How to manage AION on Ledger using Magnum Wallet

Magnum Wallet
3 min readDec 10, 2018


On Wednesday April 25, 2018, Aion mainnet was officially launched with the release of the Kilimanjaro network. The next vital stage was the swap of ERC-20 token to AION coin. The coin swap process ceased on November 30th has started the new chapter in the history of AION. The AION blockchain became matured, and like any other blockchain, AION requires the support for Ledger. Magnum Wallet has satisfied this need and released the support for Ledger, therefore everyone can safely operate AION on Ledger using the Magnum interface.

Before you start reading this guide create your Magnum Wallet.

Step 1.

At first, to start managing AION on Ledger you have to connect it to your PC. After that, you must enter the passphrase to unlock it. Choose AION wallet on your ledger and move to the second step.

Step 2.

Lets back to Magnum Wallet: to use AION wallet on Ledger press the button “Add Wallet” on the left sidebar. You have to choose Aion and Link Hardware wallet to import from Ledger. Once you press “IMPORT”, Ledger will ask you to provide the public key hash. Confirm this action to move forward.

Step 3.

Congrats! All the information which is available to get with the public key is presented to you in Magnum wallet. Magnum Wallet saves the public key and stores it in a browser’s local storage, so you can receive AION coins and check the balance without Ledger at any time.

Step 4.

Let’s make a transaction. It is necessary to choose the “Send” tab to perform a transaction. If you imported an AION wallet to Magnum before, all you need to send AION coins is to choose the AION wallet from the drop-down menu. Otherwise, you can enter an address manually. After that, press “NEXT” to see the detailed information of the transaction and “CONFIRM” to send it. It’s required to sign the transaction with the private keys on Ledger. You have to press the confirmation button on the device to provide the private keys and to perform the transaction.

Step 5.

Success! Your transaction was sent to the blockchain and will be confirmed in 10–60 seconds depending on how swiftly it will be included in a block.


The linked hardware wallet will be available as a watch-only wallet in Magnum. You will be able to receive transactions and to watch the balance without Ledger.

As you can see on the pic below, I tried to get the private key of my AION wallet on Ledger, but It’s unavailable to get it in Magnum as it is stored only on Ledger.

Magnum Wallet

