabinet and throughout our government have equally been key. In addition, our media are ranked as the least trustworthy across Europe and our electoral system has been rigged in the Tories’ favour since its inception. We need a way forward, we need a plan to arrest the rot, to root it out and establish a modern functioning democracy before it is too late.

First and foremost, we need to get the blatantly corrupt Tory party, which appears to be financed by a curious coalition of Russian oligarchs, American billionaires, fossil fuel interests and other malign interests, out of power. Ultimately, those who have betrayed the citizens of the UK must all be thoroughly and fearlessly investigated via the money and data trails that must exist, and where appropriate be put-on trial for their crimes, up to and including treason.

We therefore need to explore how this might constitutionally and legally happen.

While we wait for Johnson’s eventual successor and our 3rd unelected Prime Minister in 6 years to be decided by ~150,000 Tory party members, the opposition should already be planning a coordinated and unrelenting campaign to push for a general election.

The new leader of the Conservative Party is likely to be from the ERG or a similarly extreme faction, and may well be ignorant and arrogant enough to think they can outperform Johnson’s “huge mandate” in a general election in 2 years, by which time untold further harm will have been caused. We need to act now.

Right now, there is still a small (and decreasing) number of Tory MPs who are not disciples of the ERG and/or fascist nationalism. If they want to protect our national security from foreign interference, and domestic extremism, they should be uniting with a coalition of opposition parties to form a National Government and save our country.

For a Government of National Unity to work there will need to be substantive cooperation between all the opposition parties and at least 74 Tory MPs (82 to account for the DUP) and for now, it is still theoretically achievable. Despite the ERG’s growing influence, they are a minority within the Conservative party. Once the coalition has the numbers, they can nominate one from within their ranks as leader and approach the Queen (now King) to be recognised as the government of the UK. However, the lack of urgency in the senior opposition figures and their seeming willingness to follow in lock-step with the Tory lurch to the extreme-right, does not fill me with confidence that any of them can unify the opposition parties and 82 Tory MPs, let alone the country.

Many of them have enjoyed publicly calling out Johnson’s penchant for partying, while engaging little with the brutal reality that our country has been brought to its knees by the Tory Party and its often-mysterious donors. With Labour recently committing themselves to furthering the madness of hard Brexit and continually pulling further right, keeping pace with the Tory policy nightmare and normalising their fascism, I fear the problems in the opposition run deeper than they are just self-interested bad strategists. Pandering to a small number of former supporters instead of realigning with traditional Labour values, such as a functioning welfare state and health-care system, investing in our future and protecting the rights of our most vulnerable citizens, is at best a poorly conceived election strategy. I fear the reality may be worse.

Given the unprecedented situation we find ourselves in, it may be necessary for the Queen (now King) to protect the nation by appointing someone of good character to lead a cross-party National Government as a peer. Such an intervention would set a dangerous precedent for the nation, and open the door to future Royal intervention. Therefore, the Monarch would need to emphasise that a democratic election must take place within 100 days (or similarly short time-frame) and a new democratic procedure be created to prevent this solution being required in future.

Former Chair of the Intelligence and Security Committee (ISC) when it compiled the Russia report, Dominic Grieve, would be my nomination. He was a constant thorn in the side of the Theresa May’s government as she inexorably lurched to the right at the direction of Shanker Singham and the Legatum Institute. He served as Attorney General between 2010 and 2014 and had a long career as a barrister before becoming an MP. Grieve understood the risks of Brexit long before we eventually left with no-deal, tabling 3 amendments to the Withdrawal bill during the negotiating process and stating that it was “national suicide” in a 2019 speech to a convention for a second referendum. However, his efforts were ultimately unsuccessful, the think-tanks and the ERG got their no-deal Brexit and he was ousted from the Conservative party after voting with the opposition against the government’s motion for no-deal. This sparked fury and condemnation among his constituents. He then stood as an independent candidate in 2019 but lost his seat to Tory MP Joy Morrisey. Grieve is not perfect, however his flaws pale in comparison to the flaws of the traitors currently running the country. He made ill-judged comments about minority communities being more open to corruption due to the culture that underpins their home countries. Instead of pretending he didn’t say it, like our present Prime Minister would have done, he apologised and retracted his comments. This is a clear sign of his integrity and character. A willingness to accept you have made a mistake, to take accountability for your error and correct it should be expected of all our leaders and is sorely missing in our current government.

I place my political leanings left of centre and I am no Conservative supporter, but I also recognise the country has been utterly fractured and that a significant proportion have been manipulated into holding a range of extremely right-wing views. Meaning that somebody centre-right is probably best placed to unify us and re-establish the rule of law. Grieve’s prior experience in senior government and as a lawyer, along with his intimate understanding of the Russian, American, nationalist and fascist influence over the Brexit vote, means he has the knowledge and experience required to help correct our current course. I do not believe that Grieve is the only person that could lead us through this or that we should be collectively clamouring for his appointment. I am making the point that we will be better off with such an appointment in comparison to the current opposition leaders who are all too happy to play along in normalising fascism, and that he has the requisite skills and experience to have a valuable insight into the current crisis we face. The path to recovery from here will be longer than one leader can travel and there is far more to rectifying our current situation than the Queen (now King) simply appointing the correct leader.

Whether you agree with my nomination or feel there is a capable leadership figure amongst the opposition, whoever is to lead this cross-party National Government will need to be explicitly clear about the real and increasingly urgent need for their actions. In doing so, I believe they would have overwhelming public support. If they pledged to introduce: a Great Repeal Bill; a written constitution; sweeping electoral reforms; an overhaul in press regulation; legislation to tackle the influence of opaquely funded think-tanks; and most-importantly, to launch a wide-ranging public enquiry leading to criminal investigations and prosecutions of all the people who have been involved in bringing down our democracy from within, most of the British public would support them. I want to explore each of these elements in more detail to explain why they are all fundamental requirements to truly solving this crisis and ensuring it will not happen again.

The Great Repeal Bill

After the circus of the last 3 years, it is blatantly apparent that we need a Great Repeal Bill. In his time as Prime Minister, Boris Johnson and his criminally corrupted party have enacted a raft of anti-democratic legislation, all designed to entrench the Tories in power for the rest of time. There was the Policing and Crime Bill, which made “noisy” protests illegal, then there is the Elections Bill, which introduced highly selective mandatory ID requirements to deliberately marginalise ~2 million working class and minority voters. Both bills have no place in a functioning democracy and need to be repealed. There are other reasons the Elections Bill needs repealing; it removed the restrictions on foreign donations to political parties and handed direct control of the Electoral Commission to the government. These powers are not compatible with democracy and must be repealed. There is also the Judicial Review Bill, with which the government granted themselves the power to reject Judicial verdicts they do not agree with, that too has no place in a functioning democracy and must be repealed, along with many other bills of a similar nature.

In addition to repealing legislation, there is also the matter of the many bankers and party donors who have been appointed to senior posts in our “independent” public institutions. Rishi Sunak’s former boss from his Goldman-Sachs days and now chairman of the BBC, Richard Sharp, should be removed and replaced, along with Sajid Javid’s former colleague at Deutsche Bank and now Chairman of NHS England, Richard Meddings. There are several other similar postings throughout our institutions that need to be revoked and their replacements must be made on merit. The peerages that have been bought and sold for the last few years through the Tory party donor system should all be repealed. Lord Lebedev of Hampton and Siberia and Baroness Harding of Track and Trace-fraud-fame should both have their peerages removed. There are many others who have been awarded them for enabling our country’s demise, such as Lord Frost and Dame Harries, or those who have simply bought them, such as Lord Cruddas, who must also be stripped of their peerages. This is not just a symbolic act of revoking corruptly appointed peerages, there is genuine value in removing foreign agents and traitors from positions of influence within our government.

A Written Constitution

Boris Johnson and his criminal co-conspirators brutally exposed our unwritten constitution to be worth less than the paper we have not bothered to write it on. A modern democracy committed to serving in the interests of its people should not fear scrutiny, instead it should be equipped with the proper mechanisms to hold power to account. The few remaining proponents of our unwritten constitution claim that it offers us flexibility, when what they really mean is that it allows them to change the rules to suit their needs and whims. A written constitution would clearly define where specific powers are held, how they relate to each other, and importantly, how they are separated from one another between the executive, legislative and judicial pillars in our society. It would also provide us with the opportunity to finally abolish the House of Lords and install an elected second chamber. The Brexit vote being upheld despite all the reported criminality of the Leave campaign groups, the unlawful prorogation of parliament in 2019 and the present government’s consistent traitorous, actions against the national interest, have been increasingly blunt reminders of our desperate need for a written constitution in the UK. If we want to ensure that we do not have to endure this hostility from our own government again, a written constitution needs to be one of the first acts of our new National Government.

Electoral Reform

We must go further than simply repealing the Elections Bill and introduce fundamental reforms to the electoral system. First Past the Post (FPTP) is one of the most archaic, corruptible, and unfair electoral systems available, not least because it provided Johnson with a massive 82-seat majority with only 44% of the vote. The two main parties are so fractured that they are no longer single parties, they are coalitions of various overlapping factions. Proportional Representation (PR) would break these parties up, give more deserved votes to the smaller existing parties and foster the creation of new parties. PR has its own drawbacks, but there are various forms of PR that offer solutions to those issues, although they too have their own limitations. PR is unequivocally a better choice than FPTP for a functioning modern democracy because parties get representation proportionate to their share of the public vote. We also need to go further than just repealing the Elections Bill in the context of party funding. The gaps in previous iterations of the rules on party donations were being wildly and openly exploited long before the recent changes were introduced. A complete overhaul of party funding is required. State funding of our political parties would be an appropriate and simple solution, particularly in the context of introducing some form of PR, which will distribute votes more equally among parties. All parties would be entirely state funded and no outside donations would be permitted. The proportion of the vote share that each party receives would determine the proportion of the funding pot they were entitled to. This would severely limit the ability of wealthy donors to influence government policy. No more policy decision being made on behalf of the oil and gas sector, the newspapers or the myriad of other big businesses, who are currently openly buying policy decisions with their donations.

Press Reform

The second Leveson enquiry could have made a substantial change to the way the media establishment operates in the UK. The first enquiry not only exposed the phone hacking scandal but had begun scratching the surface of the true proximity our press has to government and worse, their ability to influence the government’s decision making. After significant lobbying, Theresa May decided we didn’t need to investigate the relationship between our media and government any further and cancelled it. I don’t think it is entirely necessary to re-establish this enquiry now, the close-relationship between our press and government has never been so clear as it has been under Johnson’s government. It will all be exposed in the wider criminal investigation and prosecution of the traitors and saboteurs.

The newspapers exempted themselves from the Online-Safety Bill following extensive lobbying, meaning they are free to publish lies online with no consequences, and that decision should be reversed. We should also reclaim the fraudulently spent taxpayer money that was handed out to them during the last 2 years in overinflated deals to publish government sponsored articles, in addition to reversing the tax breaks and subsidies they have been awarded for their services to propaganda.

The right-wing tabloids consistently publish provable falsehoods, stoke up anger and hatred in their readers and have almost deified Johnson in their defence of him. Furthermore, we now have foreign states and not just foreign billionaires, owning media platforms such as GB News and sowing division in our country. Press reform must be another key objective of our new National Government’s drive to establish a functioning democracy. There needs to be far tighter restrictions on who is deemed suitable to own our media outlets, limits on the concentration of media ownership and we need a properly independent regulatory body that can enforce the new regulations. Installing such regulations will be fundamental to establishing and protecting our new democracy.

Think-Tank Regulation

The think-tank stranglehold over the policy agenda in the UK has arguably been the most important cog in the machine that is now tearing down the country. The right-wing think tanks that have been dictating the policy agenda in the UK are lobbying groups and ideologues disguised as think-tanks and are abusing the charitable status that this provides them. This too will be fully exposed in the criminal investigations and prosecutions and a Think-Tank Bill should come from that process.

I would like to advocate for regulating them out of existence. However, there are think-tanks that research progressive policies to tackle the climate crisis, poverty and many other issues that are of genuine value to society, they just need to be on a level playing field with the right-wing lobbying groups currently elevated to the highest levels of our government. The starting point for this bill should be to strip them of their charity status, forcing them to publish the true sources of their donations and detailed financial records. The bill should also include a ban on foreign donations into UK think-tanks and a severe limitation on domestic donations. Further stipulations should be made in the bill that prior membership/affiliation with a think-tank means that you are automatically excluded from ever holding any kind of government post. Stringent rules around members/affiliates of think-tanks ability to access government officials must also be included in the bill. Nobody, let alone the directors of dark-money funded lobbying groups, should be having unminuted meetings with or “unparalleled access” to cabinet ministers. Finally, the bill should place an outright ban on tax-payer funded, secretive groups of MPs such as the ERG, the Covid Recovery Group and the Net Zero Scrutiny Group whose members are closely affiliated with, and in many cases are prior members of such lobbying groups.

If it turns out that the Russians, Americans or others have helped to found many of the dominant think tanks in the UK, fifth-columnists attacking us via ideas, our society should establish the safeguards required to severely limit the harm they can ever do to us again.

Criminal Investigations and Prosecutions

The criminal investigations and prosecutions are the most important part of this process if we want to truly understand where this threat came from and move forward as a country. These investigations will be required to properly inform the legislation for some of the reforms I have proposed. They are the starting point for our new National Government to ensure that we can prevent this hostile and treasonous domestic attack from reoccurring.

A public enquiry must be held so the country can witness the true extent of the corruption and treason that has been committed by the ruling classes. It must also have the power to recommend individuals for criminal prosecution at the High Court. The Brexit campaign and vote should be where they start. The already documented and suppressed criminality and outside interference in the vote needs to be fully investigated. The illegal over-spending and possible collusion between supposedly independent leave campaign groups, the nefarious influence that Cambridge Analytica’s propaganda campaigns had on swaying the vote, the links to Russia and all the lies from our politicians and media alike must be publicly exposed and prosecuted.

The remit of this public inquiry must go a great deal further. The connections between our politicians, the propaganda press, the Putin circle and the American backed lobbying groups needs to be publicly exposed through this enquiry. When the collusion between our politicians, press, a rogue foreign state and foreign billionaires is exposed, they should all be prosecuted for High Treason, which carries a maximum sentence of life imprisonment.

These politicians and their enablers in the press knew from the start what they were promoting and they were banking on it turning out exactly this way. They always wanted to plunge the UK into chaos, strip and sell-off our assets, raze it to the ground and then rule-indefinitely over the smouldering rubble that was left.

This agenda is inherently treasonous and everyone involved should be sentenced to life in prison.

Since Brexit, we have seen a further series of treasonous acts coming from our own government. They have been consistently acting against the national interest, deliberately driving up price inflation, killing and disabling our citizens, asset stripping the country, fraudulently wasting uncounted billions in taxpayers’ money, and now are giving away our Cities and regions to multinational corporations to be run as private fiefdoms. They didn’t decide to do this alone, they have been coerced and financed over many years to get to this point. The domestic donors that financed it, the directors of think-tanks that pushed the ideas on behalf of the foreign and domestic donors, and the politicians who all delivered it should be called to give their testimony and presented with the evidence against them.

This should be the climax of the public inquiry, the former Tory government, financed and influenced by Russian oligarchs and American fascist billionaires, sitting in the docks on trial for High Treason. I have no doubt that the evidence on most of them would be unequivocal.

The nation witnessing their crimes being laid out in minute detail and subsequently the life sentences for High Treason being delivered, is the only way that we can start anew. It will serve to alert the public to the true nature of the issues we have been facing over the last few years and will provide the basis for our much-needed reforms, finally establishing a true democracy in the UK.

Cormack Lawson



Cormack Lawson

Independent researcher and writer, mainly focused on UK politics.