The parable of the low-hanging fruit and the tree shakersI am a software developer, not a management consultant. However, recently I was reading a book called “The McKinsey Way”, a 1999 meta case…Apr 8, 2018Apr 8, 2018
Lessons in Software Development from airplane crash investigationsRecently for whatever reason, my latest YouTube binge has been Smithsonian Channel’s airplane crash investigation documentary series. Each…May 20, 20161May 20, 20161
Life Hack #174: Facebook PathPicker (fpp)Have you ever done this when you have a relatively large applicaton, or one that uses lots of symbolic links in a build?Apr 21, 2016Apr 21, 2016
Life Hack #211: Oh-My-Zsh Syntax HighlightingI’m always looking for some sort of command line workflow improvement — oh-my-zsh is great in its auto-completion plugins for many…Apr 20, 2016Apr 20, 2016
Life Hack #293: VimiumA colleague once remarked: “This guy! Lives in the browser.”Apr 19, 2016Apr 19, 2016
Towards a better developer onboarding experience“I have to do WHAT to start the application?!”Feb 10, 2016Feb 10, 2016
The Universal MindsetThe difference in work environment between front end and back end developers scales with the size of the organization. Medium to large…Feb 8, 2016Feb 8, 2016
Product owners in the agile development organizationPreviously, I’ve discussed the role of DevOps in agile organizations, and release management, but have not discussed very much the…Jan 25, 2016Jan 25, 2016