What is a “sandwich”?

“Is a hot dog a sandwich?” and more than you need to know about sandwiches.

Marshall Sinclair
7 min readApr 28, 2019


I mean let’s be honest. We take a lot of things for granted.

“We” as in you and me, us. Human beings sitting on laptops and scrolling through their phones in the 21st century. Far and gone are the days of picking up a bone spear and hunting prehistoric reindeer. Today if I get hungry all I have to do is drive to the supermarket, buy a hot pocket and throw it in the microwave, an experience that couldn’t have happened if not for the creation of cars, freezers, money, and microwaves. Human innovation has paved the way to the world we currently enjoy.

I mean, I like to consider myself a fairly educated individual, but sometimes I wonder: In 3200 BCE, could I have thought of the wheel on my own? What genius stone age farmer had the wits to look at a tree and imagine a chariot. What gastronomic forefather combined wild grains and water and thought to bake it into bread? What absolute mad man thought of the sandwich?

Yes, the sandwich. Mankind’s oldest comfort food. The perfect union of food and bread. And humanity’s ‘no-waste’ solution to the timeless question: How can I consume this meat without actually getting it on my hands? The idea of a sandwich isn’t exactly the most complex of inventions and sits pretty…



Marshall Sinclair

Paris-based. Video Journalist. Photographer. Videographer. Always trying to “figure out” what’s next.