Faculty, Graduate Students and Staff for an Anti-Racist Cornell, 2020 Demands

Cornell Faculty Coalition
26 min readSep 7, 2020


Faculty, Graduate Students and Staff for an Anti-Racist Cornell University

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Archival Photograph of Student Protest at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY

Fall 2020 Demands

8 September 2020

Dear President Pollack, Provost Kotlikoff, Deans and members of the Cornell University community,

As a university founded in 1865 upon an egalitarian vision of education, Cornell has set for itself high standards of social responsibility. It is easy to recite the motto “any person… any study,” but easier to forget that the price of that vision of equal educational opportunity was the legacy of forcible Indigenous dispossession and African enslavement, compounded by increasing imperialist expansion and interventionism in the Americas and beyond. The institution has fallen far short of its democratic ideals in the past and must pursue them much more aggressively in the present and future, particularly in the arena of racial justice. We can no longer ignore the land and the labor at the core of the foundation of Cornell University’s endowment. The Ithaca campus occupies the traditional homelands of the Gayogo̱hó꞉nǫ’ (the Cayuga Nation), and Cornell’s other campuses and properties are in the traditional territories of likely every Indigenous Nation in the state. Moreover, the Morrill Act of 1862 provided almost a million acres of formerly Indigenous lands to Cornell in 15 other states. The wealth of the university, an institution founded at the close of the U.S. Civil War but by no means the end of white supremacy, is in no small part derived from Indigenous dispossession and the afterlife of racial slavery. It is not enough to continue to cite the legacy of abolition (Underground Railroad) and suffrage (Seneca Falls Convention) in Upstate New York without upholding the values of ongoing struggles toward freedom.

Cornell remains a site of entrenched racial disparities, mirroring, in many ways, the larger failings of the nation as an interracial democracy. While the university faithfully performs the liberal rituals of “diversity,” such practices have proved to be largely symbolic and therefore empty; they long ago became alibis for the maintenance of an unjust social order. The intellectual, social and emotional effects of that order have contributed to Cornell’s failure to retain many faculty of color. President Pollack’s recent announcement of plans for a Center for Anti-Racism in response to student demands is promising. However, in this moment of national reckoning prompted by the horrific murder of George Floyd, Cornell as an institution must do much more.

The demonstrations in all 50 states, territories, and in many parts of the world that erupted in late May in the wake of the Floyd killing were unprecedented in scale and are ongoing. The protests underscored the failures of our society to confront the profound violence of anti-blackness. They also led to widespread reflection on the deep-seated racism that continues to shape social life and institutions. In this historic moment, we must grapple more urgently with Cornell’s relationship to racial inequality. Like many wealthy institutions, Cornell is complicit, in countless ways, in the reproduction of white supremacy. To name just one example, the university is the major driver of the soaring housing prices and other forms of gentrification that have disproportionately affected local communities of color. Meanwhile, on campus, Black people, Indigenous people and people of color (BIPOC), remain marginalized and underrepresented in the ranks of faculty, students and staff (including waged employees).

What we demand of Cornell is substantive action rather than the performance of racial innocence or enlightenment. “Black Lives Matter” is a call not just for reflection or dialogue, but for genuine reallocation of resources and power. If the suddenly-popular term “anti-racism” is to mean anything at all, it must mean redistributive justice and the dismantling of white supremacist norms and conditions. It must also mean serious intellectual and policy work over the long term. As an institution Cornell aspires to the highest principles of civic duty. Yet every “colorblind” event, mechanism, and process at the university — from new faculty orientations to selection of endowed positions — perpetuates racial disparities and reinforces an unjust status quo.

Today Cornell has a clear moral and intellectual responsibility to transcend symbolism and to unmake the racial regime that its routine operation helps uphold. At the same time, the university must expand its anti-homophobic and anti-transphobic policies and challenge patriarchal, heteronormative and cisgender biases throughout the institution. Concrete changes may be accomplished, in part, by partially defunding existing Diversity and Inclusion programming, much of which is not only ineffectual but can also be damaging. Superficial “diversity” exercises only distract from and help conceal institutional racism. Cornell must divest from the diversity industry it has helped construct. Further resources for anti-racist support may be secured through a partial defunding of the Cornell Police Department, which is another arm of a policing apparatus predicated on the maintenance of a racist order, and which does not protect students from racial and sexual violence but further harms them. We join with #DoBetterCornell in calling not just for a recapitulation of existing policies, but for a change in outcomes. Cornell must build into every aspect of the university explicitly anti-racist pedagogies and frameworks. We, the undersigned scholars and members of the Cornell community, many of who engage questions of racism and inequality in our teaching, scholarship, and everyday lives, call on the university to initiate the following reforms:



IM1: Support and encourage Departments to make cluster hires of Black and other faculty of color. The need is especially great in those departments that have one or no BIPOC faculty members. This is also an issue of retention; the absence of colleagues of color often plays into the decision of faculty of color to leave Cornell. While we recognize the tremendous need for more Black, Indigenous and Latino/a faculty across the board, the university must also address the underrepresentation of Asian American faculty (especially women and ethnicities such as Filipino, Arab, Iranian, Middle Eastern, Southeast Asian, and Pacific Islander) in the humanities and social sciences.

IM2: Encourage and support the recruiting of graduate students of color in clusters and cohorts in departments. Target Black and African American students from HBCUs (Historically Black Colleges and Universities) and state universities around the country in each class, with the aim of achieving balance between international students of color and students of color who are U.S. nationals. Recruit BIPOC graduate students from an array of institutions, including “Hispanic”-serving institutions as well as Tribal colleges and universities and schools located on reservations.

IM3: Create benchmarks for departments to follow through on President Pollack’s call, issued earlier this summer, to “embed anti-racism” in the full spectrum of Cornell activities. As Pollack noted, “At the core of our institution lies our primary mission to provide an exceptional education, cutting-edge research and public engagement to shape our world for generations to come, and we must embed anti-racism across these activities.” Pollack further called for,

A systematic review of the curriculum in each of our colleges and schools to ensure that courses reflect, represent and include the contributions of all people. Several colleges/schools and departments already have this work underway. (“Additional actions to create a more just and equitable Cornell” July 16, 2020)

We need an action plan from departments and the Faculty Senate about how this process is to be implemented. (We propose additional considerations in “Curriculum” below.) We can and must honor academic freedom and disciplinary authority without allowing such principles to serve as mechanisms for perpetuating structural racism, exclusion, and relations of inequality. We need a curricular review process that eschews bureaucracy and that seeks to remain open, honest and democratic.

IM4: Pair anti-sexist and anti-racist policies to address white and/or male domination of department chair positions and other administrative structures.

University Level

IM5: Hire more BIPOC staff members in the next round of hires. Recruit not only locally but in surrounding communities. At present, there is no viable system for including BIPOC candidates in the Human Resources application and certification process for administrative staff at Cornell. This is reflected in the absence of BIPOC staff available to manage departments and serve as administrators, office assistants, etc. A firm mechanism must be established to encourage BIPOC residents of Ithaca and surrounding communities to apply for staff positions.

IM6: Ensure pay equality for BIPOC faculty and staff by end of 2020; rectify gendered pay inequality among BIPOC and other faculty.


IM7. Embed decolonized readings in every possible course at Cornell, including but not necessarily limited to the social sciences and humanities. Such curricular offerings must go beyond diffuse and vague “diversity” course requirements, such as the social difference requirement in the College of Arts and Sciences.

IM8: Make decolonized reading lists more accessible to members of our community. Adopt a holistic and interdisciplinary approach to incorporating the voices of BIPOC scholars in every area of study, within and beyond the humanities and social sciences. Racism and its accompanying power dynamics have left no disciplinary area untouched and must be addressed from within and across the disciplines. Course releases should be granted for those who provide the pedagogical and logistical labor of course design.

IM9. Amplify the work of BIPOC scholars (especially women) in every discipline-focused curriculum. Highlight the work of BIPOC scholars’ publications in core courses in every field of study, including but not limited to scholarship on race.

IM10. Incorporate the work of BIPOC faculty into existing curricula. Promote cross-departmental exchange of knowledge among faculty at Cornell, highlighting the work of Cornell BIPOC scholars who not only face more barriers in publishing their work, but also in being cited and recognized. Incorporate the research of Cornell Africana, Latino/a Studies, Indigenous and Native American Studies, and Asian American Studies scholars in anti-racist reading lists at Cornell. Ensure full consideration of BIPOC faculty for distinguished university-wide lectures celebrating intellectual work produced at Cornell.


University Level

LT1. Involve anti-racist faculty and students in the shaping of the Center for Anti-racism. The University’s expressed commitment to anti-racist research, pedagogy, and engagement in the form of the idea for the Anti-racist Center is commendable. Faculty and students in Africana and Latino/a Studies, Asian American Studies, and Indigenous and Native American Studies, as well as other Cornell BIPOC faculty with expertise in anti-racist scholarship, must play a central role in establishing the Center’s directions, and be properly compensated for this labor. Racial abolition, decolonizing, and transnational, intersectional, Indigenous, and Third World perspectives must be among the Center’s guiding intellectual frameworks. Annual faculty and student fellowships for anti-racism research and curricular innovation should be established. Funding should be created for guest speakers, workshops, conferences, and community outreach.

LT2. Recruit anti-racist, BIPOC administrative leaders as well as BIPOC intellectual leaders for positions such as directors of the Center for the Social Sciences, the Society for the Humanities, the Einaudi Center, the Atkinson Center, and others.

LT3. Recruit anti-racist, BIPOC members for the Board of Trustees; enhance representation to 30 percent in 2025 and 40 percent in 2030, in line with national demographics.

LT4. Ensure institutional equality for anti-racist Programs named in President Pollack’s July 16, 2020 letter. Make them equal to departments by giving them independence in hiring, tenure, and promotion decisions, comparable budgets and staffing, and comparable administrative course releases. Restore the lines promised to Asian American and Latino/a Studies before the 2008–9 financial crisis.

Faculty Level

LT5. Hire 10 additional faculty members over the next five years whose scholarly work — teaching, mentoring, and/or research — addresses issues of Black experience.

LT6. Follow specific benchmarks for recruiting BIPOC faculty over the next five and ten years. Increase representation of Black faculty to 7 percent in 2025 and to 10 percent in 2030. Increase representation of other faculty of color to 20 percent in 2025 and 25 percent in 2030, in line with the percentage of new PhDs conferred in the US. Create benchmarks for increasing BIPOC faculty in those departments and disciplines with the most severe underrepresentation.

LT7. Make retention offers for all BIPOC faculty.

LT8. Abolish colorblind recruitment policies and practices in partner/spousal hiring and replace them with intentionally anti-racist policies and practices. In particular: a) offer partner/spousal hires to all BIPOC faculty, including assistant professors; b) create a centralized funding pool for partner/spousal hires instead of taking lines from departments; c) make data on racial demographics of partner/spousal hires publicly available; d) provide housing assistance to faculty as is done at Cornell’s peer-institutions.

LT9. Make existing optional mentoring grants by the Cornell Faculty Development and Diversity Office automatically available to all qualifying faculty; write them into start-up packages. Ensure that faculty of color have robust mentor networks within and beyond their department to help them stay on track for tenure and promotion. Provide incentives for faculty mentors.

Undergraduate Level

LT10. Eliminate consideration of SAT/ACT test scores and acknowledge the role of standardized testing in exacerbating race/class disparities, especially given the racialized history of intelligence testing.

LT11. Enhance representation of BIPOC undergraduate students in line with high school degrees awarded nationally.

LT12. Hire BIPOC advisors and counselors (see “Staff” below).

Graduate Level

LT13. Enhance representation of BIPOC graduate students in line with the percentage of bachelor’s degrees conferred nationally. Black students to comprise 8 percent of graduate students in 2025 and 11 percent in 2030; Latino 15% by 2030; American Indian/Alaska Native 1% by 2030.

LT14. Eliminate the GRE requirement, as some graduate fields at Cornell have done.

LT15. Make available graduate funding packages for Black students every year (i.e. hold a space in each department, in addition to other funding packages).

LT16. Make available 10 summer graduate fellowship awards each year beginning in 2021 for research, teaching and service related to Black life.

Postdoc Level

LT17. Establish a BIPOC postdoc-to-faculty pipeline with summer research funding incentivized to collaborate across units.

LT18. Establish a postdoctoral community focused on Black experience in the US and globally; institute five two-year postdoctoral positions on the legacy of slavery and Indigenous dispossession.


LT19. Enhance representation of BIPOC staff across the board as academic advisors, deans and associate deans, office managers, health care personnel. Create specific recruitment and retention mechanisms for “ground-level” (rather than higher administration) BIPOC staff. Such staff will be integral to the development and future programming of the Center for Anti-Racism.

LT20. Enhance representation of BIPOC in staff to 23 percent with benchmarks in line with demographic parity at the county level for Tompkins County.

LT21. Hire more BIPOC to staff mental health services and as advising deans. (Students of color with mental health crises and/or emotional difficulties have few culturally sensitive sources of help. Their struggles often go unnamed and misrecognized as failures.)

LT22. Create a pipeline among surrounding colleges and universities (TC3, Ithaca College, SUNY-Cortland) so that graduating students of color see Cornell as an employment option. Initiate searches in other parts of the state so that people of color who may be looking for opportunities see working at Cornell or in Ithaca as options.

LT23. Set benchmarks for addressing Cornell Tech’s involvement in the gentrification of Queens and, through its institutional partnership with Technion Israeli Institute of Technology, the military occupation of Palestine.

LT24. Hire more BIPOC custodial, groundskeeping, and dining hall staff. Disclose the terms of the contracts for such workers, who are critical to the university functioning but are treated as seasonal labor. Ensure they receive adequate Covid-19 protections, including personal protective equipment (PPE).

LT25. Hire Black and BIPOC vendors and contractors, and prioritize contractors that employ BIPOC workers.

Community Off-Campus Facility

LT26. Prepare to contribute substantial funds and resources, within the next 2–5 years, to a major construction project, located off-campus in the Ithaca community, devoted primarily to the causes of racial justice, transnational migration and refugees, and the cultural and social development and well-being of African Americans and people of color.

Black-themed Facilities on Campus

LT27. Renovate/upgrade Wari House, Ujamaa, and the Latino Living Center. These facilities, which primarily house Black and Latino students, have been neglected as the university has begun building new facilities on North Campus.

LT28. Endow a Toni Morrison Hall. The university should acknowledge the late Toni Morrison (MA ‘55), perhaps Cornell’s most well-known alumna, by naming the Goldwin Smith Hall (dedicated to Arts and Sciences) or another building after our Nobel laureate in literature. Princeton University recently changed the name of their admissions building to Morrison Hall, though she was not an alumna.

LT29. Create a multipurpose center on the Wait Street site of the original Africana Studies and Research Center. The site of the original Africana Center, which was burned to the ground in a case of suspected arson, remains an empty plot. Though students were able to lobby for a plaque and bench in 2015, more should be done to honor the historic Black presence in this location, while also helping physically link Africana to the main campus. A multipurpose center featuring study spaces, meeting rooms, a healthy cafe and perhaps even smart classrooms, would be an excellent addition to campus.

We look forward to receiving your response.


The Africana Graduate Field Working Group and the following anti-racist departments, programs, faculty, staff, graduate students, academic units, and alumni:

Tao Leigh Goffe (Africana and Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality)

Russell Rickford (History)

Carole Boyce Davies (Africana and English)

Saida Hodzic (Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality and Anthropology)

Radwa Saad (Africana, Doctoral Candidate)

Program in Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies

American Indian and Indigenous Studies Program

Graduate Researchers in Performing and Media Arts Performing and Media Arts

Latina/o Studies Program

Asian American Studies Program

Edward E. Baptist (History)

Andrew Campana (Asian Studies)

Derek Chang ( History and Asian American Studies)

Raymond Craib (History)

Ella Maria Diaz (English and Latina/o Studies Program)

Ananda Cohen-Aponte (Art History)

Sara Eddleman (Lab of Atomic and Solid State Physics, Staff and Communication, Graduate Student)

Shimon Edelman (Psychology)

Renate Ferro (Department of Art)

Alexander Livingston (Government)

Maria Lorena Cook (ILR School, Professor Emeritus)

Beth Lyon (Law School)

Rebecca Slayton (Science & Technology Studies)

Riche’ Richardson (Africana)

Noliwe Rooks (Africana and American Studies)

Rebecca Colesworthy (English, PhD ‘09)

Kelsey Utne (History)

Mostafa Minawi (History)

Catherine M. Appert (Music)

Lynne Stahl (English, PhD ‘15)

Jennifer Minner (City and Regional Planning)

Jessica Rodriguez (English (Doctoral Candidate)

Shelley Wong (Asian American Studies and English)

Patchen Markell (Government)

Denise Eileen McCoskey (Alumnus, BA 1990)

Gerardo Veliz Carrillo (PhD, Civil and Environmental Engineering)

Osama Siddiqui (Alumnus)

Maggie O’Leary (English)

Ernesto Bassi (History)

Martik Chatterjee (Genetics, Genomic and Development)

Karen Jaime (Performing and Media Arts and Latina/o Studies)

Sara Warner (Performing and Media Arts)

Jesse A. Goldberg (English PhD, 2018)

Nathan Sitaraman (Physics, Graduate Student)

Ama Bemma Adwetewa-Badu (English, Doctoral Candidate)

Noah Tamarkin (Anthropology and Science & Technology Studies)

Becky Lu (English, Doctoral Candidate)

Denise Nicole Green (Fiber Science and Apparel Design and American Indian and Indigenous Studies, Alumna)

Adrienne Clay (American Studies, Administrative Manager)

Ariel Estrella (English)

Carrie Chalmers (Bronfenbrenner Center for Translational Research)

Afifa Ltifi (Africana)

Lisa D. Camp ( English, Graduate Student)

Zifeng Liu (Africana, Graduate Student)

Vilma Santiago-Irizarry (Anthropology and Latino Studies)

Stephen Vider (History)

Maria Cristina Garcia (History and Latino Studies)

Karina Beras (Anthropology, Graduate Student, B.S. 2010)

Niall Chithelen (Alumnus)

Ana Maria Porras (Biomedical Engineering, Postdoctoral Fellow)

Ryan Randle(PhD Student, Medieval Studies)

Ryan Lawrence (Medieval Studies)

Natasha Raheja (Anthropology and Performing & Media Arts)

Dara Canchester (Alumna)

Anna Canning (Alumna)

John Proios (Philosophy, Ph.D.)

Sophia D’Ignazio (Medieval Studies, Graduate Student)

Rogelio Scott (Anthropology, Graduate Student)

Juhwan Seo (Sociology)

Chencong Zhu (Anthropology)

Xinlei Sha (Anthropology)

Sam Lagasse (English, Doctoral Candidate)

Sofia Villenas (Anthropology and Latina/o Studies)

Cheryl Finley (History of Art)

Jeff Pea (Biomedical & Biological Sciences)

Nadav Wall (Anthropology, Graduate Student)

Hadiyah Chowdhury (Alumna)

Bwesigye Bwa Mwesigire (English)

Yu Liang (Anthropology)

Mary Pat Brady (English and Latinx Studies)

Jonathan Senchyne (English, PhD, 2012)

Grace Robbins (Alumna)

Bam Willoughby (Africana, Doctoral Candidate)

Will Starr (Philosophy)

Sarah R Meiners (History)

Xander Lacrampe (Biochemistry, Molecular, and Cell Biology)

Adrian Sampson (Computer Science)

Chantal Thomas (Law School)

Abigail Sprenkle (Medieval Studies)

Stacey Langwick (Anthropology)

Sophia Taborski (Classics)

Krithika Vachali (English)

Marty Cain (English)

Begum Adalet (Government)

Ethan Ritz Mechanical (Engineering, Doctoral Candidate)

Helena Maria Viramontes (English)

Carlota Aguilar (Music)

Charlotte Hunt (Classics, Doctoral Student)

Maddie Reynolds (English)

Carrie Hoffman Spell (English, Alumna, BA, 2000)

Kelly HofferEnglish (PhD Student)

Kelly Moore (Romance Studies)

Aziz Rana (Law School)

Mukoma Wa Ngugi (English)

James Barnes (Mathematics, PhD 2018)

Delphi Cleaveland (FGSS and German Studies)

Kelly Hoffer (English, Doctoral Student)

Anne Adams (Africana Studies and Comparative Literature, Professor Emerita)

Caroline Hinrichs (Nutritional Science)

Nathaniel Likert (English)

Chantal Thomas (Law School)

Andrea Robinson (Biomedical and Biological Sciences)

Sutapa Ghosh (Asian Studies, Alumnus, BA 2004; Staff)

Shorna Allred (Natural Resources & Global Development)

Christine Bacareza Balance (Performing & Media Arts and Asian American Studies)

Allison Weiner Heinemann (ILR)

Natalie Marie Léger (English, PhD 2012)

Derrick R. Spires (English)

Joseph Miranda (English)

Sarena Tien (Romance Studies)

Reanna Esmail (Library)

Jane Juffer (Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and English)

Danielle Heard Mollel (English, PhD 2010)

Scott Peters (Global Development)

Marina Welker (Anthropology)

Gary Slack Jr (English, Doctoral Candidate)

Seema Golestaneh (Near Eastern Studies)

LaWanda Cook (ILR School and Yang-Tan Institute)

Benjamin S. Yost (Philosophy)

John Weiss (History, Emeritus)

Tapan Parikh (Cornell Tech)

Erik Born (German Studies)

Viranjini Munasinghe (Anthropology and Asian American Studies)

Christian Mancheno (Dyson)

Jerel Ezell (Africana)

Alison Grimes (Business)

David Bateman (Government)

Bianca Waked (Philosophy Ph.D.)

Itamar Haritan (Anthropology)

Deborah Starr (Near Eastern Studies and Jewish Studies)

Ashley Stockstill (Africana Studies and ICM Staff)

Dusti Bridges (Anthropology)

Shacoya Kidwell (English, Doctoral Student)

Austin M. Kramer (Anthropology)

Akhil Kang (Anthropology)

Risa Lieberwitz (School of Industrial & Labor Relations)

Lynn Thitchener (Library)

Emily Hayflick (Anthropology, Doctoral Student)

Anna Whittemore (Anthropology)

Rachel Bezner Kerr (Global Development)

Xavier Robillard-Martel (Anthropology, Doctoral Student)

Satya Mohanty (English)

Kara Peet (English, Staff)

Alex Symons (Anthropology)

Bruno Seraphin (Anthropology)

Laura Caicedo (Graduate Student)

Adam Dewbury (Anthropology, PhD ‘19)

Nathaniel M. Stetson (Law, 2018)

Eli Friedman (ILR)

Adam Arcadi (Anthropology)

Anna Rivera (The Worker Institute at Cornell, ILR)

Sandra Babcock (Law)

Katherine Holmes(Ecology and Evolutionary Biology)

Durba Ghosh (History)

Marcia Eames-Sheavly (Horticulture)

Kurt Jordan (Anthropology and American Indian and Indigenous Studies)

Eudes Lopes (Anthropology)

Tim Murray (Comparative Literature and English)

Cait McDonald (Ecology & Evolutionary Biology)

Parisa Vaziri (Comparative Literature and Near Eastern Studies)

Natalie Hofmeister (Ecology and Evolutionary Biology)

Marsha Jean-Charles (Africana Studies, Graduate Alumna, PhD)

Victoria Pihl Sorensen (Performing and Media Arts)

Lars Johnson (English)

Elizabeth Violette (English, Doctoral Student)

Liam Zarri (Ecology and Evolutionary Biology)

Jolene Rickard (History of Art, Art, AIISP)

Gene Carroll (Worker Institute, ILR)

Trishna Senapaty (Anthropology)

Jessica Ratcliff (Science & Technology Studies)

Ivette Olave (Housing and Residence Life, Residence Hall Director)

Chijioke Onah (English)

David Esparza (Ecology and Evolutionary Biology)

Oona Blood Cullen (English, Doctoral Student)

Sarah Murray (Linguistics)

Elijah Roussos (Cornell Tech)

Cinnamon Mittan (Ecology and Evolutionary Biology)

Lillian G. Senn(Ecology and Evolutionary Biology)

Lexi C.M.K Turner (Performing and Media Arts)

Kelly Richmond (Performing and Media Arts)

Spencer Beswick (History)

Young Ha Suh (Ecology and Evolutionary Biology)

Nick Salvato (Performing and Media Arts)

Bruno M. Shirley (Asian Studies)

Esmeralda Arrizón-Palomera (English, PhD 2020)

Kavita Singh(Comparative Literature, PhD, 2014)

Asha Jain (Molecular Biology & Genetics)

Lucinda Ramberg (Anthropology)

Philippa Chun (English)

Jayme Kilburn (Performing and Media Arts)

C.A. Smith (Sociology, Doctoral Student)

Erika Axe (Alumni ’18, Alumni Affairs and Development Staff)

Lyrae Van Clief-Stefanon (English)

Selma Mitiche (Cornell Health)

Chloe Ahmann (Anthropology)

Kun Huang (Comparative Literature)

Alexis Boyce ( Asian American Studies, Program Manager)

Nesean Crofford (Alumnus)

Farah Bakaari (English)

Lynn Lauper (English)

Roger Gilbert (English)

Sunita Sah Johnson (Business)

Maria C Figueroa (ILR, Worker Institute)

Jason Hecht (Institutional Research and Planning)

Natalie Melas (Comparative Literature)

Jagravi Dave (Alumna, English, Linguistics and Asian American Studies)

Alexandra O’Neill (Research and Learning Services, Olin Library Staff)

Jaeun Lim (Sociology, Doctoral Student)

Mary Kate Long (Asian Studies)

Joshua Bastian Cole (Performing and Media Arts, Doctoral Candidate)

Paul Nadasdy (Anthropology)

Kate Greder Fiber Science and Apparel Design, Doctoral Candidate

Oona Blood Cullen (English, Doctoral Student)

Hunter Moskowitz (ILR)

Ana Ozaki (History of Architecture and Urban Development)

Alexander Matika (Anthropology)

Kristin Kurz (Cornell Public Service Center)

Elke Siegel (German Studies)

Daniel James Dawson (History, Doctoral Student)

Kristin Roebuck (History)

Nerissa Russell (Anthropology and Archaeology)

Austin Raetz (History, Doctoral student)

Megan Jeffreys (History)

Lara R. SkinnerThe Worker Institute, (Cornell ILR School)

Michael Kirkpatrick Miller (History)

Emily Donald (History)

Enzo Traverso (Romance Studies)

Kristen Reichenbach (Library and Alumna)

Ileen A . DeVault (ILR)

Aman Banerji (Development Sociology)

Patricia Campos Medina (The Worker Institute, ILR)

Rachel Weil (History)

Paul Fleming (German Studies and Comparative Literature)

Sara Besky(ILR)

Veronica Fitzpatrick (Performing and Media Arts)

Jason Simms (Performing & Media Arts)

Ksenia Pavlenko (Art History)

Lori Khatchadourian (Near Eastern Studies)

Molly Reed (History, Doctoral Candidate)

Juno Salazar Parrenas (Science & Technology Studies and Feminist, Gender, & Sexuality Studies)

Pauline Limbu (Anthropology)

James A. Gross (ILR)

Amir Mohamed (Anthropology)

Sam Barber (Medieval Studies)

Julia Chang (Romance Studies and Feminist, Gender, & Sexuality Studies)

Delilah Griswold (Global Development)

TJ Hinrichs (History)

Ken Roberts (Government)

Peter Caswell (Romance Studies)

Asli Menevse (History of Art, PhD Candidate)

Michael Cary (Development Sociology)

Jill Frank (Government)

Nick Admussen (Asian Studies)

Andrew Moisey (History of Art and Visual Studies)

Sabine Haenni (Performing and Media Arts and American Studies)

Arianna Schindle (Worker Institute)

Briana Beltran (Law)

Thari Zweers (Medieval Studies)

Ayesha Matthan (History of Art and Visual Studies)

Nellie Brown (ILR)

Christopher Riley (Performing and Media Arts, Senior Department Manager)

George Hutchinson (English)

Marlen Z Gonzalez (Human Development)

Nancy Brooks (City and Regional Planning Kate Bronfenbrenner Labor Relations, Law, and History)

Christine Hess (The Worker Institute)

Jeff Grabelsky (ILR)

Mackenzie Berry (English, Graduate Student)

Ernesto Quiñonez (English)

Lauren van Haaften-Schick (History of Art, Doctoral Candidate)

Janaki Parthasarathy (Office of the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, Alumni)

Ifeoma Ajunwa (ILR, Law)

Jordan Parker Buffalo (American Indian and Indigenous Studies Program and Housing and Residential Life)

Enongene Nkumbe (Africana, Doctoral Student)

Elissa Domingo Badiqué (Performing and Media Arts)

Mike O’chslong (Africana)

Mike Bishop (Office of Engagement Initiatives)

Caroline Levine (English Department)

Oradi Inkhong (Anthropology, Doctoral Student)

Lara Fresko Madra (History of Art, Doctoral Candidate)

Sherrie Morales ( ILR, The Worker Institute)

David Unger (Alumni, ILR ‘02)

Alexandra Dalferro (Anthropology)

Mary N. Woods (Architecture, Professor Emerita)

Leah Dodd Cornell ( Library)

Casey Schmitt (History)

Amanda Recupero (Romance Studies)

Joshua Young (East Asia Program)

Jonathan Mabuni (Alumnus)

Andrea Mendoza (Asian Studies, PhD Alumna)

Eric Cheyfitz (AIISP)

KC Wagner (Worker Institute)

Samantha Wesner (History)

Liz Murice Alexander (English, Doctoral Candidate)

Suman Seth (Science and Technology Studies)

Samantha N Sheppard (Performing and Media Arts)

Matthew Kilbane (English)

Charline Jao (English)

Kathleen Mulligan (The Worker Institute, ILR)

Olivia Milroy Evans (English)

Ishion Hutchinson (English)

Marisa Pagán-Figueroa (Law Student)

Lauren Monroe (Near Eastern Studies)

Aoise Stratford (Performing and Media Arts)

Stephanie M. López (Romance Studies)

Veronica Martinez-Matsuda (ILR)

Lewis d’Avigdor (History, Doctoral Candidate)

Molly Mac Veagh (English)

John Anspach (English)

Charlie Green (English)

Christina Fogarasi (English Department, Doctoral Candidate)

Vernice Arahan (Alumna)

Christopher Seiji Berardino (Literatures in English)

Kevin Quin (Africana)

Iftikhar Dadi (History of Art)

Eleanor Andrews (John S. Knight Institute for Writing in the Disciplines)

Andrew Curtis (Landscape Architecture)

Asya Ece Uzmay (History of Architecture and Urban Development)

Kelsey Jennings Roggensack (History)

Alice Rhee (English)

LaDreena Walton (Office of Institutional Equity and Title IX)

John Un (Comparative Literature)

Nuha Fariha (Alumnus)

Cody Arlie Reed (Sociology)

Adam Smith (Anthropology)

Katherine Tschida (Psychology)

Rebekah Ciribassi (Anthropology, Doctoral Student)

Lawrence Glickman (History)

Kevin Wilfredo Cruz Amaya (American Studies and Fine Arts, Alumnus)

Faye Caronan (English and Asian American Studies Program, Alumna)

Michael Ashkin (Art)

Angelica Aguirre (History, Doctoral Student)

Kate Manne (Philosophy)

Mackenzie Donnelly (English, MFA)

Ryan Buyco (Asian Studies, PhD 2019)

Kate Griffith (ILR)

Sergio Garcia-Rios (Government)

Kate Griffith (ILR)

Jonathan Branfman (Jewish Studies and English)

Jeffrey Palmer (Performing and Media Arts)

Tram Nguyen (Ecology and Evolutionary Biology)

Matthew Velasco (Anthropology)

Natoshia Spruill (Business, Staff, MBA ’14)

Gabriella Friedman (English, Doctoral Candidate)

John Whitman (Linguistics)

Jamie Joshua (Business)

Kalie Pierce (Economics)

Benjamin Piekut (Music)

Jeremy Braddock (English)

Xinyu Guan (Anthropology)

Joy Ming (Information Science)

Wayles Browne (Linguistics, Emeritus)

Kwelina Thompson (History, Doctoral Candidate)

Mia Howard (Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Alumna)

Kieran Koch-Laskowski (Biomedical and Biological Sciences)

Jessica Harris (History, PhD 2011)

Duanyi Yang (ILR)

Elisabeth Strayer (English)

Rehana Huq (ILR, Scheinman Institute on Conflict Resolution)

Brad Zukovic (English and Knight Institute)

Theoria M. Cason (Office Institutional Equity and Title IX)

Shirley Samuels (English, American Studies, History of Art, and Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies)

Peggy Odom-Reed (The Hotel School)

Magdala Lissa Jeudy (Romance Studies)

Jenny Xie (Alumna)

Emily Parsons (Society for the Humanities, Staff)

Sharon Paik (BA, Alumna 2009)

Zach Tretler (Alumnus and Masters Student)

Jim DelRosso (Library & ILR; Alumnus)

Jamie Lo (Alumus)

Audrey Baker (Public Health)

Jon Sanders (Institute for Host-Microbe Interaction and Disease)

Rakesh Allu (Business)

Maia Dedrick (Archaeology and Anthropology, Postdoctoral Associate)

Kyra Patton Alumna (History)

Jeanne McDonald (Ecology and Evolutionary Biology)

Julilly Kohler-Hausmann (History)

Emily Fridlund (English)

Gianluca Pulsoni (Romance Studies)

Julissa Andrade (Alumnus)

Elif Sari (Anthropology, Doctoral Candidate)

Mary Jane Dempsey (Romance Studies)

Kenneth McClane (English, Emeritus)

Anna Haskins (Sociology)

Andrea Bachner (Comparative Literature)

Aster Perkins (Alumnus ‘16)

Kate Griffith (ILR)

Nasser Siadat (Office of Institutional Equity & Title IX)

Armando García (Romance Studies and Latina/o Studies, Alumnus BA 2012)

Lauren Korfine (Human Development)

Jacqueline Ho (Sociology)

J. Robert Lennon (English)

Brianna Thompson (English)

Trisica Munroe (Lab of Atomic and Solid State Physics, Staff)

Alex Nading (Anthropology)

David S. Powers (Near Eastern Studies and Medieval Studies)

Kina Viola (Society for the Humanities, Staff)

Andrew Hicks (Music and Medieval Studies)

Delphine Lourtau (Center on the Death Penalty Worldwide)

Ross Brann (Near Eastern Studies)

Andrew Colpitts (Performing and Media Arts)

Jaclyn Kelley-Widmer (Law)

Marissa Lopez (Alumna, 2016)

Chris Peritore-Galve (School of Integrative Plant Science, PhD Alumnus)

Cecilia Martindale (Alumna)

Elise Finielz (Romance Studies)

Sarah LaVoy-Brunette (Medieval Studies)

Bianca Silva Gordon (Alumna)

Wayva Waterman Lyons (American Indian and Indigenous Studies)

Paul Vinhage (Medieval Studies, Doctoral Candidate)

Sean Cartwright (Communication)

Zeyad el Nabolsy (Africana Studies, Doctoral Student)

Caitlin Noonan (Alumnus)

Sam Benson (Ecology House Residence Hall Director, Housing & Residential Life)

Martin Abbott (Science and Technology Studies, Doctoral Candidate)

Cynthia Grant Bowman (Law)

Adriana Hernandez (Applied Demographics)

Jallissa Elias (Housing and Residential Life)

Chelsea Mikael Frazier (English)

Madelyn Ore (Neurobiology and Behavior)

Rachel Prentice (Science and Technology Studies)

Catie BallAstronomy (Doctoral Student)

Skyeler McQueen (Mathematics and German Studies)

Victoria Baugh (English)

Kale B. Fajardo (Alumnus)

Kendra Kintzi (Development Sociology)

Masha Raskolnikov (English, Feminist, Gender, Sexuality, and Studies and Medieval Studies)

Mira Kudva Driskell (CALS)

Candice Limper (Immunology and Infectious Disease)

Ariel Hsu (Alumna, 2017)

Derron Borders (Washington)

Jehan Roberson (English, Doctoral Student)

Hannah Karmin (Comparative Literature)

Julia Dshemuchadse (Materials Science and Engineering)

Elena Sabinson (Design and Environmental Analysis, Doctoral Student)

Claire Richards (Alumna)

Karen Kudej (English, Staff)

Ben Ortiz (Hip Hop Archives, Rare and Distinctive Collections, Library)

Claudia Verhoeven (History)

Ivette Romero Alumna (Romance Studies)

Darla Thompson (Alumna)

Jaret Vadera (Art)

Matt Dallos (History)

Chelsea D. Specht (Plant Biology and CALSHale)

Ann Tufan (Global Development and SIPS)

Nicole Golias (ILR Buffalo Co-Lab)

Anna Geltzer (Science & Technology Studies PhD, ‘12)

Jeff Niederdeppe (Communication)

Kathleen Long (Romance Studies)

Gretchen Ryan (Linguistics and Alumna, Admin Manager)

Heather Crespin (Communication)

Anat Belasen (Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Postdoctoral Fellow)

Lia Turtas (Alumna)

David Chang van Oordt (Ecology and Evolutionary Biology)

James Ingoldsby (English)

Rebecca Tally (Alumna)

Aidan Kelly (Feminist, Gender, & Sexuality Studies and LGBT Studies Programs, Staff)

Sam Bosco (Horticulture, QGrads)

Sally Klingel (Scheinman Institute, ILR)

Yadhira Alvarez (Alumna)

Kelly R. Zamudio (Ecology and Evolutionary Biology)

Catherine Thrasher-Carroll (Skorton Center for Health Initiatives Health)

Brianna Tate (Animal Science)

Leslie Schultz (Bronfenbrenner Center for Translational Research)

Shannon Gleeson (ILR, Labor Relations, Law and History)

Jodi R. Cohen (Communication)

Christi Cartwright-Wilcox (The Office of Academic Diversity Initiatives)

Joshua Howard (Law)

Sophia Veltfort (English)

Bonnie Chung (English, Doctoral Student)

Julilly Kohler-Hausmann (History)

Kali Belonga (Alumnus)

Xisai Song (Anthropology)

Mari N. Crabtree (History, PhD 2014)

Leslie Adelson (German)

Melanie Greaver Cordova (Veterinary Medicine)

Elizabeth Violette (English Doctoral Student)

Katherine Holmes (Ecology and Evolutionary Biology)

Anne Davis (MD MPH Alumna)

Shawn Reeves (B.A. 1991, M.A.T. 1997)

Elizabeth Fox (Public Health)

Sabrina Liu (Alumna)

Fred L. Conner (A&LS ‘77)

Marie Lambert (Comparative Literature)

Cameron Tardif (History, Doctoral Student)

Smruti Mahapatra (Apparel Design)

Sara Beth Cebry (Engineering)

Leah Moore (Alumna)

Emily Levitt (Anthropology, PhD 2018)

Verity Platt (Classics and History of Art)

Elizabeth Brundige (Law)

Katja Poveda (Entomology)

Dan Cameron Burgdorf (Linguistics, Doctoral Student)

Connie Yuan Communication and Global Development

Chiara Formichi (Asian Studies)

Anissa Rahadiningtyas (Art History)

Megan Barkdull (Ecology and Evolutionary Biology)

Matthew Barrett (Entomology)

Morgan Swoboda (Entomology)

Corrie Moreau (Entomology and Ecology & Evolutionary Biology)

Karly Regan (Entomology)

Joe Poggi (Entomology)

Andrea M. Darby (Entomology)

Nicholas Myers (History)

Julie Davis (Entomology)

Andre Kessler (Ecology & Evolutionary Biology)

Laura Figueroa (Alumna)

Aaron Sachs (History)

Sarah Bernstein (Performing and Media Arts)

Jaime Ortiz (Natural Resources)

Yochabed Miliard (Arts and Sciences)

Marianella Casasola (Human Development)

Prachee Sawant (Law)

Maxine Parry (Entomology)

Meaghan Mingo (Sociology)

John Zinda (Global Development)

Alison Power (Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Science & Technology Studies)

Barb Strupp (Division of Nutritional Sciences and Department of Psychology)

Sudan Kariuki (Ecology and Evolutionary Biology)

Valentin Van de Walle (Law)

Darren Wan (History, Doctoral Candidate)

Jennifer Seavey (Shoals Marine Laboratory)

Rafael Cruz Gil (Anthropology)

Urszula M Piasta-Mansfield (American Indian Indigenous Studies Program)

Gleb Drobkov (ILR & Johnson, Alumnus)

Courtney Murdock Department of Entomology

Kate Thornburg (Entomology)

Eric Tagliacozzo (History)

Joshua Garcia (Horticulture)

Kaja M. McGowan (History of Art)

Jasmine Jay (Faculty & Staff Assistance Program, Cornell Health (MFA of Creative Writing, ‘17)

Diana Obregon (Entomology)

Marta María Guzmán Cotto (Faculty and Staff Assistance Program)

Astara Light (History of Art, Doctoral Student)

Lisa Dorfman (English, AB Alumna, 2002)

Arnika Fuhrmann (Asian Studies)

Brian Arnold (Southeast Asia Program)

Thomas Dienel (Materials Science and Engineering)

Carolyn Goelzer (Performing and Media Arts)

Noah Negrin (ILR, ‘06)

Tracy Carrick (Knight Institute)

Laura Leddy (Anthropology, CIAMS)

Jeremy Searle (Ecology & Evolutionary Biology)

Caitlin Kane (Performing and Media Arts, Doctoral Candidate)

Brian Veasna Sengdala (Performing and Media Arts)

Darlene Evans (Knight Institute)

Jarvis FisherDevelopment (Sociology, Doctoral Candidate)

Pichaya Damrongpiwat (English, Doctoral Candidate)

Cierra Briggs (Entomology)

Manasicha Akepiyapornchai (Asian Studies)

Amanda Schaufler (Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art)

Roberta Wallitt (Alumna)

Michaela K. Rossettie Azemi(Law)

Jacob Moskow (Arts and Sciences, Alumnus)

Rachel Vogel (Linguistics, Doctoral Student)

Forrest Davis (Linguistics, DoctoralDoctoral Student)

Leon Miller-Out (Alumnus)

Daphne Blakey (Policy Analysis and Management)

Mai Van Tran (Government, Doctoral Candidate)

Samuel Dwinell (PhD, 2016)

Gretchen Rymarchyk (Global Development, Alumna)

Adrienne Stein (BA 1985)

Danya Contreras (Alumna)

Jonel Daphnis (MD, MPHBS Development Sociology, 1998)

Tristan Ivory (ILR)

Greg Londe (English)

Johnnie Kallas ILR (PhD Student)

Kriszta Pozsonyi (Performing and Media Arts)

Patrick J. Kane (AB English ‘19)

Jacob Moskow (Arts and Sciences, Alumnus)

Karolyn Ortega (Applied Economics-CALS Class of 98)

Tobi Hines (Mann Library)

Sally McConnell-Ginet (Linguistics)

Annika Salzberg (Entomology, Alumna, 2019)

Leslie Alexander (History, PhD, 2001)

Casey Ching (Civil and Environmental Engineering)

Sabrina Candelaria Tapia (Hum Ecology, 1998)

Alice Te Punga Somerville (English & American Indian Studies, Alumni PhD 2006)

Sandra E. Greene (History)

Brian Trevelline (Cornell Lab of Ornithology)

Donghai Wu (Ecology and Evolutionary Biology)

Justin R. St. Juliana (Ecology and Evolutionary Biology)

Colleen Miller (Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Doctoral Student)

Jennifer Uehling (Ecology and Evolutionary Biology)

Stepfanie M. Aguillon (Ecology and Evolutionary Biology)

Angela Kern (Ecology & Evolutionary Biology)

Kate Navickas (Knight Institute)

Kathleen Gordon (Genetics, Genomics, and Development)

Jennifer Houtz (Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Doctoral Student)

Elisha Cohn (English)

Carl Ginet (Philosophy)

Ash Heim (Ecology & Evolutionary Biology)

Amy Kohout (History, PhD 2015)

Anna DiPaola (Ecology & Evolutionary Biology)

Victor B. Younger (The Hotel School)

Meredith Holgerson (Ecology & Evolutionary Biology)

Joseph Rhyne (Linguistics)

Chloe Jelley (Entomology)

Andrea Cuadra (Information Science, Doctoral Student)

Elissa Palmer (Agricultural Experiment Station, Alumna)

Cat Coyle (Science and Technology Studies)

Beatriz A. Aguirre (Ecology and Evolutionary Biology)

Jasmim Drigo (Linguistics)

Paul Sawyer (English)

Faridah Laffan (Science and Technology Studies)

Sharon Heung (Information Science)

Olivia Graham (Ecology and Evolutionary Biology)

Jason Ludwig (Science & Technology Studies, Doctoral Student)

Kara Fikrig (Entomology)

Angela Naimou (English, PhD 2008)

Conor Taff (Ecology & Evolutionary Biology)

Robert D. Reed (Ecology & Evolutionary Biology)

Sarah Sachs (Science & Technology Studies)

Vasuki Nesiah (Alumna)

Kelly Schmid (Ecology and Evolutionary Biology)

Anke Wessels (Center for Transformative Action)

Stephanie M. López (Romance Studies)

Marissa Gee (Center for Applied Math, Doctoral Student)

Annetta Alexandridis (History of Art and Classics)

Doretha Dawkins (BA, 2013 Alumna)

Jennifer Tiffany (CUCE-NYC & BCTR)

Anika Daniels-Osaze, (Ed.DARTS Alumna 1996)

Kara Zielinski ( Biophysics, Doctoral Student)

Ashley Black (Alumna)

Tinakrit Sireerat (Asian Studies, PhD)

Michael Forster (AEP, 1997, 1998)

Katie Oran (City & Regional Planning)

Lauren Lamb (Alumna)

Isaretta Riley (Alumna)

Julie Rathbun (Astronomy)

Marty Sullivan (IT Staff, EAS Graduate Student, Information Science Alumnus)

Tessy Schlosser (Government)

Todd Boyd (BA, Alumnus, 1990)

Nazli Konya (Government, Doctoral Candidate)

Kate Flaherty (AAP)

Mariangela Mihai (Anthropology)

Tegan Wilson (Computer Science, Doctoral Student)

Alexis Walker (Science and Technology Studies, PhD, 2017)

Maryyam Durrani (FGSS, Alumna ‘20)

Chika Watanabe (Anthropology)

Chau Nguyen (BA, 2020)

Jessica Cattelino (BA, 1996)

Amy Lind (City and Regional Planning, PhD, 2005)

Jeremy Peschard (History, Doctoral Student)

Camille Andrews (Library)

Tim McLellan (Anthropology, 2018)

Tyler Dunbar (Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering)

Steve Tarcan (French)

Vladimir Micic (History of Art)

Perri Gerard-Little (Anthropology, PhD, 2017)

Frederic Gleach (Anthropology)

Stacy Leigh Pigg (Anthropology, PhD, 1990)

Erin Obodiac (Alumna)

Brooke Laskowsky (Anthropology, Alumna)

Miloje Despic (Linguistics)

Anita Starosta (Alumna, 1999)

Karla Hanson (Public Health)

Ting Hui Lau (Alumna)

Megan Knoblock (Athletics)

Cheryl Beredo (BA, 2000)

Rose Ippolito (Global and Public Health Sciences, Alumna, 2020)

Bhavya Bhushan (Biomedical Engineering, Alumna, 2020)

Emily Hong (Anthropology, PhD, 2019)

Katherine Zaslavsky (Sociology)

Hassan Saleem (AAP Alumnus)

Delight Mungoma (Alumna, BA ‘15)

Nevena Pilipovic-Wengler (Alumna)

Montana Airey (Ecology and Evolutionary Biology)

Bhavya Bhushan (Biomedical Engineering, Alumna, 2020)

A. Nelprober (English)

Rueben Z. Klitz (Anthropology, 2013)

Neil Enlick (Alumnus, 1976)

Willy Fisterbotom (History)

Jacklyn Knauf (Chemistry)

Sarah McDonald (Engineering, BS Alumna, 2019)

Anne M. Blackburn (Asian Studies)

Casey Oliver Stevens (Asian Studies)

Nari Yoon (Asian Studies, Doctoral Candidate)

Meaghan Mingo (Sociology)

Tyler Dunbar (Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering)

Amy Ramirez (Philosophy)

Dalton Price (Anthropology, BA, 2020)

Gabrielle Kubi (Alumna)

Jennifer Colt (Library)

Laura Menchaca Ruiz (Alumna)

Madeleine-Therese Halpert (Plant Breeding and Genetics)

Gregor Siegmund (Ecology and Evolutionary Biology)

Stephanie Vaughn (English)

Nic Vigilante (Music Doctoral Student)

Sarita Duchatelier (Alumna)

Tejasvi Nagaraja (ILR)

Ariana Taylor-Stanley (Farmer served by Cornell Cooperative Extension)

Stewart Thorndike (Film)

Chris Hesselbein (Science and Technology Studies)

Dan Gleebohlz (Astronomy)

Haywood J. Hablomhe (English)

Michael Toris (Physics)

Daniel Ferman-Leon (Anthropology)

Colten Meisner (Communication)

Alex Ajeto (Instructor of Medicine)

Nikki Blumenfeld ( Anthropology, BA 2020)

Alex Brown (German, MA 2017)

Henry Williams (Applied Economics)

Laila Reimanis (Engineering)

Michael Creim (Human Development)

Alex Eagan (College of Engineering)

Treva Levine (Africana Studies, Administrative Manager)

Michelle Whelan (Law)

Veronica D. Pillar (Physics, PhD, 2019)

Gregory Peck (SIPS-Horticuture)

August Faller (Philosophy)

Karolina Hübner (Philosophy)

Mariana Saavedra Espinosa (Anthropology PhD, 2017)

Can Dalyan (Anthropology PhD, 2018)

Arianne Seenauth (Anthropology)

Mike Henderson (XC/TF)

Hilarie Sit (Civil & Environmental Engineering)

Margot Lystra (Architecture, PhD 2017)

Duarte Santo (Landscape Architecture)

Gabby Hojilla (Communication)

Ed White (English, PhD, 1998)

Harshwardhan Praveen (Civil and Environmental Engineering)

Cheryl Higashida (English, PhD, 2002)

Kaelyn Lamp (Linguistics)

Meg Wesling (English, PhD, 2004)

Nidhi Mahajan (Anthropology, PhD, 2015)

Simone de Lemos (Linguistics, Doctoral Candidate,)

Frances Sobolak (Linguistics, Doctoral Student)

Arielle Johnson (Plant Biology, Doctoral Student)

Thank you for your support. Signatures are collected electronically but added manually and will post every so often.

